posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:38 AM
I have a Dream
It is not such a wild dream.
It is a dream that was realized by our forefathers not so long ago.
It had a basic tenet, that life is yours and yours alone to do with it what you will. There were no control freaks, there were no draconian laws.
There was FREEDOM!
There was LIBERTY.
There was JOY.
We had reached the pinnacle of what the world screamed for.
We had thrown off the shackles of OPPRESSION, that had enslaved the world for millenia.
We set a groundwork for our new civilization and began to build a society based on one tenet and one tenet only.
One had absolute freedom in ones life, except you were not allowed to hurt another or infringe upon their right of absolute freedom.
What did we do with that freedom?
We allowed our prejudices to infect us.
We allowed tyrants amongst us.
We allowed our fears to infect us.
We allowed our own people to become enslaved once again.
Now I ask you, are you afraid?
Are you prejudiced?
Are you ready to throw those chains to the ground again and join me in my Dream?
Do not fear, do not worry, the man or woman standing next to you is your brother or sister. They are your friends and companions in this trip that we
are taking, in this world of oppression and strife.
For too, I have a Dream, do you want to join me or do you want to remain in that nightmare that they have used to enslave you once again.
I have a Dream, will you join me.
[edit on 3/8/2010 by endisnighe]