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R.U.S.E. open beta

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:36 PM
Was just wondering if anyone else is participating in the RUSE beta and what their thoughts are?

So far I've only played 4 or 5 games against the CPU, trying out the different nations. It plays just like someone has taken a hex-based turn-based strategy game and converted it into free flowing real time. The units move like pieces on a game board and the game's namesake, RUSEs, are played like collectible cards to change the flow of battle.

I think it is a great concept and will, with a few much needed improvements before release, be a huge seller.

Strategy wise, there are a few combinations I find a little overpowered, but I guess they will be ironed out. For instance, within 1 minute of the game starting you can have 5 squads of heavy infantry in the centre town. From there they can ambush anything from enemy infantry to tanks and supply convoys in all directions. And if you use the radio silence RUSE the enemy won't even know you've moved the troops into the area until their units start dying. I play this strategy to start each and every game and so far it has stopped the enemy being able to get a foothold in the map at all. By the time they manage to capture some resources around the centre of the map I have a column of heavy tanks heading down the left flank. Combine them with a decoy army RUSE down the right flank and the AI just panics and pretty much gives up.

I'm looking forward to people beginning to hit the multiplayer so I can test out how effective the RUSEs are against real people.

If any of you are into real time strategy or WW2 games in general, check this one out for free through Steam.

[edit on 10-3-2010 by fooffstarr]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by fooffstarr

Just an update after I finally found a human opponent to play against.

The game gains even higher respect from me after this experience, because it proved time and time again the power that deception and tactics will play with RUSE gameplay.

I was completely outclassed from the beginning, this guy obviously knowing what he was about and had column after column of panzers hitting my base within the first 5 minutes, as well as cutting off all my supply convoys so I had no chance of mounting much of a defense.

So to test things out, I placed a 'camouflage net' RUSE on a connecting sector (which stops the enemy from seeing any buildings there on the map) and placed an anti-tank depot in this sector. I pumped out a handful of Sherman Fireflies and used the 'radio silence' RUSE to also hide them on the map. Then I moved them in behind his panzers attacking my HQ and wiped him out completely. This move alone put me back in front points-wise on the scoreboard.

I ordered the Fireflies to head directly for his base while I reconnected my resource routes and built some extra sub-HQs to help with the arriving supply convoys.

My next step was to build an airfield next to my AT depot (both now hidden from view) and researched Lancaster bombers. By the time they were researched he had countered my AT units and was dropping paratroopers all over my side of the map.

So I built several AA guns and placed them camouflaged in cities around the area and pumped out 5 Lancaster bombers. For the bombers to be effective I needed at least one unit on the ground near his HQ to spot the buildings (he was also using camo net).

So I sent some paratroopers of my own, who dropped into the woods around his base and simply sat there ambushing supply convoys and keeping an eye on his buildings. The bombers took off, and in one flight destroyed every production structure he owned. He simply 'GG'ed and left.

So this to me proves that a simple tank rush like many RTS games won't necessarily win you the day. It is very much a rock-paper-scissors style gameplay, where countering what your enemy throws out you is far more important than simply spamming the one unit type. Not to mention a single ruse (like my use of the radio silence with the AT units) can change the flow of battle almost immediately.

Seriously, check this game out


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