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Theoretical Reason Myans Stopped Tracking Time

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 08:09 AM
I will keep this short as possible. Please move (or merge with existing)if needed.

With all this speculation of doom on 2012, I would like to put out my theory of what may happen, although it is not really gloom/doom filled.

1) What if the Myans were aware of a cyclical event that would change earths orbit around the sun. Nothing major, just enough to require an adjustment of the calendar. I suppose the Planet X theory fits in here, or could.

2) What if the Myans knew the calender they created would not be accurate any farther out than that, so what is the point of documenting bad information. I could almost blame this on the expanding universe.

Why can't it just be as simple as this? No doom....No gloom, just a time adjustment.

Please give your theorys, and feel free to flame away


posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 08:25 AM
very possibly!

my guess/hunch / theory , is that whoever was the guy or girl in the mayan world who was making these calanders (remember, no pc's to work it out in a press of a button) wither ran out of supplies and got board of making calangers, or they died and noone continued the calanders and before they knew it they were obsolete and someone else started making calanders.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by SLaPPiE

Don't you know? Gloom and doom is far more interesting and sellable than your theory.

Which I agree with, by the way. I mean, look at how many times over the last few centures we've been at "The End of the World," yet here we still are.

Personally, I don't think anything will happen. Governments will continue to be corrupt, people will still be greedy, and the world will keep spinning.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm right. Regardless, is there any point in worrying about it?

Case in point. The movie 2012. Many of my fifth graders have seen this movie, and just yesterday they were discussing it. Several of them were very frightened, wanting to know if everyone was going to die.

Just curious. If I understand the Law of Attratction correctly (and I might not), don't we somehow manifest or draw to us that which we focus on? So if we are obsessing that 2012 will be the end of life as we know it....would this make it happen?

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 08:28 AM
There was a great cartoon recently about this.

The solar calendar carver says that he ran out of space and as a result the calendar stops at 2012...

his boss says that will certainly throw somebody for a loop in the future.

I will try and find the comic.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by boaby_phet

LOL, Perhaps his boss needed him to get off his butt, and go farm!
(or work on some more immediate threat, like global warming caused by sacrificial fires )

It seems there could be many reasons to stop the documentation of future time. I see all 2012 fears and theories, based on this lack of an endless calendar. Are those people aware that our current calendar is not infinite, yet predicts nothing.

Not to say "it" will not, or is not hitting the fan now, I just think it's unrelated.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by SLaPPiE

As I understand it (and I'm no scholar on this topic) it is really quite simple.

The Maya believed in a circularity of time.

So, from their perspective, the calendar doesn't "stop" ---where the people today interpret it as 'stopping', the Maya would just go back to the beginning and start it over.

I mean, don't we do that today????

Of course, it started as a cottage industry, cashing in on "Doom and Gloom", because that sort of extremism sells, and sells now it's a huge profit motive for some.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
reply to post by SLaPPiE

Don't you know? Gloom and doom is far more interesting and sellable than your theory.

Just curious. If I understand the Law of Attratction correctly (and I might not), don't we somehow manifest or draw to us that which we focus on? So if we are obsessing that 2012 will be the end of life as we know it....would this make it happen? are right...I should try to spice it up a little with our moon flying off into the sun or falling into the earth...that would probably do some time shifting from our perspective

On a more serious note:@@
i quickly digress)
We all know the recent earthquake in Haiti caused the axis to shift, the one in Chili moved it ten feet.
If this tectonic activity were to continue, I could see the need to readjust at some point.
Perhaps the Myans knew the natural events on Earth were enough to change our perception of time over enough time, thus making the "perfect calendar very hard to predict and create.

[ed] As for the Law of Attraction, I think there is something there. I know there is a real phenomenon when riding motocross, called object fixation. This is caused by noticing an obsticale(think rutt, rock or puddle), and fixating on it so much that you drive right over or into it.
As embarassing as it is (to be human, and know we don't ALWAYS think for our selves) we do kind of have that Leming mentality as a group.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by SLaPPiE]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:09 AM
I agree with the OP. I happen to buy a diary and calandar back in 1980. To my horror, it ran out in 5 years. Strangely, regardless of all my fears and doubts, the worl did not End on 31 December 1985.

[edit on 9/3/2010 by TheLoneArcher]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by TheLoneArcher

The OP I think your right to be honest! Even if there were to be an event we wouldn't know much about it!

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:22 AM
I don't know about this one, it's not like the Mayans did things by halfs. Some say "they just ran out of rock" To that I'd say, maybe they didn't, maybe if they needed a bigger rock, they'd have used a bigger rock.

Maybe they knew what was going to happen and when. maybe it's just a pretty callendar. One thing is for sure, we won't find out until the day. So we can pontificate al lwe like, it's futile. (but fun

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:22 AM
I thought it was common knowledge now that the Mayan calendar IS cyclical...just like most every other calendar that has ever existed.

The problem is that the "long count" calendar is for such a long time period...people have a hard time imagining it as being a cycle.

And the thing is...this isn't the first time in Earth's history that the long count has cycled...just the first time that people are aware of it.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by SLaPPiE

As far as I am aware, their calendars do not end. They are endless cycles. When the current long cycle ends in 2012 it will simply begin again; as all other Maya calendars do.

There is no end to cyclical time.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by aletheia]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:28 AM
It is not the end of time.
Since time does not actually exists. (yes look that up
It is an ending of an era.

Christians, Muslims and Jews alike consider this the "End Days".
And they are (in?)perfect copies of more ancient civilizations.

Speculations are that most profets can not see beyond this day and age, because there is nothing to see that is comprehendable for the human mind.

Our recent pope Benedict XVI, was predicted alike his 110 predecessors. in the year 11 hundred somethjing something by Saint Malachy. This guys said Benedict will be the last pope. Again speculations by more rational people tells us that it is the last pope of our age. And some shift will occur in 2012, when the Earth, the Sun and the Centre of the Milkyway will be inline with each other. After that a new age, the 4th world will emerge, and Astrologically Age of Aquarius will come to pass. (or Picses, forgot and lazy to Google it).

So no worries, time as we know it will go on. But the earth will change a little bit, turmoils a bit, but then will go on like it went on for ages before.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by Sover3igN]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
I thought it was common knowledge now that the Mayan calendar IS cyclical...just like most every other calendar that has ever existed.

The problem is that the "long count" calendar is for such a long time period...people have a hard time imagining it as being a cycle.

And the thing is...this isn't the first time in Earth's history that the long count has cycled...just the first time that people are aware of it.

I thought 2012 was the end of the first long count.
Thanks for bringing that up...I ought to do some research, cause I did not know that. If you can prove that the long count has cycled, wouldn't that pretty much debunk 2012 as the end of time?

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by SLaPPiE

No one needs to debunk 2012 as the end of time because it never was in the first place.

Seriously, people, quit believing anything you read on the Internet. Just stop. The Internet, television, movies, and even some books are not credible sources (there are some exceptions). Please check your source and verify the information with actual facts before blindly believing everything.

Sorry for the small rant... apologies to anyone I offended.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by aletheia
... quit believing anything you read on the Internet. Just stop. The Internet, television, movies, and even some books are not credible sources...

I don't believe you.

The Internet is just a medium to convey information. It's no better or worse than any other medium. And the credibility of a source doesn't make what they say true. Credible people can lie just like everyone else.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by SLaPPiE

according to the scholars of the Maya. this particular long count ..
(a 5,120 year calendar) is the 4th such long count in the earths history,
the 3 other previous calendars ended in either flood, fire, earthquakes,
this present long count ending in 2012 our time, is ending with wind and atmospheric events. ~ at least i think i recall the data correctly~

besides, the Maya calendar Priests and the shamans, had to have a 'end time' to tidy things up...just as the Bible has the same apocalypse ending at the end of this Piscian=(Church) Age.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Crito
Credible people can lie just like everyone else.

Of course they can. So do some fact checking. Research. Ask questions. Do not just blindly believe whatever you read/hear.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by SLaPPiE

I thought 2012 was the end of the first long count.
Thanks for bringing that up...I ought to do some research, cause I did not know that. If you can prove that the long count has cycled, wouldn't that pretty much debunk 2012 as the end of time?

Well technically it is the first end of the long count since they created the calendar...but not since the beginning of Earth's history.

I believe I heard that the long count calendar was created around 500 AD. But they "started" their calendar around 3114 BC (this is the accepted date, but widely questioned), they did this because they could calculate the alignment they were tracking at the back date was the last time it happened. The long count cycle is around 5125 technically 2012 will be the first time the calendar cycles since the calendar was made.

So their 3114BC is like our is just their marker for when they started counting. We don't have a cycle for years...but they did...and it is based off of astronomy...nothing else.

This should have no significance unless people want to believe that 3114 BC was the beginning of time and nothing existed before that. I don't think anyone believes that...but people are willing to believe that the end of the cycle will mean the end of the world. No one ever talks about "why did the Mayans START at 3114BC...did the world not exist before that?"...people only want to discuss why the cycle ENDS on 2012...and believes that means the world will end.

I think it is an amazing calendar and have no idea how they calculated the things they did...but I don't think beginning a new cycle has any significance to the Earth.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:47 AM
Holy crap, a rational discussion regarding 2012.

I knew this was the end of the 4th long count but I was unaware the previous three ended in disaster. Can you tell me where you read that?

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