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whats up with democrats weakening military and security

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posted on May, 31 2004 @ 06:07 PM
This has been going on for a while and its not good for us, you may be thinking this military/security stuff dont matter and doesnt affect you. It affects you a great deal trust me on that.


[Edited on 31-5-2004 by blacman2k6]

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 06:45 PM
Well looks like the poster is plugged into the daily talking points. Good trooper is right on time with the latest daily tripe from Karl Rove Central.(How can these folks even look in a mirror is beyond me.)

But as usual, just throws out a slander with nothing to back him/her up knowing full well the committed zealots will buy it hook, line and sinker.
So well trained are they there is no need anymore to finely craft propaganda -too demanding when all you need do is rattle the cages.

The White House is ramping up its effort to politicize national security, while hiding its record of mistreating veterans, and shortchanging troops on the battlefield. In a forum for the Bush Campaign yesterday, Secretary of Veterans Anthony Principi declared �our active military respond better to Republicans� because of "the tremendous support that President Bush [has] provided for our military and our veterans."

� On the same day the White House announced plans for massive cuts to the veterans� health care budget;
� They tried to slash veterans' funding. Last January, President Bush praised veterans in a visit to Walter Reed Army Medical Center;
� That same day, 164,000 veterans were told the White House was " immediately cutting off their access to the VA health care system;
� And White House offered another proposal to �jack up the amount military retirees and some veterans pay for prescription drugs."

And sent troops into battle, he failed to provide soldiers with adequate body armor and reinforced Humvees. Even this year, the White House has not requested funding to immediately plug serious funding gaps for armor, helmets and other protective equipment needed by military commanders. And the consequences have been severe: According to Newsweek, a new study circulating in the Army says the lack of equipment may have contributed to one out of every four American casualties in Iraq .

I have monster file on just how the Bush Republicans have treated the Military which puts forward the prevarications of caring. I would enjoy going one � on � with you to demonstrate just what kind of friends they are to the folks who die to protect us. This myth qualifies as the Republican�s #1 abomination.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 07:37 PM
Only one thing to say, 9/11 was during Bush time not clinton.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 07:42 PM
If the discussion in this thread doesn't remain civil,
(and I'm not saying any of the responses thus far are anything but civil)
this thread will be moved to the restricted Mudpit.

Just a reminder.


posted on May, 31 2004 @ 07:42 PM
Ugh god I really hate liberals.

"It is not that liberals are so stupid, but that they know so much that isn't so." -- Regan.

First the Democrats are at fault with the current state of the Military, ask any soldier what they think about Bill Clinton.

John F'in Kerry voted against R&D and maintainance of many projects for the Military.

Soldier's pays have increased during the Bush Administration.

But remember when we don't give our Veterrans mercedes...they aren't mercenaries, so stop thinking they should be treated as such and be paid out the wazoo and given all sorts of benefits.

Now that your dumb liberalist dogma has been thurougly refuted, I suggest you read John F'in Kerry's argument for why we don't need an "intelligence" budget.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 07:48 PM
Maybe the republicans are better keeping arm forces happy. But my husband and me make more money on the stock market during Clinton administration so I leave it to you to figured out.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 07:58 PM
ok the veterans health cut is wrong im against that we got that covered.

you guys should research on....

clintons record on military

kerrys record on military

clinton's suicidal policy pdd-60 which i think is still there " makes me not sleep at night"

clintons record on terrorism "poor"

clinton giving technology away to china "missile technology"

research these things....

how kerry wanted to cut huge sums of money from fbi budget and itel. agencies.

how kerry wanted to cut 50 billion dollars a year from military

how liberals make policies like pdd-60 to weaken u.s.

how they dislike spying: no spying= no warning of attacks

liberals dont want us to modernize militarily

plz guys research these things dont shrug them off and laugh like other ppl did in other forums its true serious stuff thats happenin now

check how liberals are trying to ban gun ownership from the u.s.

and how they took nukes away from the navy and airforce and now contiuing to disarm our arsenal

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Banshee
If the discussion in this thread doesn't remain civil,


I learned my lesson you'll have no problems from me.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 08:16 PM
And I am using spell check.
and it works!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 08:26 PM
One night I�m to dang stupid the next night I�m too dang smart. I need links to back up the concept of �sunrise� as other can do a slander dump supported by �Everyone knows that.�

Back and forth; Forth and back its goes night after night a poor does know what he is�.

But I can tell you what I know I will be if this continues:


posted on May, 31 2004 @ 08:33 PM
You be changing the subject. It's how good you all are to the boys in uniform.

We ain't doing the �they did worst then we did� argument here to night.

Give it a rest son.

Let�s get a list of those links that support how well you've done for the military.

To night its dueling links.

No links to duel with? Makes one an easy target for giggles and other forms of mild derision. And we can�t have that���.Banshee�s on our case.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by gmcnulty
Well looks like the poster is plugged into the daily talking points. Good trooper is right on time with the latest daily tripe from Karl Rove Central.(How can these folks even look in a mirror is beyond me.)

But as usual, just throws out a slander with nothing to back him/her up knowing full well the committed zealots will buy it hook, line and sinker.
So well trained are they there is no need anymore to finely craft propaganda -too demanding when all you need do is rattle the cages.

This is so sad! Someone posts a reply and the personal attack is on. gmcnulty, I've read most of your other posts. Those in glass house - well I hope you know the rest! The fact is, I'm a republican - but I'm not voting for Bush. Kerry? No -- I'm looking at the wrong end of the donkey.

Mcnulty, to you I say "Give it a rest son". Anyone who fervently backs anyone in this race is just an idiot!!!

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 08:48 PM
Send it to the pit!!!! It's only (OK here it comes!) CommonSense!

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 09:06 PM
I sure would love to know what a personal attack is here in this country. Sure doesn't seem to any I'm familiar with..........

I even did some research the other night.

I still couldn�t see how what I was reading had to do with what I had done?

I caulked it up to cultural differences; and since I�m in Rome you know what they say��..

But I am sure curious!

The other thing: I�ll write someone something light and hoping to be a tad on the funny side����.. Well, the guy that gets the post seem to know and never complains.

But some eavesdropper, stalker like person comes out of the wings and says I�m just a nasty no-count. Go figure?

Is it just more like the scenario I described above? If it is let me know how the games played so I can have some fun too���..

But am sure interested in what the personal attack constitutes case as best I can see it�s just because someone says it is?

That�s sorta strange and foreign to me but I�m a quick learner so doooooo let me know.

Best wishes.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
my husband and me make more money on the stock market during Clinton administration so I leave it to you to figured out.

There's a lesson here. Marg your on to something.

I when thru the same thing with Reagan as now with Bush. One burned; twice .......whatever, I forget.

But never for got Reagan. I learned my lesson. So when Bush was elected I got ALL my money out of the stock market and put it into the bond market. It's like taking candy form the babies while being brain dead.....

You see Republican Fiscal policy - spend and borrow; make sure you don't have to pay the bills - flattens the maket; weakens/depresses the dollar; pumps the defeicts; and make the bond market bear.

Always does. Like clock works since 1900.............

same pattern.

I did just fine. Now in money market to insulate from the coming crash - my forcaster sees a Dow 3500.

He's to bleak for me. IT's going to be maybe Dow 5500.........when then: We'll think about making a move.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 09:21 PM
I really do not understand your post. I think you meant "I chalked it" not "I caulked it up", to cultural differences. Your signature says Florida. Your post says Rome - what is it?

As far as the rest of your post - it simply declines. What are you talking about?

I've looked at many of your other posts - they simply do not make sense for the most part. There is a reason for this! But that needs not to be posted!!

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Only one thing to say, 9/11 was during Bush time not clinton.

Yeah well, the attack on the U.S.S Cole, OKC bombing, and the first WTC attack, among others were on Clinton's watch. Not only that but what about the WACO massacre, and the scandal of the Cuban kid Elian Gonzalez among others.

Clinton didn't want to deal with terrorism, the only thing he did was send a couple of missiles in the middle of nowhere.
If our troops in Iraq now do not have enough equipment, its because of the cutbacks Clinton made to the military in general.
Not only that but he did mention in many of his speeches that he wanted all guns to be banned, except for police officers and other government employees.

He also called the Constitution "a radical Constitution, and a radical Bill of Rights," sold many military secrets to both the Russians and the Chinese.

Clinton was a big sellout to the communists, if he had been in office now, we would probably be completly owned by China and Russia. Well maybe not, but he seems to have wanted to do this.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 09:27 PM
gmcnulty, if you want to see part of the evidence that Clinton was selling military secrets and that he was also selling us big time to the communist regimes check this link. Scroll down to Legacy of the Clintonites. There is a lot of proof that Clinton was a sell out, and its even possible he hid evidence that Islamic terrorists were linked to the OKC bombing.

[Edited on 31-5-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 09:30 PM
Gotta love the conservitaves hahaha they can spin lies and misinformation like no others!

FIRST of all to all of you republican sheep, there are some conservitive ideas I agree with, like trim budgets and umm ah ending slavery (had to go back a bit for that one) but good lord Bush is the worst man ever appointed president.

Dems are not soft on the military, we just believe in an idea that your dear President Regan made famous, responsible spending!

Also it is Kerry NOT Bush who wants to send more troops to Iraq.

Clinton actually spent almost the same on defense as Bush has, see the reason it's so much less than Regan and Bush Sr spent is because we are not in an arms race with the Soviets anymore

Basically, bottom line Republicans, do your homework before you shoot your foot into your mouth.


posted on May, 31 2004 @ 09:39 PM
Besides, you really think it matters how much money we spend when we are loosing World War Three to a guy in a cave?

Ah well anyways, you guys can all join me in Europe when you're ready to wise up. Hahah in 20 years the US will not even be a superpower, China is comming up your arse pretty quick you know.

I got a great bottle of French wine (1983 vintage by the way) , some German sausages and Russian caviar if any of you want to join me.


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