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Mainstream Science & Reincarnation

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 02:45 AM
I never would've believed in such a thing even six months ago. However, there are some mind-blowing cases out there that seem to indicate we all indeed reincarnate and some of us have even had past lives on other planets. This has to be one of the most extraordinary discoveries in my quest for truth and although reincarnation isn't (yet?) a scientific fact that does not mean it is not absolutely real. In fact, I'm not too sure how far science can go to explain everything. For example:

* Their theory of Macroevolution is wrong. Doesn't occur, never has and never will. It's more or less an arrogant takeover of the religious throne that has dominated for thousands of years. Understandable, yet they are hijacking the throne based on a theory that is fundamentally fraudulent. Darwinian principles are savage. If these principles are drummed into us as fact then the takeover isn't doing much justice to humanity. One fraudulent take on our existence to another.

* Science is generally in favour that our consciousness is merely electrical activity in the brain, indicating the mind and brain are one entity. However, near death experiences suggest otherwise and completely rip that view to shreds. If one needs convincing the NDE phenomenon is real then look into cases where blind people have been able to see for the first time; look at accounts where individuals have flown into a nearby room and are able to recount specific items of clothing and conversations with explicit detail. Not to mention the countless similarities between the cases. NDE's are real.

* Mainstream science hypothesizes that all of this stemmed from a singularity point that exploded with the big bang and continued to expand. Then hey presto! over billions of years life just miraculously occurred through a series of random mutations. How scientific, everything just boils down to matter that has a mind of its own. Because they are not sure what happened before their singularity point they leave that space open for creationists before conjuring up some other explanation that probably involves nothing greater than mere matter.

All I am doing here is laying the groundwork for my understanding of reality so the idea of reincarnation can be explored with greater ease. I have probably lost a great majority of readers already as all three topics above are suitable for individual debate and divide opinion greatly. All I am doing is stating my current paradigm of reality to help understand why I believe reincarnation is possible.

In a nutshell, I believe life comes from the ether; ET's also play a role in manipulating our DNA (possibly fusing our DNA with homo erectus to create homo sapiens as seen in the ancient Sumerian tablets and scriptures). I believe the mind and the brain are two separate entities. We are consciousness manifesting itself in a physical body and we ALL have eternal souls/spirits that exist in the timeless ether. I think science is too fixated on linear time; I believe the Universe is eternal and infinite (I know that causes a lot of problems for some scientists and mathematicians).

If mainstream science wasn't so arrogant maybe they'd be willing to consider other possibilities that seem to shed some profound insights on life and our understanding of reality. So let's look at one controversy that mainstream science smirks at: reincarnation.


[edit on 10-3-2010 by IrnBruFiend]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 02:46 AM

[font=Verdana][size=2.5]Jeffery Keene - General John B. Gordon Reincarnated?[/font]

I just watched this documentary, and in this clip Jeffrey Keene is walking through a field and had to stop for a moment. He was halted in his tracks by this overwhelming sense of emotion that he could not explain. He had a terrible sense that he had been there before. He stood there for what seemed like an eternity and then later went on to discover there had been a battle there. He looked into this further and discovered there had been a General B. Gordon that died there at the age of 30. When Jeffrey Keene was 30 he was submitted to hospital after suffering mysterious pains in his face. He was later released undiagnosed. Keene went on to discover General B. Gordon had died there at the age of 30 and was shot in the face. There's more to the story, but just look at the uncanny resemblance. I know reincarnation doesn't necessarily mean we reincarnate in the same physical body, however in many cases that seems to be the case. I think the eyes in this one are especially distinct with the subtle frown.

[font=Verdana][size=2.5]Dr. Walter Semkiw - President John Adams Reincarnated?[/font]

In 1984 Walter Semkiw was studying medicine when a friend suggested that he have a past life regression. Despite being skeptical of the entire thing he went along with it and recounted a past life of his. Walter learned he was an important figure during the American Revolution and was even given the name John Adams. Semkiw brushed this off and only decided to investigate this properly in 1996. He then discovered the name John Adams was actually referring the second President of the United States. He was astonished to see himself in John Adam's portraits. Look at the facial features closely. The lower parts of the face are quite distinct in identifying the similarities between the two.

[font=Verdana][size=2.5]Peter Teekamp - Paul Gaugin Reincarnated?[/font]

Peter Teekamp has been painting his entire life. Throughout his life he would have people comment that he looked strikingly similar to the famous painter Paul Gaugin. He only began to take these comments seriously when somebody made a joke that he was the reincarnation of Paul Gaugin. Once again, like in the other examples, when looking into this Teekamp found striking similarities between his life and the life of Paul Gaugin.

Both artists use identical signatures in their artwork by drawing a mini portrait of themselves hidden within the paintings. Paul Gaugin lived in St. Cloud France and began to paint seriously; Teekamp moved to St. Cloud USA and began to paint seriously. Both artists spent their early life away from home in boarding schools. Both adopt similar styles in their artwork. There are countless more similarities that can be found in the following links; not to forget that they look strikingly similar in appearance!

[font=Verdana][size=2.5]What Does This Mean?[/font]

I think this bolsters the idea of life after death and I believe we are ALL eternal souls that reincarnate to learn/experience in denser forms of reality. Our actions today will decide where and how we experience our future lives. I believe we have free will however there are predetermined aspects arranged before birth that are seen in reincarnation studies. I don't believe the Universe understands good or bad; all behaviour is merely consciousness experiencing. That does not mean I condone certain types of behaviour by any means.

In my search for truth, I have not come across any hell and I believe we all transit to the same realm after death. The most important knowledge for us is to experience and to treat people with unconditional love and understanding. We will all face a life review where we will be able to see how our actions affected other people. We will be able to feel their emotions and it is all the little things that count - a simple thank you, smile, compliment etc. I don't think you necessarily have to live your life like Ghandi to graduate or to perform well in this existence.

This knowledge shouldn't be anything to fear. This should be an exciting prospect to anybody who has this understanding. Live now as best as you can and if it all goes well maybe we can hand in our 'resume' to another planet. From what I've learned earth is one of the most hostile planets in the Universe, so if we do well here who knows where we'll find ourselves in a future life. The biggest secret is there is really nothing to fear and that is what the Government does not want you to know. You are an immortal being created with unconditional love.

You just can't remember.

[edit on 10-3-2010 by IrnBruFiend]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:51 AM
I have been interested in all of these things since I was 6 or 7 years old. I have read the book that Jeffrey Keene wrote, and enjoyed it very much. We have even sent e-mails back and forth talking about these things. I found him to be a very down to Earth guy, just a normal person. One thing you stated that was wrong, Gordon did not die in that battle, he lived through the Civil War, and went on to be governor of the state of Georgia.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by IrnBruFiend

Hey there IBF,

Well, you certainly haven't lost me
I've been a Pastlife Regression Therapist (PLRT), for over 16yrs.

I had my first personal experience of 'spontaneous' pastlife recall in 1992, prior to that I'd never given the subject much thought one way or the other to be honest.

After my experience I wanted to find-out what could have caused the incident to occur (other that the obvious)
so I embarked on some studies in Applied psychology ... Hypnotherapy ... Natural Earth Sciences etc.

At the same time I did a lot of research into my memories and found more than a little evidence to substanciate their reality.

So, studying aside ... sometimes you just have to have the firsthand experience to become a believer.

>>> Note

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:21 AM
Here are a couple of links that might interest you;

#1 Spontaneous Pastlife Memory (my old ATS thread)

#2 The Cornish Burning Information Site (samples of my first pastlife memories from my Ebook)


[edit on 10-3-2010 by woodwytch]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by IrnBruFiend

Macroevolution is proven. Speciation has been observed in laboratories, and in the natural world.

NDEs are, by definition, highly subjective, and no actual evidence has been gathered that shows them to be anything other than vivid failings of a brain on the verge of death.

The "big bang" wasn't an explosion, but a rapid expansion of spacetime. The mutations in our genes are random, but the selection of the best ('fittest') is not. I'd suggest reading the theory of evolution before wailing in protest, as it would only serve to help your cause. The logic behind evolution is wonderfully simple, and incredibly graceful.

Your understanding of reality seems fatally flawed.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:34 AM
I have been interested in Past Lives and Reincarnation throughout my life. I have tried to 'invoke' past life memories using those MP3 Hypnosis downloads, or meditation but I honestly have little idea on how to do it. I was hoping the MP3 guided hypnosis would work but I usually just end up with nothing, or a flurry of 'thoughts' that I really doubt are memories, more or less the chatter of a restless mind.

What spawned my interest was years ago I had an intense, extremely vivid dream that I honestly do believe was a memory from a past life. I have vivid dreams every night, and there are many significant dreams, but that was the only dream I have ever had that made me feel as though it was a life I had truly lived. But I honestly still can not be completely sure, as it could have been nothing more than a convincing dream.

I would like to know more, and delve deeper. I have had a few "spiritually enlightened" individuals (Reiki Masters, Psychics, a Prophet, etc) tell me I am an extremely old/ancient soul/spirit and that my higher-self is extremely powerful/advanced/enlightened/ascended/etc. I have been told that I have returned to the physical universe numerous times in the past, after escaping the cycle, in order to assist, in what way I am unsure. I honestly don't know how much stock I can put into those things, but it does cause me to be further interested in such.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by DJM8507

It could have just been a dream. In fact, in all likelihood, it was. Dreams are powerful. It's very possible to get such a feeling.

There has been no independent study into past lives/reincarnation/psychics/prophets you mentioned that have differentiated them from nonsense. Save your money.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by FiatLux

Hey thanks for replying.

Woops! I didn't realize I made a slight mistake there I'll rectify that ASAP. That's pretty interesting you've actually spoken to Jeffrey Keene. I just remember finding his story on youtube by accident and was intrigued to say the least. That must've been such a life changing experience for him!

The physical similarities between Jeffrey and General Gordon go beyond coincidence; not to forget all the sequence of events that led to the discovery. I wonder if this particular event (awakening if you will) was a predetermined aspect before birth? Do you know if he has any thoughts on why this happened?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

What a wonderful reply, thank you.

I read your thread and had a look at your website promoting the book. Very interesting story there! Your story seems to draw a lot of parallels with the case of General B. Gordon; in the sense that you began to experience unprecedented events that eventually led to the discovery of a past-life.

Do you know what initiated these memories to come through? I've always believed there are predetermined aspects before - or perhaps it can be viewed as a glitch in the matrix? I personally think these awakenings must have significant meaning to them and were likely arranged somehow before birth. Do you have any thoughts on this?

I was looking at your thread and you commented on how 'deja vu' is not always an indicator of a past-life memory. Do you think maybe it's a glimpse of a parallel-life instead? I've always wondered.


posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by IrnBruFiend
reply to post by FiatLux

Hey thanks for replying.

Woops! I didn't realize I made a slight mistake there I'll rectify that ASAP. That's pretty interesting you've actually spoken to Jeffrey Keene. I just remember finding his story on youtube by accident and was intrigued to say the least. That must've been such a life changing experience for him!

The physical similarities between Jeffrey and General Gordon go beyond coincidence; not to forget all the sequence of events that led to the discovery. I wonder if this particular event (awakening if you will) was a predetermined aspect before birth? Do you know if he has any thoughts on why this happened?

Your welcome. As to if it is predetermined, I feel it is. I believe it allows us to understand why we came back into this life we are in right at this moment. Kind of a set wakeup call, so you can remember the lessons you need to work on at this time. As for Jeffrey, he kind of laughs about it. The reason being, in that life, he was a Confederate General, but now is a yankee living in the North, kind of a twist of fate he says. He believes there are many reasons why. One being, it is to show others that yes, you do live on even after death, and that you also bring aspects of those lives into the present life. One thing that really gets him, is the story of Gordons brigade being in Pennsylvania just before Gettysburg, and the bridge that was set on fire just at the edge of a little town there. He had his men put the fire out before it caught the town on fire, thus saving the town. Now, in this life, he is a retired fire fighter. Gordon was the only Confederate general who did such a thing during the Civil War. As Jeffrey put it, nothing like taking something such as putting a fire out in one life, then making it your primary job in another life.

Also, it shows as that life did for him, you may be looked at as being bad in one life, but, it is only a choice that you make. Not that Gordon was bad at all, he only did what his heart lead him to do. Gordon was in fact a nice person.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by FiatLux]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by IrnBruFiend

There is no evidence at all that Déjà vu is anything other than a stimulus of a part of the brain very similar to memory recollection.

All this talk of past-lives is preposterous nonsense.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by davesidious

Sure, one can feel that way if science had the right answer for every question that was ever asked. But sometimes, even science can be wrong. And yes, science has been wrong about things before.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:15 PM
just an idea

maybe, just maybe, there are some connection between both beings, that doesnt mean they are the same, but in some level they are connected

you cant say for sure its reincarnation because we dont know what the heck it means

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:20 PM
just an idea

maybe, just maybe, there are some connection between both beings, that doesnt mean they are the same, but in some level they are connected

you cant say for sure its reincarnation because we dont know what the heck it means

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
just an idea

maybe, just maybe, there are some connection between both beings, that doesnt mean they are the same, but in some level they are connected

you cant say for sure its reincarnation because we dont know what the heck it means

Well, that`s the problem with using the term reincarnation. It`s the word to use, when time is involved. The connection you talk about, and that level, is what many feel to be the higher self or spirit. Some feel that time does not exist, and all of the past, present and future happens at the same moment. Well, if that IS the case, how can they say reincarnate then, when it all happens at the same monent. There would be no reincarnation then, as all of those people would exist at that same moment. Understand?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
just an idea

maybe, just maybe, there are some connection between both beings, that doesnt mean they are the same, but in some level they are connected

you cant say for sure its reincarnation because we dont know what the heck it means

That's an intelligent point you make there as there is also the train of thought by some, who consider these glimpses and insights come from 'ancestral memory' as opposed to 'soul memory'.

I think there is the possibility for both aspects to be true.


posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by IrnBruFiend
reply to post by woodwytch

What a wonderful reply, thank you.

I read your thread and had a look at your website promoting the book. Very interesting story there! Your story seems to draw a lot of parallels with the case of General B. Gordon; in the sense that you began to experience unprecedented events that eventually led to the discovery of a past-life.

Do you know what initiated these memories to come through? I've always believed there are predetermined aspects before - or perhaps it can be viewed as a glitch in the matrix? I personally think these awakenings must have significant meaning to them and were likely arranged somehow before birth. Do you have any thoughts on this?

I was looking at your thread and you commented on how 'deja vu' is not always an indicator of a past-life memory. Do you think maybe it's a glimpse of a parallel-life instead? I've always wondered.


Hey again IBF,

You asked me ... 'Do I know what initiated my memories to come through' ?

Yes, I do.

A couple of years prior to the onset of my memories I lost a child. As you might imagine this turned my life on it's arse ... but it also made me look at things through new eyes ... with a clearer perspective you might say.

But you will also understand why I questioned my sanity when the flashbacks first began ... although I felt perfectly sane I did consider the very real possibility that I'd had some kind of breakdown due to the trauma I'd experienced.

After all, I doubt there are many insane people who actually realize they are insane from the getgo.
so I certainly would not have been surprised had this turned out to be the case.

But when I began my research and I was able to confirm that places I'd recalled actually existed ... and people I'd mentioned by named had actually existed then I knew there was more to it. It was a totally fascinating time.

But more than that I realized my current lifetime had been running a parallel path to the recalled lifetime ... which was not good. And I truly believe that by recalling the outcome of the previous life I was able to change the course of my present life and prevent myself making the same mistakes.

That's what I meant by my pastlife memories changing my present life forever ... and for the better.

>>>'You also asked about deja vu'

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:34 PM
I used to believe in a LOT of things: reincarnation....past life memories....deja vu.......then I started to get seizures exactly a year ago today.....grand mals every month until January, (I have not had one since January 5th), anyhow.....after every seizure, my brain would "fart" and I would remember things from say....when I was age 10, (I am 43 now), with such clarity it was almost as if I were there...or maybe as if it just happened yesterday......things I had forgotten LONG ago......every day things....not important events...just perfect memories of say.....walking down a street window shopping when I was age 16.....( a lot of OTHER strange things happened too...but I don't have that kind of time!!)
These kinds of things would happen to me on and off for a week or two after the seizure....and then back to the "I can barely remember what I did last week, much less last YEAR" kind of memory I have currently......

So....I started to believe, after these weird brain things I would experience after these seizures....that it is ALL after before....nothing...just what it is RIGHT it, say it, experience it all NOW, sugar, because it just IS what it is HERE....

no offense, ya'll....just what I have come to believe based on MY "AH-HAAAA" moment.....

[edit on 3/11/2010 by Cornczech]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Cornczech
I used to believe in a LOT of things: reincarnation....past life memories....deja vu.......then I started to get seizures exactly a year ago today.....grand mals evry month until January, (I have not had one since January 5th), anyhow.....after every seizure, my brain would "fart" and I would remember things from when I was age 10, (I am 43 now), with such clarity it was almost as if I were there...or it just happened yesterday......things I had forgotten LONG ago......every day things....not important events...just perfect memories of say.....walking down a street window shopping when I was age 16.....
These kinds of things would happen to me on and off for a week or two after the seizure....and then back to the "I can barely remember what I did last week, much less last YEAR" kind of memory......

So....I started to believe, after these weird brain things I would experience after these seizures....that it is ALL after before....nothing...just what it is RIGHT NOW...........

no offense, ya'll....just what I have seen.....

Interesting point ... can I ask ... the 'perfect memories' that you say you had from when you were 10yrs old ... were they 'real' memories ... had the things you recalled actually happened ... or was it some kind of fictional residue left over from the seizures ?


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