posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:31 PM
This has been discussed already in other threads, but for the record:
As an airline pilot myself, this was not unusual in the past thirty is the environment today, though of more 'thin-skinned' monitoring
and knee-jerk reactions, as opposed to the slap on the wrist attitude of old.
The general public has a distorted view/impression of just what exactly ATC does, and does NOT do. Did you know that the Captain can refuse to comply
with an ATC instruction? (and it is an 'instruction, technically a 'clearance' to do something, rather than an order to do something)
It's called 'Captain's Emergency Authority' --- and, yes, there'd be alot of paperwork, and he/she had better have had a good reason, too.
Still, these two incidents are a rules violation. Like I said in the past, used to be 'no harm, no foul'. Unfortunately, this time he (and his
supervisor) got caught in the spotlight of puplic scrutiny, and the FAA will have recourse, politically, but to stmp down hard on them.
Oh, and his little boy and girl didn't have an FCC Radiotelephone Permit, either, I'm there's ANOTHER potential federal agency that
may weigh in....