Good evening ATS
I thought i'd give out this message to people, due to all the fear and suffering at the moment, people seem to be getting kinda down.
Well, it's a simple message really. Don't be a slave to yourself. You are your emotions. You control them, they are a slave to you. Actually, i want
to put the slave bit aside; you work equally with them.
I used to think that there were good emotions/feelings and bad ones. This is BS. Its like the force really; there isn't a good side or a dark side,
just two different perceptions.
I started drawing up chains of emotions, like how the littlest thing can lead to something drastic. This is probably the simplest one:
Annoyance > Frustration > Anger > Violence > Hate
I classified anger as a negative emotion and hate. Whenever i felt angry i used to block it out, i used to tell myself that i should not feel anger.
Well, i'm human, its natural. Instead of hiding from myself and blocking it out, i need to learn to work with it. I don't let my anger build up and
let the rest of the chain continue, i just simply acknowledge it, and "store" it for a time when it is needed. I'll get onto that in a minute.
The two factors leading up to anger are generally external and are caused by other people/things that aren't working correctly and are generally hard
to stop. Again, just acknowledge them.
Violence can save your life, so i'll get onto that in a mo, but ill only briefly cover it as it is a long story.
And now onto hate. Well, if we do have to create sides, hate and love will be opposite sides of the system. But in reality, what do they both do? Love
creates a connection between you and a person, and really, so does hate. keep your friends close, but your enemies closer? You are connected to your
friends through love, and you are also connected to your enemies. Although you may not "hate" them, you are connected to them through a negative
bond, which could lead to hate. Although i would strongly urge that you do not allow yourself to hate anything, as it is almost impossible to be
controlled; so again, just acknowledge it.
Now, onto how to use the stored "negative" emotions for the greater good. Alot of people can store anger and negativity their whole life, and
generally they can be quite depressed. This is not controlling them. You do not want them to get ontop of you, you just want to work with them.
Imagine i'm in a life or death situation; fight or flight. Now, cancel out the flight mode, because you're surrounded by 20 men with knives. Did i
mention these men were all 6ft+?
Your only choice is to fight, and this is where your anger comes in. Now, i'm not preaching to run around and "unleash your anger" on everyone, but
when life or death situations happen, and you've only got one options, peace is not it. Now all you out there who are gonna pull some ridiculous line
like "Well, peace is the way of Ghandi" or something, then i suggest you do research. Ghandi said that if you know violence, and situations arise
when violence is the only option, it is acceptable. I can't remember the exact quote, but its along those lines.
Okay, so i over exaggerated a little bit on the men with knives, but the point is, that anger can be turned into aggression and could save your life.
Now onto the flow of emotions:
Imagine you are in the doctors, and (s)he has to jab a big ass needle in your arm, or perform some sort of move that would hurt on you. Sometimes you
may be given something to bite down on, squeeze, pull etc. What will then happen is that the doctor will perform the move on you, and you will
obviously feel pain. You squeeze the stress ball given to you, and you are subconsciously performing an energy flow/change.
This is how it could look:
Pain > Anger > release
The pain could make you angry and you then convert that anger into aggression which is released by squeezing etc.
Suffering around the world seems to be piling up at the moment, with all the recent earthquakes etc and people get depressed.
Many times in my life have i seen people cry for days on end, take months/years off work to deal with a family member dying or something and it kind
of annoys me. (remember, i just acknowledge that annoyance
This could sound awfully cold, but i'm gonna go ahead anyway.
Get over it.
Sure, people are dying, but people die everyday. Maybe your mother has died, but crying around for years wont help. If anything it's a very selfish
thing to do. Its true that people are empathetic, and i don't know about you, but when i see a sad person, i get a little sad myself. Do you want to
pass on your great depression onto everyone else?
Crying around and being upset doesn't help you in any way. Sure, you can cry for abit, i'm not telling you to hide from it, but just dont let it
control you.
And besides, i'm going to make a sweeping generalisation here, but most people are Christians, and aslong as the person you know that just died was a
good person, shouldn't you be happy for them? I mean, they're off to heaven!
So really, all i'm trying to say in this long drawn out thread is that your emotions are not factors that control you, they shouldn't prevent you
from doing things, they should be yours to use, and to work with. Everyone has a good use, its just knowing when each emotion is needed.