posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 03:43 AM
Well, if you take time as a dimension, all time-travel is actually interdimensional. I read a book about how we perceive time, the analogy was of a
place called flatland which is entirely composed of two dimensions. If a third dimension was introduced, to the inhabitants of flatland, only a snipet
of the third dimension would be seen. Time works in a similar way in that we only see a snipet of another dimension (time) passing through our
three-dimensional world. Time is only linear because we perceive it that way. Time is passing through this world, but another dimension exists,
where all time exists. The other series of universes are much like our own in that time passes through them in a linear looking fashion. But the
reason they would exist is because in the fifth or whatever number dimension where all time exists (just as all depth exists in our own), time extends
in all directions so that all possibilities are manifest. Its hard to fathom what such a world would look like.
I'm not sure about seeing yourself, that would raise some interesting problems. The problems would depend on what you believe in. I guess if you
believe in eternal souls, seeing yourself would involve seeing a duplicate internal soul, so that in the eternity there existed an infinte of real
you's, an infinite of consciousnesses? The matter is merely something created according to our dna, the only thing that makes us unique is random
chance. But random chance is probably not even random, it probably just follows rules we dont understand. Its highly possible to have two of the
same forms, look at identical twins differing only by their eyes (random chance). Maybe humans are conscious in a way so as to access their higher
selves when possible. So I guess when you met yourself, both of you would be decoders? (need a better word) for the same higher self.
Also, time is relative, so it is not the universe that changes but you that change. Technology would I guess have to alter your mind instead of
altering the universe. The machine would have to alter itself as well. You would be viewing the universe as it was in the past or in the future, the
universe wouldn't be viewing you in the respective future or past.
Knowing when to stop? If light is constant irrespective of a time frame (as Einstein has it), than light could be used a measurement to deduce how
far in the future or past to stop based on your starting time frame.