reply to post by marg6043
Oh, don't get me wrong, I rue the day the government forces anything. And I do mean anything.
Every problem we have today can be described as the failure of regulations to do exactly as what the government said they would.
They usually, about 90% of the time have the exact opposite affect, that the government said they would.
Our system is failing, in my view, basically because the common wage has not risen with inflation.
Why is it, that 30-40 years ago, all of these problems did not exist?
To me, it is simple, back then people were able to save. We were able to put aside capital for rainy days or catastrophes. Also, people were able to
make payments on debts with hospitals. Now, it is all about insurance.
Yes, I do feel insurance is part of the problem. It is just another layer of management, which causes problems.
Health care savings accounts, I think, is the solution. Private accounts, not in anyway connected with the government. We all know the penchant of the
government to use funds for anything they damn well want.
Actually, I thought one solution would be to allow people to put money into a savings/retirement account that was a tax free entitlement account.
Where a certain quantity of money could be invested being wholly tax free, on both withdrawal for health purposes or for retirement. Only interest
gained on the accounts assets could be taxed ever.
This would solve the problem of people not saving and the problem with liquidity in our banking system.
Of course this idea is completely Austrian in nature and would never fly in our Keynesian controlled government.
Debt is their bread and butter. That is why our money is based on debt.
Everytime we turn around, the government wants more and more control of private entities. Where has this led us? There is no end in sight.
They are like a virus, growing into every aspect of society. The host usually dies when the virus can no longer be contained.
The US has a fever, the sign that it is sick, and feeding the virus has never cured a patient that I know of.
[edit on 3/11/2010 by endisnighe]