posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:06 PM
To Deny Ignorance is Ignorant.
On a daily basis the Above Top Secret mantra of “deny ignorance” is used in countless threads as to suggest a superior knowledge, greater
understanding, superiority or even as a thinly veiled insult to invoke a self gratification which coincides with a proven point. Invariably by people
that the ethos of unity a mutual respect of a fellow seeker is entirely lost on.
It seems it has come to a time that the mutual respect I once much admired has near entirely come to be nothing but a distant memory, a long past and
distant memory of what was arguably the golden age. Denying ignorance has come to be redefined, no longer portraying the message that one must seek
out proven facts and share ones knowledge and views.
Now we are at a time of such popularity, seemingly only a few appreciate the fact that 50% of views must be incorrect in order to generate
conversation, to create forum. Being incorrect (contrary to our/your belief) should be accepted, and then politely corrected with factual evidence
and/or discussed. We now frequent an environment where if you are wrong, you are sounded out and made to be ashamed of having misunderstood.
To deny ignorance is impossible when used by two sets of believers, clearly at all times when a contrasting theory is stated one theory is incorrect.
People are often assured of there own beliefs, show great conviction when labelling another fellow truth seeker a sheep, dis-info agent or any other
or the more increasing trends.
I believe the mantra of 'Deny Ignorance' is increasing this problem, encouraging people to deny strongly anything which is contrary to their own
theories. Denying in a passionate way so abruptly, and so strongly adhered to the mantra of denying ignorance that at every conceivable opportunity
they must fight for the cause of denying ignorance. Encouraged by the belief, and almost indoctrination that if it be contrary to ones belief
ignorance must indeed be denied adamantly.
Indeed ignorance should be fought, but to deny ignorance without basis as is so often the case is certainly not the desired effect of the mantra. This
is an issue across the interweb I realise, however ignorance at times is particularly strong here on Above Top Secret.
I am ignorant, ignorant of so many facts and teachings which I have not been fortunate enough to be permitted, crossed, or intelligent enough to
comprehend. I am attempting to deny ignorance, in a way in which I feel true to the intended meaning. Denial of ignorance by means shared knowledge,
teachings, ideas and seeking new truths. Many however are not so inclined, in part I feel due to the mantra.
This proposition of mine is given in the humblest way possible, I would like to see a new mantra. A mantra more definitive and clear for people of all
continents and intelligence to easily understand. I could not hope to alone to conclude what this should be. So I post here saying, to deny ignorance
is to be ignorant. So should we not instead adopt the mantra that suggests 'Disprove Ignorance' or something which will be suggested more
'Deny ignorance' for me, is quite possibly increasing ignorance.
[edit on 9-3-2010 by Sed Non Credo]