posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:14 PM
Kids in my school are clearly getting in on this.
Every few days, I walk out of class to see hundreds of flyers saying
"Question Everything" written on them.
All over the school, at least once a week. I don't know who does this, and the principal has chosen to keep their identity secret, even though he
has admitted that they are definitely a student here.
It's definitely caused a bit of an uproar between the parents and the school. The psychotic parents claiming the school is brainwashing the students
into thinking the government is corrupt, and they want the kids to be rebellious.
The whole "Question Everything" isn't to instill a rebellious style of life on the students, but rather to un-hypnotize the world and teach
everyone to be individual thinkers.
Questioning everything would cause a major problem in the governments trying to begin NWO since they realize that a large number of people would
become rebellious and cause problems in NWO was put into effect.