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We Must Rewrite The Government

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by ISHAMAGI

We need to seek a greater form of reality through clarity. We want to see the world as a single interconnected object and order. This enables us to escape the false reality of social illusion, which is the accelerated politeness that obscures threatening aspects of life and therefore transfers us into a reality entirely made of social tokens. We view our past errors as growing pains and bear ill-will toward none.

We are resolved to fix the problematic design of modern society because we recognize that without this fix, our society will slide inevitably into a pre-development state through greed, and at the same time, our environment will become wrecked to the point where future development is impossible. We recognize that modern society is on a path to doom unless we radically alter it.

Further, we recognize that radical evil is all around us and that the only solution is to both recognize this evil and turn away from it by implementing a successive solution, or replacement system of living. Civilization can become its own disease, in the form of radical evil empowered by a reality entirely made of social tokens, and we must replace that intraverted view with an ascendant one.

Without intervention, the West will, like all previous societies that have failed, distract itself with moral concerns and many small wars as its population gets dumber, more docile, and more complacently ruled by a few greedy cosmopolitans who are alienated from the original culture of the West. At that point it will die. That most are unaware of this suggests the process is well underway.

Our enemy is a lack of consensus about first our values, and second our methods. When we find consensus about our values, the question of methods becomes much easier, although those who oppose any change will try to take the debate to a question of values in order to obfuscate it and prevent viable ideas from being discussed. When consensus occurs, change will follow.

Those who oppose us do so out of selfish fear. Some fear they are inadequate; others fear for the loss of massive profits made from the ignorance of others. As both groups are oblivious to the destructive future we face without change, it is safe to say that they are either sociopathic or so badly misinformed that their opinions are not important.

Should we not take an alternate path, modern society will continue, driven forward by that fear.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 06:32 PM
The U.S. Constitution is just fine!
It was written to limit government, and secure freedom.

What we need to do is to hold our government (our employees, paid via taxes) accountable for blatantly ignoring the Constitution whenever it suits them!

Rewriting would only give incumbents an opportunity to devise a limited Constitution, such as most of the other 'free' countries have.

This is not a box you want to open, Pandora!

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 07:46 PM
Yes fear is the driving force. Fear of losing your job, fear of not being able to pay bills, fear for your children's future, fear of 2012. The ruling elite plays on fear now more than ever as the power is slipping from there hands. Friends who used to think of me as a quazi nutcase for some of my beliefs are now coming forward with questions and agreement, the tide is changing. Fear has never been sustainable as a model for growth it is self defeating. Love is actually the only true power. A free society based on love and tolerance is still quite attainable, but it takes a personal commitment to change the prevaling attitude of fear.

As much as religion is not the direct word of God it is still important in providing the underpinnings for society. That foundation is a moral code based on fundamental natural law. The moral fabric of society has been stripped from us at
every tuRn while people argue over God, the Bible, infidels etc ignoring our true nature as human beings and fostering evil.

A secular system has been set up that destroys any foundation. This is a system that promotes based on loyalty to corporation over all else. A system that forces you to lie cheat steal in order to vet for higher positioning. People are thus left with a moral dilemma, sadly most let fear choose for them.

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