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Clinton afirms that the U.S. is part of the drugs problem

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posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:23 AM

Clinton afirms that the U.S. is part of the drugs problem

Por Edgar Calderón A.P
Estados Unidos es "parte del problema" del narcotráfico en América Latina por la demanda de drogas, admitió el viernes la jefa de la diplomacia estadounidense, Hillary Clinton, en el marco de una cita con presidentes de Centroamérica en Guatemala.
Translated -
America is "part of the problem" of drug trafficking in Latin America, because of the demand, admitted diplomatic cheif Hillary Clinton in a meeting with south American heads of state in Guatemala.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Its ironic that Hillary CLINTON should admit that NOW the U.S is part of the problem and not the solution....remember the saying "its a buyers market"...well, the U.S has a great

Maybe she should ask her husband about what was going on at MENA AIRPORT when he was govenor of Arkansas.

There was a lot of Latin Americans who visited MENA. Especially from Nicaragua, Colombia etc...

A guy called Barry Seal run a frequent flyer programme from there for the CIA
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 8-3-2010 by andy1972]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by andy1972

maybe if the drugs were taxed then that would help the us out of their enormous debt. but logic is something politicians lack.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by andy1972

So... the US is part of the drugs problem? Affirmed by Clinton?

Do 1 and 1 make 2?

Of course it is - this is not news.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by aeroslag

HECK NO! All the government needs to do is legalize Marijuana and let people grow their own. They do not need to grow, distribute, inspect, or tax it. That only opens up another avenue for corruption and greed. All they need to do is legalize it and say you can grow it for personal use if you want to. By that action alone they will defeat the drug cartels and they will keep billions of dollars circulating in the US economy that would otherwise go overseas. That will do more good than any tax or tariff.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:12 AM
C'mon folks, you are getting close to the answer, but not quite there yet.

Look at it this way, if plants were legal, be it pot, coca, opium etc there would be a huge problem.

Think of the losers in this.

Big Pharma
Prison Ind Complex
Medical Field
CIA-largest supplier of illicit drugs

Sorry, but you, I or anyone else will never see our freedoms back again unless we get back to the Constitution. Period.

Plants being illegal, and an average citizens having the right to grow our own medicines will never be allowed.

I like to think this is analogous to the days of the serfs and lords. Only royalty was allowed to brew alcohol. Sound familiar?

The tax revenue is a DROP in the bucket compared to what the corps and gov make off of the illegality of drugs and the plants they come from.

I say to you, Libertarianism in its absolute form is the only way to go.

The only true law that can be broke is if you hurt someone or if you infringe upon another's absolute rights.

I say to you and everyone else, if you want absolute freedom, you must first say to yourself, what is it that I want to restrict in others? Do you think only marijuana should be legalized? How about peyote? How about opium?

If you think anything should be illegal, than you are a hypocrite. Period.

If you feel that as a free society that we should do anything we want that does not hurt another, than you are a Libertarian. If you feel anything should be restricted, you are JUST like them, the oppressors you rail against.

I say to you, throw off your chains and let the world be free. Otherwise, I have some chains for you.

[edit on 3/8/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by kawacat

No, its not Breaking News...rather IRONIC news...
I suggest you look up the MENA AIRPORT affair, and see the involvment of her husband Bill.


He was govenor of Arkansas at the time and turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the fact that Barry Seal flew in NOT SMUGGLED, but flew in without hinderance 3 - 5 billion in coc aine for the CIA, direct from the Medellin cartel of Colombia and from Nicagragua aswell. This in turn was sold and the money used to buy un-numbered M16s for the contras in Nicaragua.

This lead to the IRAN/CONTRA and the COL.OLLIE NORTH scandels, when one of Seals plane crashed full of arms.

Clinton ws informed many times but every operation to close down Mena was stopped from the start.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by andy1972]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

YES! And mj is great for alleviating pain.

I am not a drug user - well, I am - tobacco and spirits - which will probably kill long before mj will.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by aeroslag

HECK NO! All the government needs to do is legalize Marijuana and let people grow their own. They do not need to grow, distribute, inspect, or tax it. That only opens up another avenue for corruption and greed. All they need to do is legalize it and say you can grow it for personal use if you want to. By that action alone they will defeat the drug cartels and they will keep billions of dollars circulating in the US economy that would otherwise go overseas. That will do more good than any tax or tariff.

"They" wouldn't be growing or distributing. I assume when you said they, you meant the government?

Yes, they do need to legalize it, regulate it, and tax it.

Private enterprise would grow it, distribute it, sell it, and be subject to regulations and inspection.

If the government would follow this simple model, we would make billions a year in tax revenue that could smash that debt... including an uber-boost to the economy, including the choking out of one of the biggest, if not the biggest, money maker for cartels.

If politicians even meant 1/100th of what they said, they would follow this model and eliminate the problems they cry out against (yet are creating at the same time while pretending to be righteous).

JFK was decades ago, 9/11 was less than that... cannabis has been kept illegal for racist and corporate reasons since the 30s.

For so many people who champion truth and belong to a website that carries deny ignorance as their motto... it's really pretty sad that more people don't look into this as one of the greater conspiracies the gubmint's ever pulled off.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by ImaNutter]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by ImaNutter

I respectfully disagree. Let those who want to grow it for themselves do so. That is all that is necessary to dethrone the drug cartels and jump start the economy. We do not need to trade an illegal drug dealer for a government sponsored legal one.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by andy1972

Yes, they are all liars, yes I have been saying and saying that.

Does it bother you that the so-called leaders of the world are liars?

It bothers me deeply.

At least our ex Prime Minister, Helen Clark, is now a big deal in the UN - she is an honest person, and I cannot point to another person who is honest and a world leader.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by endisnighe
C'mon folks, you are getting close to the answer, but not quite there yet.

Look at it this way, if plants were legal, be it pot, coca, opium etc there would be a huge problem.

Think of the losers in this.

Big Pharma
Prison Ind Complex
Medical Field
CIA-largest supplier of illicit drugs

Sorry, but you, I or anyone else will never see our freedoms back again unless we get back to the Constitution. Period.

Plants being illegal, and an average citizens having the right to grow our own medicines will never be allowed.

I like to think this is analogous to the days of the serfs and lords. Only royalty was allowed to brew alcohol. Sound familiar?

The tax revenue is a DROP in the bucket compared to what the corps and gov make off of the illegality of drugs and the plants they come from.

The only true law that can be broke is if you hurt someone or if you infringe upon another's absolute rights.

Darn... you got this in here while I was typing my response... I would have just quoted you and agreed with you completely.

And sadly I agree with you concerning the chances of us seeing a common sense answer to this problem.

A lot of this stems from the very simple fact that the reality the populace is fed and convinced to believe is not the reality from which our "leaders" operate.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by ImaNutter

I respectfully disagree. Let those who want to grow it for themselves do so. That is all that is necessary to dethrone the drug cartels and jump start the economy. We do not need to trade an illegal drug dealer for a government sponsored legal one.

You're disagreeing for an emotional reason and not a logical one.

You are asking for the moon.

We live in a country where you, as a private citizen, can only sell a certain amount from the street corner (pretty small actually) of vegetables per year before you are subject to sanctions.

We live in a country where we strictly regulate alcohol, sell it in stores, tax it... and people who want to still make their own.

We live in a country where neighborhoods dictate your grass must be below X inches.

You're upset about a much larger issue than cannabis prohibition.

You're asking for the perfect solution to cannabis prohibition.. like asking for world peace or for solving world hunger... it's not going to happen, not on this planet.

So please I ask that for the sake of possibly ever ending cannabis prohibition that you find a way to work for a solution within the framework we've been given...

Unless you want to change the framework .. (and this is what I meant by much larger issue).

[edit on 8-3-2010 by ImaNutter]

[edit on 8-3-2010 by ImaNutter]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:29 AM
Endisnighe is right, this was my immediate first thuogh..the CIA's involvemnt with trafficing drugs for money for their projects/programs. God knows what other levels of government that drug drug money is funding, even thier own personal bank savings/accounts. And thier si also the theory, that part of the reason we are in afghanistan, is too profit form the opium. Drugs make the world go round, just as money does.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:30 AM
Now, the 2nd thing that comes to my mind, is What are they getting sounds like some knida new war or program in the works, to launder more money and military projects.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:57 AM
Chip Tatum is/was another one who spake much of Mena Airport and MrClinton's culpability.They concentrated on coke,but also another far more insidious mind altering substance,not even illegal.A species of super datura (Solanaceae)containing scopolamine (?) which,when administered causes a mind control dupe to do anything,forgetting afterwards.Like cleaning out the bank acct and giving it away to the controller,or worse,killing a 'mark',signing the confession,then not remembering any of it.

Long live the memory of Gary Webb(RIP) who bravely broke the story on the CIA drug running into South Central Los Angeles and that sparked the crack epidemic Nationwide.Suicided of course.

So the Clintonian entity ought to know all this and more.They did test the arms and drugs,BTW,'Field Testing' means snorting the coke and firing the weapons not just weighing and accounting.Power corrupts.Google'John Hull Ranch' for juicy details.

The biggest obstacle in the way of rational solution to this mess is the Single Convention Ban Treaty on Dangerous and Narcotic Drugs.An international Treaty which supercedes all Federal,State and Local Laws.Offering no protections for the MedMarijuana crew,it'sa problem.

As an actual Ordained Minister in a (Edit to add,doh!)Marijuana as Sacramental Church that has a founding date of 1969,one year older than the current US Federal Laws regarding 'Controlled Substances',the Uniform Controlled Subs. Act of 1970,I have an angle on this and it's easy.There are more than a few laws protecting Religious Practice,starting with the First and hence MOST IMPORTANT of the Bill of Rights."Congress Shall Make No Law Respecting the Establishment of Religion,Nor Prohibiting the Free Excercise Thereof..."(Congress made and passed this 1970 law.)RFRA and a whole slew of international treaties protect religious practices,as long as no one is harmed by it.So there is a way.

The 'stepping stone theory' of progressive addiction is a bunk notion.Or rather another product of prohibition.Gov dries up Herb supply 'coincidentally' when there is loads of cheap coke fronted out to the players in that game,guess what happens next?

[edit on 8-3-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by andy1972 we can believe anything that Hillary Clinton says?

Now she's not just pandering for media attention...she is actually telling the truth?

Man, i'm going to have to get me one of them truther radars....i guess i'm still living in the days when politicians are full of crap.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by aeroslag
maybe if the drugs were taxed then that would help the us out of their enormous debt. but logic is something politicians lack.

And if we weren't locking up every two-bit pothead in the country, we could save millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars yearly in the way of lower prison costs. Of course, if we didn't lock up every two-bit pothead, we also wouldn't have to turn loose convicted murderers after serving a fraction of their sentence in order to make room.

But you're right...common sense and logic are in short supply among the political classes.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:36 AM

we also wouldn't have to turn loose convicted murderers after serving a fraction of their sentence in order to make room

And isnt that we we do now???
In Spain for murder the maximum is 17 years.
Here are people walking free after 3 or 4 years.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:05 PM
Common sense for trying to justify non-adaptive behavior?
The real question that has to be answered is why one would feel entitled to being high all the time. THAT's the real mind control, and people pay for it willingly, preferring fantasy to fact. Yeah there's a gov't conspiracy to make people weak, lazy and uneducated, and people pay for it willingly.
In a real preindustrial environment, being intoxicated could be a fatal event due to some omission or commission. Survival is hard enough straight. WHY chose to be f'd up? The american expectation of unlimited safety nets and do-overs for intentionally screwing up and screwing off is about over...

[edit on 8-3-2010 by thatredpill]

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