posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:33 AM
In my opinion the last thread to be wrongfully banned was this...
"The True History of Islam"...
So long as something has a fair amount of truth behind it (i.e. not so little that's it's just a stupid rant) I think it's incredibly authoritarian
to go shutting a discussion down on the grounds of "hate speech".
Seems we are all free on here to criticise government for war-murder until our hearts are content, but as soon as someone posts a conspiracy about
race or religion, then the "PC fascists" must shut it down because we are all too weak-pathetic to get offended (that and the lies behind modern
political correctness need protecting) (from contradictory thoughts!!!).
That said, just think of the effect "a suicide computer" could have on this forum!!!
P.S Don't shut down this post, I'll join whatever Nazi-communist party YOU want, just please, don't shut it down!!!