posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:05 AM
I believe in the Timewave and I did a extreme research to get those dates.
Evasius said that November 14 2010 is in direct resonance with December 21 2012. So amazing things are coming for that date.
I suggest using Timewave model graph called Kelley, because Sheliak is imprecise, indicating the dip of November 14 2010 on October 10 2010.
All of these dates are not to be taken too much seriously unless they actually happen.
I'm sure I will miss some of these but at least 90% of these will come true.
I'm not psychic and those dates don't come from my dreams.
Wait for November 14 2010 like you wait for December 21 2012 because huge things are going to happen.
No one of these dates come from webbot. None from dreams. None of these dates are guess.
This is a text thread to check if Timewave can actually predict the future events.
I know, I know Timewave is a novelty/habit kind of graph and shall not indicate exact future events, but I've studied it for months and months. There
is a method.
I think most of these dates will come true.
If those dates won't come true, I will not stop to believe in the timewave but I will accept that Timewave can't predict future events exactly.
Timewave events may be unpredictable and I can accept that.
But leave me have a try.
I used past dates before March 2010 in another website to create a thread and 7 of those dates of the past ( 2009 ) came true.