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Input Requested: Demonic Communication via Dreams

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:38 PM
Mods: I've been a member for some time but haven't posted. I'd really like to post the following to the supernatural forum.

I had a terrifying dream several nights ago. It involved verbal communication with several demons who didn't name themselves. When I woke, I obviously felt threatened--but it felt like something was in the room with me. I still haven't figured out if it was my own fear that led me to believe that another entity was in the room with me--but the emotion evoked by the dream has remained with me since.

There are other things, too--I woke from the dream a little before witching hour and "light" activities that may have caught attention.

My question is: if this is actually a demon, how would I know?

[edit on 11-3-2010 by juan_galto]

[edit on 11-3-2010 by juan_galto]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:21 AM
Sometimes when your asleep, part of your brain does not does not wake up when you do. In this case because you were having a bad dream. This is called night terror, and can be very frightening.

However if this is accompanied by the smell of sulfur, moving objects, abnormal sleep behavior and other poltergeist type activity.

Night terror.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:37 AM
In answer to your question, you soon find out if it is demon. It will let you know in its own time and it could get nasty.

Ive never heard of communication with Demons in a dream before. The most likely explanation for the feeling that something was in the room with you is residual fear from the experience in your dream. Kind of like when you watch a scary film and still feel creeped out for a few hours after.

I doubt that a demon has entered your room so dont be scared or anything but as i said. If one has then you'll soon know it for sure.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by juan_galto

What you call demons do not give names. In Fact the name convention is grossly in accurate as not aqll have names.

The smell of sulphur is also untrue/ or inconsistent.

Do get help off the internet if you wish but do proceed from the mundane to the supernatural unless there have been clear supernatural events.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by juan_galto

Dreams can seem very very very real. You are your mind and your mind is very powerful. It could be sleep paralysis, or a night terror as someone above me mentioned. The presence you felt in the room is probably due to you being afraid, its not hard to spook yourself into being too afraid to sleep especially when you've had a scary dream.

I doubt they are real but even so don't be intimidated or afraid, its your house and its your mind.

If anything weird starts to happen outside your dreams, like in broad daylight, objects moving and such, call as many friends as you can to your house and see if any can stay with you... strength in numbers...

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:19 AM
There really aren't anything like the Christian/Hollywood concept of "Demons". There are Goetic forces, which are, at times, in contrast to Theurgic forces, but they aren't really "Evil" in the common sense.

If you want to do a little research I'd suggest trying to recall what the "demons" looked like, any defining characteristics. Write them down and then look up the esoteric meaning of these symbols. This should give you a clue as to who they are, as should the subject matter of the conversation.

I have a personal theory, that perhaps these demons represented people, or organizations, in your life that are detrimental to you. Imagining them as demons could be a way to let you know that they are no good for you and that you need to watch out for them.

However, if you do begin to experience physical manifestation there is plenty you can do about it so don't worry.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux

Thanks, all, for the feedback.

Shadowflux, can you recommend a source for such research? I very much believe in dream metaphors--usually I can make sense of my dreams.


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