posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:16 PM
Originally posted by thatredpill
Common sense for trying to justify non-adaptive behavior?
This is the scariest thing I've read in a while. Having the freedom of choice to do what you want as long as there's no victim, and then making a
choice.. is non-adaptive behavior? Wowza. Spooky.
The real question that has to be answered is why one would feel entitled to being high all the time. THAT's the real mind control, and people
pay for it willingly, preferring fantasy to fact.
Why don't you find one person on Earth who claims to be entitled to being high all the time and ask them? I haven't met one yet.. have you?
THAT'S the real mind control? Care to explain how that controls the mind?? Cannabis has been here and been used as a narcotic, textile, and
medicine for longer than Christianity has been a conceivable thought... drug war propaganda has been going since the 20s/30s at its very earliest!
If you want to make (incorrect) blanket statements you should at least try rationalizing them!
Yeah there's a gov't conspiracy to make people weak, lazy and uneducated, and people pay for it willingly.
In a real preindustrial environment, being intoxicated could be a fatal event due to some omission or commission.
Must not be talking about cannabis here. Spitting out the propaganda they have for the last 70 to 80 years is exactly what you speak of concerning
the government keeping us uneducated. And you're doing so willingly. Sad.
Survival is hard enough straight. WHY chose to be f'd up?
Ask the trillions of human beings over time who have been getting high for the last 10,000 years.
The american expectation of unlimited safety nets and do-overs for intentionally screwing up and screwing off is about over...
Where did anyone ask for safety nets or a do-over? We would love nothing more than there to be NO safety net when it comes to this issue. Freedom of
choice for something that effects no one but them...
You can not make laws protecting someone from themself. Even more so applies to this case when this kind of prohibition was born out of greed and
racism, without one shred of evidence cannabis prohibition protects the individual from any horrific self inflicted damage.
I see a lot of misunderstanding in your post. Perhaps you should stick to reading what people are saying and respond to that, you don't need to make
up things that someone said this or that... your response looked like it was plucked from thin air in response to a deadbeat who said "maaannnnn I
just waannnaa gett higghhhh maannnnnn allll dayyy everyyy dayyy yeaahhh duuuude!"... which I've never seen anyone say here, or in "real life."..
and also try to use some substantiated evidence when you're trying to make a point like that if you want anyone to believe you.
"Common sense... so rare it's a super power"
[edit on 8-3-2010 by ImaNutter]