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Greek Protesters try to storm Greek Parliament

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:01 AM

Greek Protesters try to storm Greek Parliament

Striking Greek workers shut down transport and tried to storm parliament as lawmakers passed 4.8 billion euros ($6.5 billion) in budget cuts, including wage reductions, needed to trim the region’s biggest budget deficit.

Police with riot shields fired tear gas as demonstrators wearing biker helmets and ski masks pelted them with stones outside parliament in Athens where lawmakers approved the measures.

We didn’t create this crisis but now we have to pay for it,” said Manthos Adamakis. GSEE and civil servants’ union ADEDY called a 24-hour general strike for March 11.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:01 AM
at least the greeks have the balls to come out and protest against the rich scumbag elitist who screwed everything up that they, the common man and woman, have to now pay for. same goes with the portuguese and spanish people who are out in the streets right now.

I know there was some big protests in california against education cuts yesterday and i know there is some protests coming up for various other causes (especially april 19th's second amendment march) but none of these protests are specifically aimed at the heart of the cause. the rich fatcat bankers, the fed, big business and thier government puppetts and cronies... like joe stack, you've got to agree with john bedell's greivences against the government, i know you do we see these same opinons posted on ATS all the time, but maybe you dont agree with his actions.

"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice" -John Adams

may the greek people prevail....
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:02 AM
Yes! I love this kind of stuff it shows that we wont stand while people try to # us over

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:10 AM
I think this shows what we can expect if the sh*t really hits the fan financially. What happens in Greece today will inevitably happen in other countries very soon.

Lets hope that things will calm down. But one thing is sure: If the leading industrial countries continue to spend money they don´t have, we will be seeing a lot more of this.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

As if they are the only ones. All of us Westerners are made to pay for this economic crisis, while those responsible go unpunished.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

Amen. Well done to the Greek people. Listening to alot of Americans on this site, it is pretty apparent that quite a few are against striking and fighting for their rights, i.e the student protests in California, opposition to the unions.

Fortunately the people of Greece and i feel wider Europe will not take this kind of financial slavery lying down. Greece=the home of democracy. Plato would turn in his grave,thankfully, at this kind of Direct Democracy.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Mdv2
reply to post by TheCoffinman

As if they are the only ones. All of us Westerners are made to pay for this economic crisis, while those responsible go unpunished.

Infact it seems those responsible are still rewarded with huge bonus's.

We should watch the event s closely in Greece, these type of austerity cuts are coming our way after the election in the UK. Things are going to get ugly

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Mdv2

i find it amazing that most people are either 1. have no idea this is going on because of thier willful ignorance or 2. just plain dont give a sh*t

"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders." - Samuel Adams

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:16 AM
On one side it is good, becouse people are showing that they are not happy with rip-off.
On teh other, it s bad, becouse ignorance of the very same people led to this.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:22 AM
In before this is sparta.

Good on you Greeks. You've had a bad run for a while now. Good luck to you all in these hard times.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

I might be mistaken as English is not my first language, but was that reply intended to be insulting?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Mdv2

not at all good sir. simply implying the willfull ignorant of the masses boggles my mind. this nation has lost its identity....

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

The goverment are full of people who are put in place by those that cause the mess in the first place.

these elected officials wouldnt even be able to stand if they didnt get finacial support from thse leaches in the first place.

so they have their obligations to the leaches then to the people.

Got to love our system where the people who cause trouble are rewarded and those that do their jobs right are made to pay.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:11 PM
How's it going folks? I'm new to posting on here, so forgive my lack of knowledge regarding such.

I for one, feel the Greeks are leading by example. How can anyone in this day and age be blatantly ripped of by their governments? The problem we all face at this time is the complete inaction of the general populace. For some reason the vast majority of people these days are ignorant to the manipulation of our society by a hand full of criminals. These tyrants hold the reigns to the number one source of information - the media.

I live in Spain these days. I can tell you that the majority of my Spanish friends would instantly take up arms against there government for such blatant criminality. Not so long ago they brought the country to a stand still for a couple of weeks, when the hiked the fuel price. It worked - the government backed down.

Being from the UK - I can testify to the fact that in general people are push over. Why is this? Major blame must lie with the media manipulation factor. There is a major difference between Spain and the UK. Here in Spain the people pay less attention to what the talking heads tell them. They think for themselves. Contrast this with the UK where popular opinion is clearly manipulated by the media. For example, in the past weeks an English football player was found to be fornicating with an ex team mates woman. This was jumped upon with glee. For two whole weeks the entire population has been 'entertained' by a couple of over paid Jessie’s with more money than sense. You would think that the state of the economy, illegal war on two fronts and spiralling debt would be of more concern than a couple of idiots sex lives.

It's a sorry state of affairs when the football world cup means more to people than the futures of them and their children. The Geeks have it right, we need to stand up to the tyrants and make a stand. Time is ticking; it can't possibly go on like this for much longer. Hopefully these are the sparks that ignite the fight in people everywhere.

Completely off the cuff, what can I say? Anyway look forward to more of the same!

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:14 PM

Greek police clashed in front of parliament with stone-throwing youths protesting against austerity measures on Friday but lawmakers still passed the bill in an emergency vote.

Police fired teargas to disperse dozens of demonstrators who hurled stones, burnt garbage containers and scuffled with other protestors. Strikes also shut schools and brought public transport in Athens to a halt.

About 12,000 demonstrators took to the streets according to police estimates, most of them peacefully. Shouting "never, never, never," they protested the austerity measures meant to tackle Greece's huge fiscal deficit and 300 billion euro ($408 billion) debt pile.

"We are fighting the austerity measures, the cuts in salaries and the new taxes," said 21-year old student Christina Vasilopoulou, marching to parliament. "With these measures only a small percentage of the debt will be cut and the poor will suffer more."

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

Flip this scene upside down literally and you have the truth.

Even the V itself should be upside down.

The situation stinks but when the whole game is set up, when all the chips have fallen, when everyone bows the knee, a lot of people need to be asking what for?

If you can see it laid out before you, it becomes obvious. It is war.

What would a one world government, one world religion, one world currency system and one world army want to war against after any opposition is erased?

[edit on 5-3-2010 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:53 PM
Why is it that most people on here blame the rich for all of their problems? I am by no means a wealthy man, in fact most would consider me poor, but I do realize that without wealthy people, there would be no one to purchase many of the products that our society makes. All of the high end car sales would cease and so would the jobs the people have of creating these jobs.

It is almost like people actually want to see communism tried again even though it has never worked effectively, and it has killed more people than died in WWII.

The goal should be to get corruption out of governments, and to make a fair and even tax so that we all pay the same percentage. And to you people that say even tax is not fair to the poor people remeber that 20 percent of a million dollars is a lot more than 20 percent of twenty thousand dollars.

When half of the people realize that they don't have to work, the other half will have to support those people, and this is impossible.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by russ212

there doesnt HAVE to be rich people... you need to get that idea out of your head before you continue the conversastion..

also would like to add that imagine what would happen here in the USA if people tried to storm congress.... i believe there would be blood, people would die and then the media would demonize all of them as extremists and terrorists.... any of this sound familiar?

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
reply to post by russ212

there doesnt HAVE to be rich people... you need to get that idea out of your head before you continue the conversastion..

also would like to add that imagine what would happen here in the USA if people tried to storm congress.... i believe there would be blood, people would die and then the media would demonize all of them as extremists and terrorists.... any of this sound familiar?

I agree with you on your first point. How ever People have to realise that this situation can no longer continue. We have a developed country in one of the most economically powerful regions of earth, brought to its knees, through the lawless actions of a handful of people.

Fighting is a necessary evil in order for people to take back theirs and our freedoms. Peaceful demonstrations have had there day, no longer can a point be made by a few demonstrators handling banners demanding change. Don't miss understand me here, I aint advocating reckless violence. The Greek people have it right, attack the roots of the plant, cutting its head off will only serve to dent its growth. People vote these criminals into office and have the right to demand answers. Every country has been constructed on the backs of its workers. When these people demand change in their society, the ones which blood created and maintain their country, have the right to demand answers.

Blood has been spilt in every revolution throughout history. People need to stand together and fight side by side for their freedom. You harbour a defeatist attitude, when in reality storming congress would rally people to your cause. Blood would no doubt be spilled, but for the people to stand by and remain silent and inactive? Forget the media, their days are numbered as well, we have the internet my friend, no matter how hard they try to control it, and people will fight it. You are here on ATS for a reason, we all are, it's global, and through places like this we can organise some sort of resistance. All this may seem like wishful thinking to some. Why can't we use the tools at hand to create a movement 'of the people for the people this legendary statement which you Americans should understand better than most. You have been on the fore front of this silent battle for a good while now. The American people are being strangled by TPTB daily; you are the people which can start the revolution. The rest will follow your lead should you choose to take the fight to them, the days of defence are over, and the fight must be taken to them before all your rights have been extinguished. Peaceful protest no longer works IMHO we must make a stand, drop your tools for a week and see what happens.

Peace and pardon the frustration

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 07:20 AM
Do you know why there are alot of people in those countries out protesting and rioting?

Greece :
Panhellenic Socialist Movement won 43.9% of election
Communist Party won 7.5% of election
Combined these two leftist parties won 51.4% of the election, they are pretty hard-left parties so this means Greece has a majority made up of Socialists(Usually very active and sometimes violent/destructive).

Spain :
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party won 43.9% of election
United Left won 3.8% of election
Combined these two leftist parties make up 47.7% of election, they are also pretty hard-left parties so this means Spain has a large amount of leftists. As mentioned above Sociliasts are known for their activism.

Portugal :
Socialist Party won 36.6% of election
Left Bloc won 9.8% of election
These are the two largest leftist parties and they won 46.4% of the election. So they also make up a large amount of the voting base in Portugal. So we usually see alot of rioting, clashes and Unions calling for workers to stop working in countries with alot of active Socialists.

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