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Hidden messages in 311 trying to tell us something???

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Well P-Nut is just a realy really crazy human then...and the others were cool aliens that liked to hang out with him

But you bring up another good point...rock stars from Omaha...come on...they got to be aliens

I didnt think of that angle, good point.
I think Omaha has another rock star, but I wouldnt be calling Conor Oberst a "rock" star.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:07 PM
I do not know any of these artists.I listen to Kylie Mnogue/Madonna and Lady GaGa mainly.Although I would be interested to find any messages.

[edit on 10-3-2010 by KANDINSKI]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:09 PM
all i know is my buddy lives in their old house REP OMAHA and 3/11 is dope i saw them two years ago with snoop dog and kmk

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:24 AM

If you guys would actually go to's site and look at the FAQ area you will find that P-Nut studies numerology

6. How did the name "311" come about for the band? [email protected], Cory328, Limpy311, [email protected] (Ryan P. Walsh) 311 is an Omaha police code for indecent exposure. One rainy day, P-Nut and some friends went skinny dipping in a public pool. They were apprehended by police. One of P-Nut's friends (Jim Watson) was arrested, cuffed (naked) and taken home to his parents. He was issued a citation for a code 311 (indecent exposure). We thought this was funny, so we took it as our band name. After the humor of the name wore off - we still kept it because we liked that it was just abstract and that it did not define us in anyway. The name did not describe our sound or our politics, it just let the music speak for itself. Since most interviewers always ask us "What does 311 mean?", we have come up with lots of different answers over the years. Some include.... Nick - "five friends making music", Tim - "a number dictated to me by a higher intelligence", P-Nut - "knowing a little numerology and studying a little magic, which I do; in some factions, three is man and 11 is magic. So 311 is like male magic."

7. Even though you have made it clear that 311 does NOT stand for KKK, can you explain the 311/KKK rumor? [email protected] In 1997 there was a rumor going around that the name 311 stood for KKK because K is the 11th letter of the alphabet (3K). As a result, some high schools, including Westside High School, banned students from wearing 311 t-shirts. We issued the following statement: "It has come to our attention that there is a very unsettling rumor circulating regarding the name of our band '311.' We have been told that certain white supremacist groups use the numbers 311 to represent KKK. This is a most unfortunate coincidence and one that is extremely disturbing to us. We would like to state for the record that this is completely at odds with our personal beliefs. We believe the only people worth hating are organized haters like the KKK. Anyone familiar with our lyrics knows how we feel. Our lyrics make a strong stand against racism and a strong stand for positivity and unity. The name of our band originally comes from an Omaha police citation for indecent exposure. We thought it was funny at the time. Now our name simply means - five friends from Omaha making music. Music that stands for peace and unity." A quote from the song "Silver" that speaks out against racism - "Of the racist institutions, simple minds belong, not happy being human, no wish to get along - little people need exclusions, sucker groups to throng - it makes them feel special, it makes them feel strong. Now I got a click but it's more like a family, not an ethnic trip, more like an ethic see - I write the rhyme today, tell it to you later - whether were comin' in wack or what - it's a waste to be a hater."

31. My 311 question is regarding out of body experiences. I hear references to it in the lyrics and the music. I was wondering whether or not 311 are frequent out of body travelers. I myself have been a trainee for about four years now, with only a few successful projections. I am sure that you guys project, I would love to know what techniques you use to exit your bodies, and perhaps what songs or lyrical fragments have origins in the astral realms? [email protected] (Preston Parish) (Tim): I suspect melodies and lyrics could have origins in astral realms. (P-Nut): I don't think that any of us (though I am not 100% sure) are practicing for out-of-body-experiences, but I do know that SA had a very intense one back when he was growing up in Omaha. I would have to say that if I was going for that kind of experience, I would meditate and focus, knowing that I have had great feelings of freedom and lightness when doing yoga.
Cheers - SourD

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:26 AM
One more from

48. Tim: I know that you've had influences from several areas : Carlos Santana, Jerry Garcia, Bad Brains, etc... but was there any one person who you heard playing and you said to yourself "that's something I want to do"? If so, who was this person, and what was it about his playing that made you so interested? [email protected] (Jeanne) (Tim): A consistent trait amongst all of my fav’s seems to be the ability to translate or channel melodies that manifest in the soul, then travel thru the nervous system, muscles, fingertips, onto the strings, into the guitar, thru the pickups and electronics, into the amp, out the speakers, and into the air in the form of sound waves. The first persons to spark this fascination were Jerry Garcia and Carlos Santana. They seem so pure. Playing without any distortions of the physical body. A direct path from the soul. They made me want to be able to play in the moment; no past, no future. A place where the music just happens. But If you’re asking if there was a person who made me want to switch from trombone to guitar while in jr. high, the answer would be Paul Moerke. I used to see him play at the local punk shows, he rocked out. Also, Eric Pierce playing in a band at the Westbrook talent show, doing covers of Ozzy, up there with an ELECTRIC GUITAR and AMP. I think it was some old school Peavey distortion. It sounded so cool. I had to switch to guitar.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:47 AM
Happy 311 day. =D lol

I think SA is just really into these topics, so you find those types of things in their lyrics. Not really hidden messages, just a reflection of SA's interests. I used to say to myself that 311's music reminded me of how alien's music would sound. lol

I would also point out that the song "The Continuous Life" is about an OBE that SA experienced. He talks about it in this interview:

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:57 AM

Have a great 311 Day!

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:21 PM

Tim - "a number dictated to me by a higher intelligence"

See...I knew I was on to something


[edit on 11-3-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

So, I went to the 311 day concert in Vegas...the show was great, but it was soooooo long! I was exhausted by the end and was glad to have a seat.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:59 PM
If a person on ATS could write a post about alternate issues without it being considered a hidden message from aliens, then why can't a guy simply write a song about alternative issues without it being considered a hidden message from aliens?

I don't think these songs are some kind of "subconscious message from aliens filled with hidden truths". These are just songs, albeit songs written by a guy who may have some interest in alternative concepts (just like many other people on ATS), and those interests come out in his lyrics.

Songwriters are just people like you and me. We all have our interests that sometimes show up in our writing.

[edit on 3/14/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 08:53 PM

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 09:08 PM
Don't let me Down and Misdirected Hostility are two of my favorites. 311 is a great band, but I think they're just trying to get people to think when they hear the songs.

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