Well looks like the poster is plugged into the daily talking points. Good trooper is right on time with the latest daily tripe from Karl Rove
Central.(How can these folks even look in a mirror is beyond me.)
But as usual, just throws out a slander with nothing to back him/her up knowing full well the committed zealots will buy it hook, line and sinker.
So well trained are they there is no need anymore to finely craft propaganda -too demanding when all you need do is rattle the cages.
The White House is ramping up its effort to politicize national security, while hiding its record of mistreating veterans, and shortchanging troops on
the battlefield. In a forum for the Bush Campaign yesterday, Secretary of Veterans Anthony Principi declared �our active military respond better to
Republicans� because of "the tremendous support that President Bush [has] provided for our military and our veterans."
� On the same day the White House announced plans for massive cuts to the veterans� health care budget;
� They tried to slash veterans' funding. Last January, President Bush praised veterans in a visit to Walter Reed Army Medical Center;
� That same day, 164,000 veterans were told the White House was " immediately cutting off their access to the VA health care system;
� And White House offered another proposal to �jack up the amount military retirees and some veterans pay for prescription drugs."
And sent troops into battle, he failed to provide soldiers with adequate body armor and reinforced Humvees. Even this year, the White House has not
requested funding to immediately plug serious funding gaps for armor, helmets and other protective equipment needed by military commanders. And the
consequences have been severe: According to Newsweek, a new study circulating in the Army says the lack of equipment may have contributed to one out
of every four American casualties in Iraq .
I have monster file on just how the Bush Republicans have treated the Military which puts forward the prevarications of caring. I would enjoy going
one � on � with you to demonstrate just what kind of friends they are to the folks who die to protect us. This myth qualifies as the Republican�s #1