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Changes I've noticed to the World Map (Timelineshift)

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posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 09:56 AM

P.S.: I remembered Iceland being a little bit more to the south and a little bit to the west. It looks too far up north and a little to the east from what I have remembered. Looks "way too close to Norway" even.

P.S. 2: It even looks like the Atlantic Ocean shrunk or is smaller in size.

I was doing additional research on why I thought the Atlantic was smaller, and then it occured to me, in my perception South America has never passed the 45 Longitutude line....


[edit on 3/6/2010 by FoxStriker]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by sphinx551

Originally posted by Tamale_214

I am not convinced of any of this. It just seems to me so much more likely that TPTB have been at least moderately successful with their dumbing down program.

Knowledge without reason is wasted
Reason without Knowledge is pointless.


While I can't say that I came from another timeline (along with some other people who had these experiences), but I can say that we should remain open-minded and investigate this "timeline shift" issue.

And you are absolutely right. Sometimes my internal smarmy censor malfunctions. There was no need for me to reply in such a nasty fashion. My apologies.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Rather than a timeline shift, perhaps it is a question of consciousness and locality/non-locality and a bit of quantum sliding from one reality to another quantum reality.

I would go back to the early atomic bombs somehow disturbing reality at a quantum level.

So in this reality everything is where it should be...... except that some of us find that our minds/souls/consciousness are what are out of place.

[edit on 6/3/10 by Pellevoisin]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
Rather than a timeline shift, perhaps it is a question of consciousness and locality/non-locality and a bit of quantum sliding from one reality to another quantum reality.

I thought timeline shift and quantum jumping are the same thing?

I would go back to the early atomic bombs somehow disturbing reality at a quantum level.

It probably all started with the 1945 atomic bomb blasts at Horishima and Nagasaki. I heard that those events made timelines collapse.

[edit on 6-3-2010 by sphinx551]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 07:28 PM
i reality my belief is that the earth is expanding just look at the land mass they can fit like a puzzle well the big pieces at least the accumulation of h2o over earths lifetime watch the video this makes perfect sense if so does it bring out the hollow earth theory >? another question if our solar system started at the same time then why are the land masses of the other planets are bigger or smaller should they be the same size ?

10 vid of earth expanding

Pangea Theory a Disaster for Physics

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:22 PM
I'm so glad you started this, this map thing has been bugging me for weeks now.

I often see things on maps that don't seem to be in the right place and a lot of them can be put down the faulty memory and bad maps we had in school, but some of them just can't be explained that way.

I'm on the west coast of Aussie and tho I never remember NZ being over here I honestly thought it was further north and closer to us.

But the one that has been driving me batty (not that I wasn't already
.) is Cuba and Haiti.

I was in school during the crises there (in the sixties) and we had to learn where they were, so it's not just a faded memory of a map seen in passing.

A few weeks ago I was looking in that area as I'm interested in where meteorites have fallen, especially big ones, and I'm like "How did cuba get so close to the Gulf of Mexico?"

I don't remember any islands sitting in the gap between Yucatan and Florida like that.

I know it's hard to vizualise so I did a little psp to show you (paintshoppro)

so: here is how it is now


and how I remember it


I don't have an explaination for what we are perceiving, I wish I did, but with so many people claiming the same or similar things I think there must be something to it.

Personally I am leaning towards different dimensions and somehow our consciousness is swapping between them.
Usually very similar dimensions with only minor changes but occassionally someone has a bigger 'leap' and the changes are bigger.


[edit on 8/3/2010 by PennyQ]

[edit on 8/3/2010 by PennyQ]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by PennyQ
but occassionally someone has a bigger 'leap' and the changes are bigger.

Now I am wondering if this mostly happens to very spiritual or "more in-tuned" people or can it happen to anyone at fair chance?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551

Originally posted by FoxStriker

5) The Bahama Island have been displaced, Florida did not have these islands of their East Coast

This one caught my eye. I noticed that the Bahamas are closer to Florida now. I never remembered seeing the Bahamas so close to Florida before. I usually remembered Bahamas being further from Florida.

In all, I do believe there is some truth to what you are saying and that timeline shifts are possible.
Also, maybe it's just aliens secretly altering our reality ?

[edit on 4-3-2010 by sphinx551]

I can assure you that Cuba has always been just south of Florida, and Bahamas have always been due east of Florida. I know this because I live in south Florida, and I am an avid boater, and have boated from west palm beach to the Bahamas on several occasions for weekend trips. This includes Bimini and I have even dove the so called "Bimini road" and the concrete ship (looking for lobster).

These areas have always been where they currently are, at least in this time line in which we are currently sharing.

If you think you have come from a different timeline, and have come to this time line, you may want to take another look at our time lines history books to see what may be different or the same. Timelines are inherently different, whther it be by major changes (think flying pigs, orange apples, red oranges, ect) or by subtle changes (think about that yellow light you ran, you stopped at the yellow light in another time line)

Time lines have actually been speculated by Physicists for quite a while now. Most refer to it as Sum over histories or Sum over paths in mathematics, and Hawking expanded on it to timelines. It may be worth a read for you.


posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by xmaddness

If you think you have come from a different timeline, and have come to this time line, you may want to take another look at our time lines history books to see what may be different or the same. Timelines are inherently different, whther it be by major changes (think flying pigs, orange apples, red oranges, ect) or by subtle changes (think about that yellow light you ran, you stopped at the yellow light in another time line)

All right, I will give a list of what else I thought has changed:
1. Australia is too close to Indonesia.
2. New Zealand is tilted more and seems a little bit further south than from what I remember.
3. Iceland is too close to Greenland and is further north.
4. Japan seems smaller and closer to mainland.
5. North America and Europe seem closer to each other.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:45 PM
Well, using maps will be hard to tell if you or someone has truly come from another time line. However, if you for instance remember from your history books that Japan and the USA were allies in WWII against Germany, well, yeah, that is definitely history from another time line.

This is why I suggest you look through some current history books to see if there are any major differences from what you remember. Not so much small things, but large differences.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:13 PM
I think a lot of what's going on is changes to cartography. We have Google Earth now and other programs that give us a 3D view of the planet. I think a lot of the misconception here comes from paper mapping versus digital mapping. We have more access to GPS and satellite resources more than ever and we may be finding that older paper maps were just not as accurate.

That being said I could have sworn Korea was farther south than it is currently presented.

Not saying anyone here is wrong or right. Just my opinion.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by xmaddness
Well, using maps will be hard to tell if you or someone has truly come from another time line.

I don't know if this helps or not but I remember I read a phrase or sentence in a book before and then some time later when I look at the same phrase again, it is different. Either different in some words or is re-phrased. Happened more than once to me.

Edit: I also had this experience:

[edit on 8-3-2010 by sphinx551]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:16 AM
Hey dmor, you got it exactly right. I can't believe no one on this thread wants to hear a sensible explanation.

About 90% of the "map errors" reported here can be due to different projection systems. I have tried explaining this on pg 4 but people still want to believe that cuba should be more to the south or that iceland move a little bit.

Heck there's even a guy that talked about comparing his recollection of 1960s geography class maps to google earth maps! Of course some features will look a little off!

It's the nature of unwrapping a sphere on a 2D surface. Like I said, only changes that can't be explained by projections is the land masses moving over to other sides of continents or whatever.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Lacenaire

dude forget the map maker.
where are the maps?

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:16 PM
Puerto Rico was right under Florida, and Cuba was next to it...that's what I remember. The Bahamas were under Cuba and Puerto Rico, Jamaica was next to that but further out into the Atlantic.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:26 PM
i readup there a ways about the Mediteranian....and it does look smallish, pond

[edit on 15-3-2010 by GBP/JPY]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by OdovacarDvilhelm
Stop with these threads about continents moving, it's really disturbing even.

Isn't it "common knowledge" that the continents and all other land masses do indeed shift? Pangea anyone? Also, we are having a few severe earthquakes this year. More than any I can remember.

Not that I believe it's a timeline shift. But continental shift none-the-less.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:48 PM
Because we don't fly around having the advantage of a birds-eye view of the world, can you at least embed or link a map or two to show us what you're referring to please?

I'm not gonna discredit you but I have absolutely no idea why you're saying what you're saying and what exactly you're basing it on.

I live right on the SE coast of Florida and I have no idea if this coast moved in the last few years or not. I know the beaches are getting smaller though has to admit, the average person isn't in the habit of monitoring islands, coastlines or continents so, who knows?

Thanks OP!

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:52 PM
On a lighter note:

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:58 PM
As a person still in high-school, and who took geography honors last year, I'm sort of confused as to how so many people claim that "this was there" and what not. We constantly were tested on our geographic knowledge, identifying random countries on the map, islands, etc.

Maybe because most of you are older than I am, you were raised looking at different maps.

Last year, and actually in the beginning of my AP world history class, we were introduced to a few types of maps. There were 3 we learned about. The three maps were pretty similar, except they varied in 3 major areas. One map was extremely accurate near the poles (north and south), the outlines of the countries/continents were spot on, but towards the center, the map became very inaccurate ( things were larger than they are, smaller than they are, seemingly out of place). On another map, the poles were drawn very vaguely, and seemed almost elementary, while the center, around the equator was extremely detailed and accurate, as far as I'm concerned. The third and final map was strange, and I'm not quite sure if I'm recalling right, but I believe that the horizontal (east to west) details were spot on, but the vertical (north and south) details were very exaggerated. ie: south america touched antarctica, australia was very long vertically. It all depends on the type of maps that you were exposed to in your youth.

This is just my opinion though. But since so many of you claim to be from a different time-line, who knows, anything is possible.

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