Chilean quake of February 27 2010 resonated with February 20 1835 when a quake happened in Concepcion, magnitude 8.5.
I also developed a theory, in the case the " Greatest maximum coincidence " actually happened...You know, 2012 is the year coincidences, deja-vu,
sinchronicities are set to explode in number...
DATES that will change the world
( average mistake can be around 35 days because I'm not sure if the zero point of Timewave Zero, the right one, is November 16 or December 21, but I
will be sure in July )
Obama will be in danger around MARCH 21, APRIL 1, APRIL 14, APRIL 24
( astrology: April 13 super-rare no aspects day )
MAY 15 2010 and Ireland Famine link, March 11 2004 link
JUNE 5 2010 and 1848, Taiping Rebellion, China
( Jupiter enters Pisces ( sidereal ), Mars enters Leo )
JULY 7-11-26 Very important dates, Obama in danger and possible disaster
( July 11 solar eclipse new moon, mercury opposite Neptune on 26th means water rel. disaster, Saturn oppose Uranus on same day )
AUGUST 1- 2 Cumbre Vieja possible, Cyber- Attack Usa
( Jupiter squares Pluto )
AUGUST 10-11 Pope in danger, Darwin and evolution theory link
( Venus squares Pluto )
AUGUST 26 2010 Civil War Usa or a few days before, Darwin link
SEPTEMBER 16-21 2010 - London terror attack repetition
SEPTEMBER 28 2010 - event similar to Katrina
( Sun conjuct Saturn- near )
MAY 6 2011 ( Venus opp. Saturn, Saturn opp. Uranus, Saturn and Uranus squares Pluto )
JUNE 23 2011 - Date that is linked to events that cause panic and suffering ( MJ Death, Comet panic and gas masks in the past ) ( Sun squares Uranus,
Sun opp. Pluto, Moon opp. Saturn, moon squares Pluto, Mars squares Neptune etc. etc. etc. )
JULY 1- 25 2011 - First world war, Russian revolution, India terror attack, Economic collapse, Israel strikes Iran ( Uranus squares Pluto indicates
big wars )
AUGUST 17 2011 - Mussolini link ( Mars opp. Pluto indicates violence )
AUGUST 25 2011 - London riots link, Gandhi link, pope in danger, swine flu link
SEPTEMBER 2 2011 - Iran riots June 2009 link, Kanto quake japan
SEPTEMBER 16 2011 - MJ death link
OCTOBER 4- 2011 - 1929, HITLER ( Mars squares Jupiter indicates bad leader, Sun opp. Uranus )
OCTOBER 20 2011 - YELLOW RIVER FLOOD, HITLER, exoplanets discovery
NOVEMBER 5 2011 - Haiti quake link
NOVEMBER 13 2011 - Chilean quake link
NOVEMBER 29 2011 - Huge rebellions, turmoil
DECEMBER 7 2011 - Second world war, natural huge disaster ( Sun squares Mars, Uranus squares Pluto, violence, rage and war )
JANUARY 24 2012 - 1945 August link, Hitler, Mussolini deaths ( Mars opposes Uranus )
FEBRUARY 1 2012 - 1948 Israel link, possible school disaster like New London Texas
FEBRAURY 25 2012 - huge quake
MARCH 4 2012 - Natural disaster
MARCH 12- 20 - 1962 LINK, Tunguska event link also
APRIL 12 2012
By APRIL 20- 28 2012 its the hardest way going on, novelty is going to the final by this date
( Mars opp. Neptune, Uranus squares Pluto )
MAY 22 2012 - link 1976 Darwin
JUNE 7 2012 - LINK 1968, 1969 ( Sun squares Mars, Mercury opp. Pluto indicates insistence, ambition, Jupiter squares Pluto indicates paranoia and
tension )
SEPTEMBER 18 2012 - Chernobyl link
JULY 22-25 2012- Elvis death link, 1970s link
OCTOBER 4-20-28 2012 - 1989 November, October 1993
OCTOBER 4 2012 - LINK 2001 9/11
its possible that between My 5 2010 and the end of February 2011 a comet ( or meteor ) that could threaten Earth will be discovered.
Obama's most dangerous months are April 2010 and July 2010. If he survives these months, he may not survive to see August 2011.
Lincoln assasination repetition is this July, than there might be a natural disaster a few days after, like with 1859 solar storm.
This July is linked to both 1859 solar storm and December 2004.
Than between this August and this September, not after September 28, there is the repetition of Katrina event.
During these months, around August 26, civil war in Usa will probably start, and the Pope is in danger on August 11.
Around the middle of November 2010, look for strange and suspectful movements of food by government linked associations.
Around March 2011, look for huge amounts of movements and donations of money to some space associated agency.
1900s repetition start in April 2011, and soon after, during this month, UK queen may die, like the one in 1901.
Around May 6 2011, the comet may be already visible from Earth, and people will notice this weird light in the sky.
Soon after, around the start of summer 2011, so around June 23 2011, there is a link between the fans reaction of Michael Jackson's death ( death of
the forever young ) and 1910, the only point in modern/recent history in which I can find fear for a comet...
So, I think global announcement of something terrible like a comet coming to Earth ( first warning, but there is still hope at this point, to stop it
) on June 23 2011 circa.
So, we have a month in which 3 things that can't possibly happen from the point of view of many people: the comet coming to Earth, the death of
Michael Jackson at 50, and Titanic sinking repetition in the same days.
Immediately after, Obama may be assasinated and there is than repetition of first world war.
The call to the army of people may be resonated with a call for astronauts to save Earth, and the hope of fast war of that time may be resonated with
hope of something fast to do to stop danger and fear.
But may also resonate with the reaction and world riots into the start of chaos and absolutely new situation for citizens.
Mexican revolution and Russian revolution link support this.
In July 2011 there is also repetition of 2008 economic collapse, so Dollar or Euro may sink into their end.
In August 2011 there is a link between 1918 flu and 2009 swine flu.
Gandhi repetition, Hitler repetition and Mussolini repetition are in August 2011. Israel might go into all war with Iran this month.
There is depressive news and extreme reactions in October 2011, around October 5. Its 1929 repetition. Can mean total economic collapse or something
about the mission to save Earth?
December 7 2011 is the start of world war 2 repetition. In this month there is a link between many things:
- Racism and division between people from a government ( dictatorial ) decision - Means that during martial law period, people may have to face the
fact that is government that chooses who goes into the shelters and who doesn't?
- Suspect, secret movement of people by train - People may be secretely going to travel to the shelters
- Secret about the bomb - Secret about chemical poison attack to calm down the chaos caused by people, or even the comet coming may still be a secret,
or something , a part of it may still be secret
January 24 2012 is repetition of August 1945. I thought that this might mean that a chunk or the entire comet may hit around this time.
Its very probable that Israel will win the war with Iran.
Approaching the end of April 2012, the fear for Nuclear attack is very strong. This may resonate into a concrete fear and possibility of comet impact.
Because in the past, the possibility of nuclear attack/exchange was very concrete.
1961 is repeated at the end of April 2012. I thought this could resonate with the completion of shelters phase. As the wall was built in Berlin, the
shelters may close, with guardians, to the unchosen citizens.
1968 is repeated June 7 2012. Global riots may intensifie and becoming disturbing and very violent. 1968 youth were rebelling also against schools and
university so against the rules.
Mid- June 2012 is repetition of 1969. I think there will be something about the mission at this point.
In September 2012 there is repetition of AIDS, so another pandemy may show up. 1989 is repeated around October 20 2012. This may resonate into the
sudden news that shelters are opened for unchosen citizens, because government may change idea and their fate might change. Or a rebellion to enter
these shelters may succeed and people may run into the shelters to find protection.
In fact, one side of Berlin was the progressed one and the other side was the poor one. Think about it.
October 4 2012 repeates 9/11. So think about it. I think the comet will actually hit around the end of November 2012.
Think that, people usually are optimist when they shouldn't. Think about Titanic the unsinkable ship, it sank. Think about the enthusiasm of the hope
of fast war at the start of First world war. People were enthusiast to go to war.
It was a very long war and very violent one, the first modern war, that left many people unable to walk and get a job after its end.
Think about Weimar period soon before Secon World War. Think about Belle Epoque before First world war. Think about the optimism prior to October
1929. And think about the impossibility to directly attack Usa during the 90s. It was attacked, on 9/11 and in the most schocking way.
Timewave Zero also measures great amount of sinchronicity and coincidences and during novelty period people are more likely top experience deja-vu,
coincidences and sinchronicity.
Near to 2012, those experiences will be absolutely super- intense and shocking.
December 21 2012 is the day all the coincidences and sinchronicity meet.
The amount of change becomes infinite.