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The Tip Of The Iceberg Videos ~ Must See

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 07:19 AM
what else can you expect from a primitive
chewinggum chewing and hamburger eating cowboy nation

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 07:23 AM
"IF" I were to try and perform the task of preparing the building covertly for demo, I would "do it" in stages.
"IF" I had access it would have to be all set up under the guise of doing an installation or a retro fit to some building system or systems.
"IF" I had 24/7 access I would hire legit people through a legit company to firstly pull new wire from the basement to the upper floors, whether it be cat 5 wire or bell wire or whatever I needed for my "system upgrade", I would have the wire pulled first, on the books, above board, all very legal.
(you dont see me yet do you)
"IF" I got that part of the job done I would then move on to the next phase of structural inspection and "repair/maintenance", I would now start to "load" my crews with some of the "right" people.
I would assign "clean" crews to sections of the building where inspection and "repair/maintenance" tasks where performed on neutral areas, un-needed areas, safe areas, and I would assign my "loaded" crews to key areas, critical areas, needed areas. I wouldnt need many, let's say 4 "loaded" men, with incentive, completing on average 2 floors per day, installing their special items in the key areas needed.
"IF" I had access to all the buildings involved,
"IF" I had the monetary resources behind me,
"IF" I had the correct "insider" access and "a name" behind me,
"IF" I had the correct people with the correct incentive waiting,
The Demo would be a done deal, with a "limited" amount of people in the know.
My work would be hidden, it would "assist" in the end result, I would "use" the forces created by the collapse to pulverize the material, I helped to make a falling, grinding machine. My work would be cleaned up quickly, and those with their agenda would continue on while I stayed silent and compensated.
Those who did the "clean" work never knew they aided.
Those who did the "dirty" work, were few and no one ever knew, and therefore if and when eliminated would never be missed.
"IF" I did this, with the knowledge of the end result, I am a liability to the agenda and those who gave me the task.
"IF" my task was compromised with the insertion of "a loaded team"
I would never know, unless I was told.
But I'd "have to know" to get the continuity and materials needed on site.

Hansel and Gretel hoped to follow the bread crumbs, just like some here hoped to follow the money,
follow the money.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by skeptic_al

I don't think it would be that difficult...I mean it is NYC, pretty busy, bustling I believe it demonstrates that those elevators were "shut down", so all one would have to do is seal off the entrances and exits to the elevators...

Would you at least agree these 2 videos demonstrate there are WAY too many coincidences for it all to be random?

You could look almost Aircraft crash, a series of Events that ultimately led to...Bang
If just one event didn't happen, the accident probably would not of happened.

The building themselves also had problems.
The Insulation on half the trusses was not done to spec, the contractors skimped on material.

The Trusses themselves found on lower floors years ago were flawed
with welding cracks. A Job of this size is so ripe for Contractors to
skimp on Quality.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

Even before this date:
I occasionally had to get access the Risers in other Buildings to put in
new Computer Cabling from one floor to another. These were less than 12 floors,
do you have any Idea how hard this is to get the Okie Dokie and how many had to
sign off the access. The managers for the Floor had to personally vouch for you.
Getting unlimited Access to a 110 floor building and un-escorted,
just can't see that happening. And with Tennants handling so much
money and the Biggest Gold Depository in the US in the Basement, they
just won't let anyone in there. I'd even wager they had Maintenace people checked
by Police before they were allowed in.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by skeptic_al

Am I reading this correctly?
You worked at WTC ?

[edit on 11-3-2010 by HappilyEverAfter]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

Even before this date:
I occasionally had to get access the Risers in other Buildings to put in
new Computer Cabling from one floor to another. These were less than 12 floors,
do you have any Idea how hard this is to get the Okie Dokie and how many had to
sign off the access.

I absolutely know how hard it can be "sometimes", to gain access to secure areas, as well as public areas, within buildings or on sprawling sites.
I also know that usually that clearance work is done prior to the start of the job, and that once the job starts you usually are NOT stopped every single time every single day.
We're not talking about a high secure building.
I've performed work inside, prisons, bio facilities, government buildings, systems assembly, chemical plants, refineries, police and fire commands, water distribution, steel makers, programming and code offices,
court houses, and the list goes on.
I've installed anything from a simple door buzzer to multi camera motion sensor monitor logging off site micro wave linked multiple building security.
(no bull turds buddy).
Anything is possible, the idea that something like this is too big to accomplish is just not true.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by HappilyEverAfter]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:45 AM
it all seems like a bad dream. Operation northwoods x10!

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:38 AM
All of this information is NOT as easily dismissed as the debunkers would like you to think it is. When you have this many unanswered questions the bigger picture starts to become clear. its all LIES.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by skeptic_al

GOLD depository in the basement???

Where did the gold go when the clean up was done?

Maybe it just evoporated in the 1000+ degree heat during the weeks after the buildings fell down from fires on the upper floors. Oh, wait, why would the fires from so far up generate that much heat for that long after the collapse?

I know I am not all that sharp on a lot of things, but it seems there are all these questions!

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by hdutton

Alot of questions arent there?
The most expensive things that day were the lives taken in exchange for the "show" they put on.
It was designed televised trauma, and the pay off was exactly what we have now and whats desired to continue coming.
FEAR, submission, control, but a chess game that ends with most of the chess pieces eliminated, for good.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by imeddieone4202003
All of this information is NOT as easily dismissed as the debunkers would like you to think it is. When you have this many unanswered questions the bigger picture starts to become clear. its all LIES.


You simply can't dismiss All of it....the connections between the Bush family and the Bin Laden's is enough for me.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter
reply to post by skeptic_al

Am I reading this correctly?
You worked at WTC ?

[edit on 11-3-2010 by HappilyEverAfter]

No, you are not reading that correctly

I have not worked at the WTC

I was stating how difficult it is to get access to certain parts
of a building. You can't just walk in and flash an ID badge.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by hdutton
reply to post by skeptic_al

GOLD depository in the basement???

Where did the gold go when the clean up was done?

Maybe it just evoporated in the 1000+ degree heat during the weeks after the buildings fell down from fires on the upper floors. Oh, wait, why would the fires from so far up generate that much heat for that long after the collapse?

I know I am not all that sharp on a lot of things, but it seems there are all these questions!

You must have fallen asleep watching the planes plow into the buildings so many times on the News.

The Gold was the first thing that was recovered from the rubble.
This was huge thing, because it looked like all they cared about was
the Gold.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by hdutton

Gold (and silver) bullion in the basement of WTC 4. It's easy to look up on Google.

Owned by the Bank of Nova Scotia. Was collected early on, as already mentioned above.

Controversy surrounding the value of it, as accusations of insurance fraud have been made...claim that some was missing, etc, etc.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by hdutton

Gold (and silver) bullion in the basement of WTC 4. It's easy to look up on Google.

Owned by the Bank of Nova Scotia. Was collected early on, as already mentioned above.

Controversy surrounding the value of it, as accusations of insurance fraud have been made...claim that some was missing, etc, etc.

Wasn't aware of the BNS, maybe that was the one for Tourists or
was Fort Knox for Tourists


But the Federal Reserve had ~5,000 tons of the stuff somewhere
down there. And of course, the other part of the Conspiracy is that
they moved all the Gold out a few days earlier. How you quietly move
5,000 tons of gold without anybody noticing at the Time, I don't think
even David Coperfield could pull that one off.
The Feds were also storing Gold for several other countries.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Here's another one these useless lesser known facts:

Most New Yorkers had no Idea there was Gold down there.
There were some New Yorkers knew there was some Gold down there
but no Idea how much.

There's Probably more People outside the USA knew there was Gold down there
than people living in the USA. Everybody thinks the Gold = Fort Knox

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by skeptic_al

Really??? The Fed?

Well, possibly, since there is a Fed Reserve Bank in NYC...(was, guess there still is, haven't thought to look it up) but I have hard time believing that GOLD bullion was there, in vast quantities....Fed Gold, I mean. Currency and coins, yes, for the Fed Reserve, of course....

LOL! I had to chew on that figure, "5000 tons" for a sec. A 'ton' is 2,000 pounds (in the USA) right? My calculator makes that out to be 10,000,000 pounds! That's ten MILLION, not one MILLION....TEN! Million. Pounds.

A Boeing 767-200, at max gross takeoff weight, is 395,000 pounds. (WHICH, I must rush to add, includes the weight of the FUEL!!!! A substance which 'burns' off, as time goes by.....)

Think about that, for just a moment.......I divided 395,000 into 10,000,000 and get TWENTY-FIVE (plus remainder)!!!!!!

To suggest that the amount of ANYTHING that weighed as much as 25 Boeing 767s, no matter now concentrated they may have been (formed into ingots) , is pretty mind-blowing. Transporting that amount is even more of a stretch.

But, I was going to suggest, as I began to write this edit, a movie titled "The Italian Job" to suggest why these sorts of Urban Legends grow and prosper. (AND, it's a fun, make-some-popcorn-and-watch kinda movie!)

Sorry, but I have a very analytical mindset.....

[edit on 11 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:04 PM
I'm beginning to think Judy woods is on to something.. you have to admit the pix on her site are strange.. as in how could that happen, and the tech for it is real.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by skeptic_al

prepare for insanity

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by skeptic_al

Really??? The Fed?

Well, possibly, since there is a Fed Reserve Bank in NYC...(was, guess there still is, haven't thought to look it up) but I have hard time believing that GOLD bullion was there, in vast quantities....Fed Gold, I mean. Currency and coins, yes, for the Fed Reserve, of course....

LOL! I had to chew on that figure, "5000 tons" for a sec. A 'ton' is 2,000 pounds (in the USA) right? My calculator makes that out to be 10,000,000 pounds! That's ten MILLION, not one MILLION....TEN! Million. Pounds.

A Boeing 767-200, at max gross takeoff weight, is 395,000 pounds. (WHICH, I must rush to add, includes the weight of the FUEL!!!! A substance which 'burns' off, as time goes by.....)

Think about that, for just a moment.......I divided 395,000 into 10,000,000 and get TWENTY-FIVE (plus remainder)!!!!!!

To suggest that the amount of ANYTHING that weighed as much as 25 Boeing 767s, no matter now concentrated they may have been (formed into ingots) , is pretty mind-blowing. Transporting that amount is even more of a stretch.

But, I was going to suggest, as I began to write this edit, a movie titled "The Italian Job" to suggest why these sorts of Urban Legends grow and prosper. (AND, it's a fun, make-some-popcorn-and-watch kinda movie!)

Sorry, but I have a very analytical mindset.....

[edit on 11 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

Ok, so your into math. I can handle that

Did you know 1 Cubic INCH of gold weighs .69 of a Pound, a CUBIC INCH!!

A cubic INCH of Aluminum weighs in at .09 of a Pound
So at this you might be thinking WOW, but weight theres more

A Cubic INCH of Titanium weighs in at .163 of a Pound

And just for Good Measure
A Cubic INCH of Steel weighs in at .28 of a Pound

So you can see, Gold is Pretty Freak'n Heavy

So your typical Movie Gold Bar weighs in at about 12.5 Keys or
27 Pounds in your money or 1/9 of an American.

I don't know why your comparing a plane to gold....

But Planes are build to be light, even though it still weights 200 tons
Most of the Parts on Plane are made of Titainium or Aluminum, and most of the space is Air.
That's why there are no Gold Planes, It wouldn't be able to take Off.

As for a boot full of Gold in a Mini, ain't gonna happen. It would be like
putting 2 Big Macs (americans) in the Boot.
You would not be able to steer it, and a Push Bike would out run it.
I'm assuming you are referring to the Original and not that piece of crap,
the BMW Infomercial.

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