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Your, your own worse enemy!

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:09 AM
People are always complaining about how rubbish their society is and demanding change...

The thing is... What are you doing to help out?

There is always something holding you back... Its time to start questioning what it is that is holding you back and move forward!

We wouldn't have a problem if a significant amount of people got up and demanded change at the same time.

Why are you letting other people decide your actions... What right do they have to have power over you... Start questioning your authority, then start asking yourself why is there need for authority?

Its time ATS...

My motivational song:

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:13 AM
I try to do as little as possible at work.
Thats what I do!

And what about you?!

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Sover3igN

I'm actually getting people together who feel the same about this society! I am also working with green peace and other charities across the globe and have a site dedicated to discussion and awareness of climate change and other topics to do with the economy and "Real Matters."

[edit on 10-3-2010 by Freq Of Nature]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Freq Of Nature

I was actually asking it to the next reader, but furrymuff

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Sover3igN

Oh right

Well now you know what I do


posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:00 AM
You're the worst speller

nice job on a troll thread.

the whole existance of this website is proof that we are trying to find out whats going on in the world.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by mahtoosacks

There is nothing wrong with my spelling

Its not a troll thread... I am merely pointing out how people act and expect things to be done for them when it requires everyone to participate to make change!

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:06 AM
.... troll thread is indeed troll thread.

you realize by working for green peace your working for the same guys that are trying to control us all right?

you weren't informed that every single large "charity" is run by someone up there?

anywhosers enjoy your bubble

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:17 AM
Troll thread or not He is speaking the true. I should kick myself for still being in this third world country and not helping out my fellow man back in the states. Im with you Freq, show us the error of our ways.

Edit: $&F

[edit on 10-3-2010 by Stop-loss!]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Freq Of Nature

you are your

but yes, you need to be telling people on msm. if people minds here were opened anymore than they already were....

.... there would be a clean up on aisle 9?

this whole site is on promoting knowledge of these things.

are you proposing a community effort sponsored by ats? might work.

or is this just asking more of what have we done personally?

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Freq Of Nature

Greenism requires we panic for a trend. Conservation requires that we do one thing consistently.

For any environmental protection to work, it must be unimpeachably honest, effective, and streamlined into the already-existing activities of human beings. The green industry however is dead-set against this because they thrive by making people feel exceptional.

Politics can kill us through memory. Once an issue is set forth in the press, we start reacting to that issue and we stop thinking about the situation it refers to. In the case of green politics, the politicization of the green idea quickly replaces the concept of protecting our environment.

When we talk about our environment, then, we should cast aside our expectations of left and right and the issues they've raised -- issues that are largely symbolic and don't address the problem itself. Instead, let's just look at the problem: our world has finite capacity and we need to share that with the natural flora, fauna and ecosystems they together create.

It's hard for us to do that in public however because whether socialist or communist, our societies operate by getting lots of people excited about an idea through self-interest. In the case of minority politics, that has conventionally happened by convincing people they are enlightened or should be self-righteous about a certain issue.

And it's hard to argue with that. It brings in the bucks. It gets the issue in the press because there are a lot of people out there who feel better about life if they are the ones to bring it up in conversation, media or at a vote. However, because they are motivated by self-aggrandizement, they ignore any parts of it that will not be popular to a group.

In turn, they also end up creating the curse of the modern time, which is "make-work" activity. These actions occur when you look out there and find a news item or chore to fit a need to be seen doing something, or having something new on your front page. It's the exact opposite of common sense, which is to find an activity that fits the goal.

As a result, we get "green" products that are ineffective but big moneymakers, and even people inventing hype so they can advance their own careers, culminating in blatant corruption as people with something to hide start highly visible public activity to make them seem like "the good guys" instead of the bad. Pretty soon we're all just cheering for our team at the expense of truth, and because our proposals are flawed by dishonesty, are distancing ourselves from any chance of being effective.

But in the short term, that doesn't matter, because most people are involved with these issues for a simple reason: to make themselves look good. Your friends think you're smarter, your consumers think you're safe to buy from, your constituents think you're looking out for them, and your advertisers feel good to be part of a hot new trend. However, the problem of getting things done remains elusive.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Freq Of Nature

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Until each one of us stops playing a victim to the system that represses us. Until each one of us starts behaving decently to each other. Until each one of us begins allows others to have their own opinion at the same time finding the truth of that opinion. Until we recognize that we all want to be free. Until we commit to standing up for truth everywhere including your job, your social circles, and your family life. Even at the risk of losing your physical possessions or status in this world for speaking the truth. Even at the risk of losing a friend. Even at the risk of being made look like an outcast, being chastised, or being ridiculed.

ATS is a starting point. Allow others to have their opinions. Be kind. But you cannot get someone to accept your idea unless they are ready to. Fortunately, there are a growing number not merely speaking the truth, but trying to solve the issues to prevent the decay of society. I do not wish death upon anyone, and our system is heading for death. Time to stand up in Peace people and envision a new way forward.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:18 PM
Are you happy the way you are living?

Break free of your routine consciousness...

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