posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:43 PM
Stupidity is growing and common sense is dying.
Idiots and ideologues rule the air waves...
people are entranced with phony reality TV and addicted to the chimera of fame...
Individuality is confused...I wanna be an individual so I will get the latest____fill in the blank...
We have become weak and soft while still thinking we are strong enough to wage war...
We are bought and sold either openly or on black markets (our personal info anyway)...
We are too cheap to pay for things made here so people will have jobs and too greedy to care...
We are spiritually numb preferring either the rigid conformity of funnymentalism or the loose conformity of new age mumbo jumbo...not having the
strength of mind to even seriously attempt the original teachings new age charlatans have plagiarized...
We are fat soft couch potatoes dying of associated diseases who idealize the machismo of the military...sports "heroes" and the like.
Language is degrading into a mishmash of chat and texting shorthand to the point that many people couldn't write a coherent sentence if you held a
shotgun to their heads...
We are shocked when our leaders lie and steal forgetting they are us...
Our ancestors would be so ashamed of us...after they stopped peeing themselves laughing.
We are too pathetic to be evil...
but we are easy marks for it.
(visit the link for the full news article)