Cowardly France Tries to �Maximize U.S. Casualties�
The cowardly French are so jealous in guarding their multibillion-dollar financial ties to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein that they will endanger the
lives of American servicemen.
"Essentially the French are trying to maneuver the U.S. into a position that would maximize U.S. casualties - as if enough US soldiers haven�t been
killed on France�s behalf," a source tells NewsMax.
"French politicians are using the lives of U.S. soldiers as pawns, while the infrastructure of French political freedom lays on the solid foundation
of the bones of U.S. servicemen."
Here�s the scoop, according to
Because of desert heat, any war against Iraq must conclude in April. "The preference to begin the war under moonless skies means that an attack is
possible around March 1 or at the end of March - which wouldn�t leave enough time for the operation.
"The next moonless night, or night when the moon rises after 4 a.m., will be Feb. 27. The moon re-emerges on March 4. The United States does not want
to attack in mid-month, with the full moon. The next open window will come at the end of March. If the weather sets a terminus date of about April 15,
that will allow for only a two-week operation before problems might begin to arise from the weather.
"It is no accident that a French proposal suggests another report from chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix on March 14. The French, in this
apparently innocent proposal, know they are undermining the U.S. military option. It is also no accident that the United States is insisting that Feb.
28, when Blix is scheduled to give his next report, is the date that Washington is insisting on as the final decision point.
"If France wins, the United States either has to fight the war under less than optimal conditions or postpone the attack. President George W. Bush is
not going to start a war at a time when his commanders are saying that it might entail additional risk. If anything went wrong, the president couldn�t
survive that call."