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How much is it to Oldham....phnarr phnaar!

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posted on May, 31 2004 @ 02:47 PM
Hi so there i am little normal old me. Just seen my brother perform in a play in Oldham theatre workshop, i'm walking out to get a taxi and.....hey presto......i'll base is approx 1000 m, with an approx 15 knot wind....i looks up as i often do and well you know how the sparks are when a mechanic is grinding away under a car, well just within the cloud base i see this....yes moving right to left as i stood...but being a bit of an aircraft buff i noticed that for powered flight it was moving too slow!...ok so some are gonna thoughts entirely, but at Ten o'clock at night in the pitch black! Braver man than me! I have since heard that the Pennines in England are a bit of a hot bed of this sort of activity!...I know it hasn't got the romance of 51, but chance is a fine thing indeed, anyone else in this area got any experiances?.....would love to

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 02:58 PM
Fireworks? Ball Lightning? Flaming bag of dog doo? Team Rocket Blasting off again?

What I find funny about your post is that this supposedly took place around 10 at night, pitch black, you can see this sparking "thing" flying slowly...and you can tell how many knots the wind was blowing at and how wide this cloud base was in the pitch black?

Come on.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 03:18 PM
Firstly a 'cloud base' is the height of the lowest cloud formation from the ground, secondly i can judge the wind ( thats a guess, you wont find any better on the news theyre appauling, we never trusted them in the Forces). Thirdly i never at all said i saw the thing that was producing this effect, only the effect that i saw and my speculation as to what it could be...or not! This is what we are up against...critising what i saw isn't a slant on myself, but your own mistrust of people...HEY GET WITH THE PROGRAMME THATS WHY WE ARE HERE!. Next time use something useful like a 'thought process' theyre cheap, efficient, and can save embaressment....look forward to corressponding with you again...

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 03:23 PM
tigerfeet used approximates, some people can judge like that sinobyte.

it could have been a helicopter you saw, sometimes the wind can distort the sound, so you might not of heard it only seen it.

you might be asking the wrong crowd really as they are mostly americans here. the english community on this site are wide spread across the uk. but you never know.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 03:57 PM
Once again you measured a cloud base in what you claim was pitch black? If you expect nobody to ask questions you might want to be a bit more specific so as not to leave any questions unanswered, which you did. It was quite rational for me to ask how you knew the knots of the wind and the cloud measurement as any other investigator or responsible UFO community member would ask. I used a "thought process" my flaming friend and my first 2 questions were asked. If you can't handle being asked them...why post?

If you don't like my opinion or my questions you can cram them up your afterburner for all I care but when I ask something it's not because I mistrust's because I'm interested in hearing more.

[Edited on 5/31/2004 by Sinobyte]

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 04:50 PM
Look Synobyte....i was in a town England, if your not familiar with my land, we have orange street lighting, this illuminates the 'cloud base', but for the thing that was flying, and it was flying it, would appear to be pitch black. I can understand that you would like to be presented with an accurate detailed report as to what i saw...this i can understand...but as my knowledge was wasn't sure what it was i merely was raising the question of what it could have to was like a firework travelling very slowly...(you'll have to trust me on this)...not that i could see the 'body' of the thing only the stuff that was being thrown out of the back (exhaust whatever) there was no accompanying sound at all...and i observe this for approx 40-60 seconds before it went out of sight...i do not claim that it was some kind of UFO...i just wondered if anyone-else had a similar story to baffled me..but my accounts of the 'cloud base' and wind speed are pretty accurate...i was good at it in the no offence meant Synobyte...
be cool

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 05:02 PM
Thanks for a bit more clarification Tigerfeet.

[Edited on 5/31/2004 by Sinobyte]

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 11:23 PM
Hey Tigerfeet, could what you saw have possibly been a flare of some type? I'm sure you're aware of flares being that you made mention of you serving in some type of military service but could it have possibly been some type of flare?

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 11:29 PM
It wasn't Finbarr Saunders.

It was Tigerfeet and his Amazing Underpants!

Nicely narrated story, sparks kind of suggest something put in the air by inefficient homo sapiens.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 08:42 AM
I live in Hyde, about 5 miles south of Oldham. Both Hyde and Oldham are in east Manchester, to the west of the Pennines where, as TigerFeet says, there has been hundreds of UFO sightings. IN fact, I think this area, along with somewhere in Scotland and somewhere else in Northern Ireland are THE UFO hotspots of the UK.

TF, are you saying that this thing actually had sparks flying off it? What day was it? I think you are confused with the time, as it is only just going dark at 10pm in our part of the world, far from being pitch black!

Was this yesterday by any chance? As I was in Oldham yesterday for the gig on Alexandra park (for those who won't know about this, it was to help ease racial tensions in Oldham after huge riots in the Glodych are of the town, from Asian youths, the biggest riots seen in England since the 70's. It was also supposed to be a celebration of high population of different races in teh area. There was a really good INdian guy singing, a very good up and coming band from Hyde called I am Kloot and the world famous "Ska" legend, Desmond Dekker) and spent a lot of time lying oin the grass, on my back looking up to the heavens, I was watching a dot seemingly moving in several different directions in the same area for 15/20 mins, it seemed to be at a similar height as inter-continental planes fly. I am not convinced that I saw anything too special, as my eye sight is so poor I have no confidence in the solidity of what I saw but it would be interesting if you witnessed something strange on the same day, in the same area.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 10:56 AM
It was about 4 years ago in the month of to whether it could have been a 'flare'...well if it was, what was it doing flying in the horizontal! Seemingly with a straight line of flight...i've used flares of many descriptions, but nothing comes close....thats not to say might be a type i haven't come across.It didn't scare me, i didn't stand in awe...but bemused and puzzled i most certainly 'Wasn't one of the most famous cases of a UFO sighting involving a bobby in Tomorden'?....
nice planet we'll take it.....

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Tigerfeet
ps 'Wasn't one of the most famous cases of a UFO sighting involving a bobby in Tomorden'?....
nice planet we'll take it.....

Yep, Alan Godfrey I think his name was. He took a pic of it, actually, I think he claimed to have been abducted by it. Ilkley Moor ET.

There is another famous UFO case involving a copper around that East Lancs/West Yorks area, the coppers name was Tony Dodd, he wrote a decent enough book about it called Alien Investigator.

Actually, I think I may have them the wrong way round, I think Tony Dodd may have been the Tod cop. Ilkley Moor is in Yorkshire, isn't it?

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 12:34 PM
It certainly is!

I annoys me that, living in the north of England (I live in Bradford - scene of yet more race riots), I never get to see anything like that.

My only odd sighting was about 5 years ago when I was waiting for a bus (as you do!) and star gazing. I was looking at a particularly bright star that I didn't recognise. (BTW - I'm not an astronomer so have no idea about constellations and the like but I frequently waited at this stop and the view is fantastic so I notice anything "unusual")

After looking at it for about 1 minute, I thought I heard my bus coming, looked round to see it wasn't and, when I looked back,was just in time to see a bright flash and then no light at all (I mean that particular light - not that there was NO LIGHT)

But that's it. Oldham, you say? Anywhere in particular?

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