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Raytheon Revisited

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:01 PM
Wow, very informative article.

I had never heard of Raytheon until just now, and reading about their air-launched cruise missile at the link you provided has raised many new questions into my mind.

Very interesting post, thank you for sharing this information.

Do you happen to know if Raytheon is owned by a larger company?


posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Maybe thisis the wrong thread, but it was so cool, had to share:

Saw a "Mythbusters" last night.

(This is going to address the fact that sometimes papers and credit cards and YES, even passports (!) can be ejected from a "fireball" relatively unscathed)

Mythbusters were testing whether popcorn kernels could be 'popped' via an explosion.

They mounted a chunk of C-4 on top of a water heater, then an aluminum foil package of kernels, about the size of two fists.

They blew it, BIG honking fireball....and, yes you guessed it.

NONE of the kernels popped (of course, I could have expected that) and they just fell back down, all around....looking good as new.

I hope they put that segment up soon.

Wasn't someone just telling us to stay on topic (as in Raytheon) on the last page?

Oh well- it might behoove some to learn the difference between a detonation and a deflagration (it also applies to those "flaming elevator shafts" too and hint: Composition(s) B and C-4 are classed as "high explosives"- Google that sometime

edit: Might want to Google "incendiary" while you're at it- hint: "Willie Pete" is one of those too.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by rhunter]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by PookztA
Do you happen to know if Raytheon is owned by a larger company?

I'm fairly sure that Raytheon is the parent corporation- their website is linked on page 1 of this thread. One of their divisions went by "E-Systems" when I interviewed with them years ago.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by Donny 4 million

Problem is the engines found in the Pentagon do not match a A3, the wheels found in the Pentagon do not match a A3, the undercarriage found in the Pentagon does not match a A3, the hole in the Pentagon is NOT 16 foot, the external damage done to the Pentagon matches a 757, how do you account for the DNA from the passengers and crew being found inside the Pentagon?

Funny how another "truther" published the same garbage from Tom Flocco, then changed his post when the lies and bull# there were pointed out to him

Doesn't matter, what ever was found will never add up to a 757 airliner crash. There has never been a crash that in any way resembles the OS version. Photographs prove the parts supposedly found at the pentagon
weren't there before the fire crews got there. I never said an A3 hit the Pentagon, wrong again.
The hole match is at the World trade tower. you got that wrong too. But it (A3) would match a 12 foot hole better than a 757 hands down.
DNA got O J Simpson off the hook. Care to date a wife of his?
The A3 is capable of firing a missile at the Pentagon and flying over.
What have you found out about the missing folks the OP has posted about?
WHY and how can they all be connected to the tragedy like legos?
As far as the other poster-- why don't you post the words here and let me see what you are talking about.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Donny 4 million]

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by andy1972

Of course it didn't go all the way through completely intact.

That is the point here.

Unfortunately, that is an 'urban legend' meme that pops on the Web all the time.

Your average person just can't comprehend the dynamics of such a huge energy-laden event.

Look around, plenty of illustrations and video simulations available that explain it.

Oh how nice of you to let us know you are so above average.

Get your self out of that simulator wacker. This is the real world of physics here. ILLISTRATIONS what the heck are they?
No Plane?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by rhunter

Wasn't someone just telling us to stay on topic (as in Raytheon) on the last page?

Yeah, smarty pants. (Mr. or Mrs.)

I was merely sue me. I contributed on-topic, then added some fun facts to top it off.


posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:03 AM
As a side note in 2003 RAYTHEON was fined 25 million dollars when the US government found they tried to ship illegal communications equipment to PAKISTAN...RAYTHEON paid 25.000.000 and the charges were dismissed.


Its also been fined millions by the US government for "padding" costs of equipment it sold to the D.O.D...

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
Photographs prove the parts supposedly found at the pentagon
weren't there before the fire crews got there.

Care to show us these before and after photo's? How do you think they carried in the thousands of kilo's of aircraft parts, including wheels, engines, undercarriage, seats etc etc without anyone noticing?

The A3 is capable of firing a missile at the Pentagon and flying over.

Except no one saw any plane fly over the Pentagon, the damage to the external wall matches a 757 sized aircraft and no one saw a missile fired at the Pentagon....

What have you found out about the missing folks the OP has posted about?

Their DNA and body parts were found inside the Pentagon

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by rhunter

Wasn't someone just telling us to stay on topic (as in Raytheon) on the last page?

Yeah, smarty pants. (Mr. or Mrs.)

I was merely sue me. I contributed on-topic, then added some fun facts to top it off.


I don't think the dead and disenfranchised of 911 think of your sharing as funny. Do you honestly think this is the kind of of crap a Raytheon widow want's to here?
The folks I respect on this subject are direct factual and to the point. You are never these things.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by dereks

They could have put anything they wanted to in the building. The section destroyed was closed off and under construction. You know better about the pentagon lawn.
You show us any airline parts on the lawn before the fire trucks arrive.
I could put all the stuff they seeded the lawn with in my pick-up truck.

Oh boy how about telling just how the hole matches a 757?
And if it was how it could have missed those huge spools. Not even a wing print on the veneer of the building.
There are witness that say they heard a missile. The Secretary Of Defense said it was a missile.
Most folks were looking at the fire ball. The guy in the back side saw the aircraft leaving. He couldn't see the fire ball and be distracted by it.
The missile was most likely fired close to the building making it hard to detect.
Why can't you show photos or videos of a Great big giant 757 any where near the Pentagon?

Can you post some photos of body parts? Or can you prove the DNA came from in the Pentagon?
IT COULD HAVE BEEN COLLECTED FROM THEIR HOMES, CARS OR MOTEL ROOMS. Ya know like they claim collected it from the supposed terrorists if there is any truth to that crap.
Some of the bodies of the claimed Pentagon employees didn't even have there clothes burned.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
You show us any airline parts on the lawn before the fire trucks arrive.

Oh boy how about telling just how the hole matches a 757? have a read, it shows the hole the 757 made

And if it was how it could have missed those huge spools. Not even a wing print on the veneer of the building.

read the above link

The guy in the back side saw the aircraft leaving.

what "guy in the back side"? name for this guy?

Why can't you show photos or videos of a Great big giant 757 any where near the Pentagon?

Why should there be photos or videos?

Can you post some photos of body parts?

they have been posted many many times here before, look at the Government Exhibits Introduced in the Trial of Zacarias Moussaoui

[edit on 8/3/10 by dereks]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by dereks
Why should there be photos or videos?

Becasue of all the cameras on the Pentagon and the nearby buildings

they have been posted many many times here before, look at the Government Exhibits Introduced in the Trial of Zacarias Moussaoui

Now you just have to prove if any of those body parts are from the plane.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by dereks

None of those pictures shows more than what I could put in my pickup.
What is more important about your scam post is that you know that there are photos that show a perfectly clear lawn prior to the speedy arrival of those first responders. You fail to post them.
Maybe another member could pull them up for me
I am on dial-up and doing urls is near impossible for me.
You must be orifice deprived if you think a 757 hit that building and caused that shaped tiny hole.
'Why should there be Photos or videos."
Because the entire US military knew an aircraft was supposedly hijacked and heading for DC duh!
The twins had already been attacked. The VP knew it and gave orders to "stand down".
Why were all sorts of media confiscated?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 08:46 AM
While reasearching a bit, i read that Ronald Reagan airport was closed for more than 20 days after the pentagon attack.

Considering its proximity, half a mile, from the pentagon, it could have been the base for whatever struck or attacked the building.

It simply closed. Nothing entering and nothing leaving. Closed to the world.

Meanwhile, every other airport was up and running again in three or four days.

Can anyone coroborate this info please..

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by andy1972

Yes, National Airport (DCA) was closed. (Edit add here: By 'closed' I mean to say it was closed to all private and commercial air traffic. The terminal itself remained open. Just to clarify.) It made it difficult for me, since I commuted to Newark for work. Dulles is a 45-minute drive, and I lived about 10 minutes (or less) from DCA.

SO, I had to pay through the nose and ride Amtrak most of the time, back and forth.

The ONLY reason they closed DCA was out of abundance of caution, and for fear of a repeat attack!!! Because of its proximity.

Have you ever been here? Flown in as a passenger to DCA?

Do yourself a favour and take a google-map look. See the proximity of the Capitol? The White House? Look at the runways....the main runway there is the one aligned North/South. It is primary for the jets...the other runway is too short, so it's mostly for the turboprops, or smaller jets for landings.

When departures are operating to the North, an immediate left turn is basically follow the path of the Potomac River to the Northwest, on the departure route.

When the airport is operating the other way, then arrivals follow the River (in visual conditions) or an electronic localizer guidance which is off-set at an angle....ALL because of the area just North of the airport, in DC...the Mall, most of the monuments, the Capitol Building and the White House.

Just ask any airline pilot, next time you go on holiday by air. (Well, any that have flown here).

Now, if you wanna get your 'geek' on, and learn more, here are some visual aids:

The KDCA 'Rosslyn' runway 19 LDA/GS ('LDA' is localizer directional aid, 'GS' is glidelsope):

Here's the 'River Visual'....I've flown this many, many times. It's one of the enjoyable aspects of flying a passenger jet, because it relies ore on skill and execution, judgement and experience. On a nice day, it is a very beautiful approach (if you are on the left side, window seat, you get the best view):

[edit on 8 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by andy1972
Considering its proximity, half a mile, from the pentagon, it could have been the base for whatever struck or attacked the building.

Kind of off topic but there was a report that the Russian version of our Air-Bourne Laser was unaccounted for a few days around 9/11/2001.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by andy1972

Yes, National Airport (DCA) was closed. (Edit add here: By 'closed' I mean to say it was closed to all private and commercial air traffic. The terminal itself remained open. Just to clarify.) It made it difficult for me, since I commuted to Newark for work. Dulles is a 45-minute drive, and I lived about 10 minutes (or less) from DCA.

SO, I had to pay through the nose and ride Amtrak most of the time, back and forth.

The ONLY reason they closed DCA was out of abundance of caution, and for fear of a repeat attack!!! Because of its proximity.

Have you ever been here? Flown in as a passenger to DCA?

Do yourself a favour and take a google-map look. See the proximity of the Capitol? The White House? Look at the runways....the main runway there is the one aligned North/South. It is primary for the jets...the other runway is too short, so it's mostly for the turboprops, or smaller jets for landings.

When departures are operating to the North, an immediate left turn is basically follow the path of the Potomac River to the Northwest, on the departure route.

When the airport is operating the other way, then arrivals follow the River (in visual conditions) or an electronic localizer guidance which is off-set at an angle....ALL because of the area just North of the airport, in DC...the Mall, most of the monuments, the Capitol Building and the White House.

Just ask any airline pilot, next time you go on holiday by air. (Well, any that have flown here).

Now, if you wanna get your 'geek' on, and learn more, here are some visual aids:

The KDCA 'Rosslyn' runway 19 LDA/GS ('LDA' is localizer directional aid, 'GS' is glidelsope):

Here's the 'River Visual'....I've flown this many, many times. It's one of the enjoyable aspects of flying a passenger jet, because it relies ore on skill and execution, judgement and experience. On a nice day, it is a very beautiful approach (if you are on the left side, window seat, you get the best view):

[edit on 8 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

Wacker what does this dogpile represent?Are you telling us they shut down to keep you away from the planes because you were a suspect?

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by REMISNE

Originally posted by andy1972
Considering its proximity, half a mile, from the pentagon, it could have been the base for whatever struck or attacked the building.

Kind of off topic but there was a report that the Russian version of our Air-Bourne Laser was unaccounted for a few days around 9/11/2001.

I have never hear of this do you have any more information about it?
Has it ever been connected to 911?
A u2u would be ok.

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