posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by wartooth420
Hi wartooth, I have to agree with you on the fact that different types of Greys leave a different kind of feeling, some negative, some positive, some
somewhere in between. But that is with all intelligent alien lifeforms, even humans. You could think of different groups of Greys as different groups
of people (based on ethnic roots/skin color). That doesn't mean that all beings from one race are bad, nor good. Even in the majority of bad entities
can be one which stands for Light. It has to do quite alot with energy sensing/readings. That though is not based on the appearence of the outside,
more of on the inside, the source. Sometimes the body can reflect the personality of the source and makes it obvious to the naked eye. It varies. I do
have to agree with you, again, that the alien race of Greys does generally attract fear to ones mind. Of course there is the factor of humanity being
conditioned to believe that these visitors are negative, thanks to the power of entertainment, thus people subconciousely see the Greys as evil, when
in fact they are just a misunderstood race trying to save their self and to explore. The 'problem' with these beings is the fact people know deep
down that they are real and because they are real and much more advanced, people fear them too much - thinking they can sneak into your house, abduct
you, harm you and return you home embedded with monitoring chips. This is not always the case. I do not want to excuse their behaviour, surely their
actions could be more polite or less agressive, but just because they do what they do and because they look odd and frightening, doesn't mean they
are pure evil. If they were, we (or rather you), wouldn't be here (or at least not in the way you are now). There is more to it than meets the eye.
You definately should be cautious, but immediately shooting one in the head is not a wise decision, unless of course it starts attacking you.
Have luck and peace,