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The Washington Post on ‘lunatic’ 9/11 ‘Conspiracy Theorists’

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:22 PM
The Washington Post on ‘lunatic’ 9/11 ‘Conspiracy Theorists’

March 9, 2010
by Jeremy R. Hammond

An editorial in the Washington Post yesterday slammed Japanese member of parliament Yukihisa Fujita because he “seems to think that America’s rendering of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, is a gigantic hoax.” His “ideas” about the terrorist attacks “are too bizarre, half-baked and intellectually bogus to merit serious discussion.”

Fujita, the editorial added, is a member of “the lunatic fringe” who “have spawned a thriving subculture of conspiracy theorists at home and abroad”, and “his views, rooted as they are in profound distrust of the United States, seem to reflect a strain of anti-American thought”. The piece closes by suggesting that the “fact-averse” Fujita should be removed from office.

Yet while serving out a hit piece against the global “9/11 Truth” movement, it is in fact the editors of the Washington Post who are demonstrably “fact-averse”.

Please take the time and read this entire article it is quite disturbing.

It appears The Washington Post is defiantly a gate keeper in shielding the truth to 911.

This is one Newspaper that I would recommend to boycott; these reporters are not interested in reporting the News or the Truth.

Here is an example:

The Washington Post itself ran a follow-up article on September 25 entitled “Some Light Shed On Saudi Suspects”, reporting that “U.S. investigators believe they have positively identified 15 of the 19 hijackers”, but that the identities of the other four were still in question.

On September 27, even while releasing the official list of hijackers along with their photos, the FBI confirmed that uncertainty remained over some of the identities. Mueller acknowledged that the FBI was still “determining whether when these individuals came to the United States these were their real names, or they changed their names for use with
false identification in the United States; that false identification being used up to and on the day of September 11th, and that false identification used to purchase the tickets, and thereby being the name on the manifests of the planes that went down.”

Yet, despite these facts, neither the Washington Post nor any other mainstream media outlet has ever offered any follow-up reports explaining whether and how this uncertainty was finally resolved. The FBI has never clarified this matter to the public. The 9/11 Commission didn’t so much as even address the question, even to attempt to clear up the matter.

Why didn’t any of the News media do a follow up report to clarified the real identities of these hijackers?
Why didn’t the Post do a follow up on Robert Mueller? Is this real journalism? No, they are helping the government in their cover up of 911.

The Washington Post had an obligation in doing their job, just like all the rest of the Newspapers. Somehow our government infiltrated our media and Newspapers and must have told them that if they wanted to stay in business you will write what we tell you to write.

I hate to tell you folks, but it certainly appears we have lost freedom of the Press in the United States.
Folk’s this is not the America I grew up in, what happened?
If our government has this kind of control over our information, I have to wonder what is next.

What is you take on this?

[edit on 9-3-2010 by impressme]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:06 PM
We stopped having freedom of the press when the major newspapers sold out to anyone with the money.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by impressme

The Washington Post is Washingtons largest and oldest newspaper. It is often the primary news source for the “elite”. The WP has a tradition as gatekeeper. Much disinformation has been planted in this newspaper over the years. It has always protected the people in power and suppressed knowledge about government or CIA misdoings. Julian C. Holmes wrote an excellent letter to the Washington Post (for the years up to 1992). This letter shows, that a MSM supported cover-up is not a new phenomenon in the post 9/11 world.

The greatest single threat to herd-journalism, corporate profits, and government stability -- the dreaded "CONSPIRACY THEORY"!!

It is not known whether anyone has actually been hassled or accosted by any of these frightful spectres, but their presence is announced to Post readers with a salvo of warnings to avoid the tricky, sticky webs spun by the wacko "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS".

Recall how the Post saved us from the truth about Iran-Contra.

Professional conspiracy exorcist Mark Hosenball was hired to ridicule the idea that Oliver North and his CIA-associated gangsters had conspired to do wrong (*1).

And when, in their syndicated column, Jack Anderson and Dale Van Atta discussed some of the conspirators, the Post sprang to protect its readers, and the conspirators, by censoring the Anderson column before printing it (*2).

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by impressme

Loose Changer director Jason Bermas is interviewed on his forthcoming "Invisible Empire" film:

Jason Bermas announces his new New World Order film

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