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Clinton was...

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posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 02:48 PM
Well, just wanted to see what the masses thought about our most recent ex-prez.

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 05:23 PM
This place is filled with die hard Clinton-haters!Bush's failed Presidency enhances Clinton's legacy.Everyday George Bush is frusterated by another failure.Contrast his failures with the enormous success enjoyed by Bill Clinton.Quite possibly we have gone from the most successful presidency to the least successful presidency in just 18 months.Lets look at the report card for each.

1.cultivate & maintain consumer confidence.Clinton- A+,Bush- F

2.Cultivate & maintain investors confidence.Clinton-A+,Bush-F

3.Attain & maintain a budget surplus.Clinton-A+,Bush-F

4.Anticipate national Security threats & protect America.Clinton-A+,Bush-F

5.Protect our envirionment.Clitnon(&Gore)-A+,Bush-F

6.Create Jobs.Clinton-A+,Bush-F

The rabib Clinton haters blame everything from the economy to the war on Clinton.What a crock of SH*T!Okay,let me see if I get this straight.The 8 years of Peace & prosperity Clinton had was due to Reagan & Bush & the hard times we have NOW is all Clinton's fault.When exactlt does The clock start with Dubya?I mean,so far ALL these problems we have had are everyone's fault but his!

Herse another interesting read.I hear non-stop that Clinton did nothing about terrorism which is total BS!Clinton didn't take a month long vacation after taking office(literally)7 months prior.Clinton I doubt even took a whole month off during his presidency.Bush came back 2 weeks before 9/11.Clinton was more on the ball & aware of things than Bush ever was.

Clinton was by far one of the smartest politicians/Presidents we have EVER had.Funny how 1/2 the people in the US hate Clinton yet most the people throughout the world LOVE Clinton.Whereas,1/2 the people in the US love George Bush yet most the people throughout the world HATE Bush.Lets not forget,during the impeachment,Clinton's approval number was in the high 60's low 70's which is higher than Bush's numbers now.As a President,Clinton was the best.

Clinton also LOVES people.Everywhere he goes,he is treated like a rock star!As a public speaker,people are willing to pat top dollar to here him speak.Just recently he was offered the job of chancellor of Oxford University.(the fist time an American has ever been offered this position)He's been rumored to take up as chief of the UN.He's being considered as a nominee for the Noble Peace prize for all he's done to fight AIDS & other humanitarian roles he's played.The ditto heads swore that he would be a one term president.They were wrong.Swore that he would go to jail before his 2nd term was up.They were wrong.Swore that he was involved with WhiteWater.Hilary & Bill were cleared(after spending $70 million,meanwhile only $3 million has been spent on investigating those responsible for 9/11.Which goes to show you,Clinton haters feel a blow job is much more important than bringing justice to those who murdered 3,000 people on 9/11)They swore that Chelsea was no good just like Mom & Dad,but she was accepted as a Rhodes Scholar(still don't think most people know how rare & how difficult this is)Chelsea was never reported in the papers for underaged drinking.The ditto heads also swore that Bill & Hilary would divorce the minute he left office.Never happened.Remember Rush laughing at the fact that Hilary was even considering running for the Senate.He said she doesn't have a chance in hell.Well, get the idia.The Clinton haters haven't gotten it right yet.

Heres a clip of 'The Big Dog'.This shows his sense of humor(something Bush doesn't have)Its been reported that Clinton often starts off when ever he speaks with a few Clinton jokes.Esquire magazine said no one enjoys Clinton jokes more than Bill himself.Clinton was shown on Airforce One watching a tape of SNL where they were lampooning him.Clinton loves a good roast

There are stuborn people who just hate him & feel comfortable hating him.Even though we're in a recession,some will deny it & say we're not.Even though Bush is the dumbest man to ever hold the title of President,some still insist he's smart because he went to Yale & Harvard.(see Some will say these sites are lies,but they even have real video of him saying these things)Clinton haters will insist we are better off now than we were during Clinton's years.I just laugh at these people.I have a bumper sticker on my car that read "I MISS BILL CLINTON" & I most of the time get thumbs up from people on the road.So,if you want a fair answer to your question,this may not be the best place to find the answer.

[Edited on 2-3-2003 by romantico]

[Edited on 2-3-2003 by romantico]

[Edited on 3-3-2003 by romantico]

[Edited on 3-3-2003 by romantico]

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 06:07 PM
That if Gore was allowed to take office,airline security was a major focus of his.

"Theres nothing thats wrong with America that can't be fixed by whats right with America!"-Bill Clinton-

"I think we all agree,the past is over"
"Do you have blacks in Brazil?"
"I'm the edumakation president"
"Is Our Children Learning?"
-George W.Bush- (who makes Dan Quayle look like a member of MENSA)

[Edited on 3-3-2003 by romantico]

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by romantico I have a bumper sticker on my car that read "I MISS BILL CLINTON" & I most of the time get thumbs up from people on the road.

Personally, I'd rather have a bumper sticker that reads, "I miss Lincoln & JFK". Better Presidents than any before, since or in between. Ah, what could've been accomplished had they not been assassinated?...

[Edited on 3-3-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 08:45 AM
I like Teddy Roosevelt

Airline's are pretty safe the way they are. Gore woulda spent billions to create only an inefficient system. If people any idea of how far the terrorists really would go do you think that September would have happened with boxcutters?? Hell no. As soon as word got out about the terrorists plans those men over PA saved a lot of people. As for safety measures...pilots with guns would be nice (your trusting your lives with them anyways), and cockpit door locks. Anything other than that... it's the people in the back responsiblity to stop a terrorist. Bombsniffing dogs too at the gate.

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 08:48 AM
Originally posted by romantico I have a bumper sticker on my car that read "I MISS BILL CLINTON" & I most of the time get thumbs up from people on the road.

Are you sure it was their thumb?

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by grunt_ignited

Are you sure it was their thumb?

Sure it was a thumb. But the meaning was : " Go back at home you " *����%^�*$ " !

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 10:17 AM
Clinton probably should get two stars out of a possible five, but I wouldn't go as far as to call him a bastard.

Bill had his share of problems (some of which literally sucked) but he and his puppeteers did manage to ride the economic golden bull to some degree of success. One would need to suggest that any administation (even the current one) would have managed about the same. The dot coms were great for Billy and his legacy of american wealth, but poor George Jr. and his crownies are caught in the whirlpool of corporate deceit and corruption which started during and possibly before the Clinton years. I don't think any administration going back to Kennedy would be doing any better/worse than the current one.

I've always wondered why the president of the united states is put on a pedestal of sorts. Presidents are all normal people like you and I...they eat, drink, sleep, and use the bathroom just like everyone else. Remember...these people do not make the decisions...their paths are dictated for them...they are the dog and pony show of politics. Only one president in recent times (JFK) tried to call some shots and was summarily whacked for the effort.


posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 02:07 PM
The poll has been freeped BIG TIME since Yesterday!!!

yes, I am sure that they were giving me thumbs up.Clinton was elected by the people twice.He was a Uniter & he has compassion.People know a REAL leader when they see one & we haven't seen one for about 2 years now.Sad,but true.



Hopefully this will explain to those who can't tell the difference!

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
Personally, I'd rather have a bumper sticker that reads, "I miss Lincoln & JFK". Better Presidents than any before, since or in between. Ah, what could've been accomplished had they not been assassinated?...

Who knows? But is it just me, or all the good presidents yanked from office before they do any real good for the people of America.... I mean, JFK only served 2 years... Lincoln didn't serve a full 2 terms either....

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 03:38 PM
Well uh romantico, it seems that the mojority dislike Bill here. Well thoise who took the poll.

9 are saying that he is pretty good while...

12 say he is a bastard or the devil!



[Edited on 3-3-2003 by JediMaster]

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 03:58 PM
When I posted yesterday he was in the lead by alot & judging by the number of Anti-Bush comments made on other threads looks as if Clinton isn't doing as bad here as I though he would.Funny how Dumbya's leadership has made everyone hungry for those days of peace & prosperity.

"Another Bush, Another recession"

by the way,hows that 401(K) of yours?


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