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Swine Flu Ad Portrays Vaccine Skeptics As Raving Lunatics

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:13 AM
The propaganda machine is running in high gear again for (what is this, round 3) The Great Swine Flu Scare.

Coming to a pharmacy near you.

Brought to you by Big Brother...

Government Swine Flu Ad Portrays Vaccine Skeptics As Raving Lunatics

A glib 33 second propaganda ad produced by the Kentucky Department for Public Health portrays skeptics of the swine flu vaccine as raving lunatics, despite the fact that the head of the Council of Europe’s investigation into the 2009 outbreak labeled it “one of the greatest medical scandals of the century.”

The commercial, which is entitled ‘H1N1 Vaccine Myths,’ features a group of office workers spewing ridiculous theories about the swine flu vaccine that have never been embraced by any vaccine skeptic, in an attempt to build a classic straw man and smear people who question the necessity for taking the shot as unstable lunatics.

Unfortunately, Kentucky health authorities have completely failed to separate the fact from the fiction during the course of their 33 second ad, because they attribute outlandish theories about the vaccine to skeptics who have never even uttered such things.

While the advertisement frames suspicion about the vaccine in the context of tin-foil hat wearing madness, in reality the swine flu pandemic has been denounced as a gargantuan hoax not by demented paranoid psychotics, but by the head of the Council of Europe’s Sub-committee on Health, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who as the chief of a major investigation into the H1N1 outbreak, labeled the case a “fake pandemic” manufactured by pharmaceutical companies in league with the WHO to make vast profits while endangering public health.

Read more: UGH... Prison Planet

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

lol...and politicians are Honest, Trust me! Is this what are bailout money goes to fund?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:25 AM
Wow, I guess if you can't ease legitimate concerns about the vaccine, you make up some outlandish stuff and make a joke of everyone who isn't quite convinced the vaccine is in their best interest.

Obvious propaganda is obvious.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:43 AM
You know the WHO investigation proved that this whole thing was a HOAX to try and peddle vaccines for money, why on earth are they still propagating this. It will be interesting in a few years to hear about the fallout the states will receive due to the fact they refuse to stop peddling the shot.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:47 AM
ROFLMAO....Hilarious. What a pointless ad. This will not sway anyone but the most mindless. If they want to debate the subject, they should face the accusations being stated and debate them, not put together some cartoon like ad.

I for one, would never take it because there is no reason to. People have been living with flu virii forever and they survived. I am not driven by fear and will not rush to have some mysterious fluid injected into my body just so I might not get a disease that I might not have gotten in the first place.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by rogerstigers
ROFLMAO....Hilarious. What a pointless ad. This will not sway anyone but the most mindless.

I don't know, I had basic training in Kentucky and folks there can be pretty strange.

I wouldn't be suprised if some in Kentucky really do believe in the whacked-out theories presented in the commercial.

Still, the commercial is WAY over the top and only the most brain-dead would fall for it.

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