Hello fellow ATS users! I Have been lurking for months and finally decided to sign up so i can post some stuff.
I have a wide variety of interests on theses boards and IRL. My passion is animal photography, especially the great apes. I have been curious about
how humans became humans and that lead me to investigate the great apes.
I live around the DC area and frequent the National Zoo in DC to visit and watch the orangutans and gorillas and travel up to the Maryland Zoo in
Baltimore to watch and photograph the chimpanzees.
It is truly amazing how similar us humans are to the great apes. I have seen some amazing things and i want to share two photos with you guys that i
photographed. The first photo is of an Orangutan cleaning a window. The amazing thing about this photo is how many different tools she used to do
this job.
As you can see, the female orangutan is holding in her hand a cloth to wipe clean the window. In her mouth is a sponge she created out of a strip of
cloth which was rolled with hay in the middle. She then put this sponge in her mouth to collect saliva. Once the sponge was totally soaked with
liquid, she put her mouth up to the window and "sprayed" the window with her "cleaning liquid". Using another torn cloth as a wiping cloth she
proceeded to move around the liquid to clean the glass. She wasn't done! She THEN used her hair arms as a squeegee to dry the liquid. Pretty
amazing huh! I documented every step of the way, so if you want more photos just ask and i will post them here.
The second photo i want to share is of a chimpanzee. This is Jambo from the Maryland Zoo. Jambo is the daughter of the alpha female, which means she
is like a princess. She is very smart, get's what she wants and has a lot of fun.
This photo shows how animated and human like chimpanzees can be. To me, i find this photo almost magical. Jambo loves the feel of sand and loves to
throw sand around and watch how it flies through the air. She enjoys dropping the sand on her feet for pleasure. You can see in her eyes how much
she loves this and how much she is concentrating on the sand.
The reason i am sharing these photos is to show you that these animals are not stupid, they are very intelligent.
The more i read and gain knowledge, i do not know what to believe, and that is why i am here. I don't know if we were "created" or if we
"evolved" but this is my biggest question, how did we get here?
Thanks for this awesome forum and i hope i can contribute to this great place!
Also one question, if i search a topic and i find something that is 2+ years old, am i aloud to bump it back up with a insightful thought? Thanks!