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Funny dream last night!

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:40 AM
Last night I had a dream where I was in an empty house but there was a group of us eating around a table, which included my sisters, friend and alot of people from the past. Anyway one by one in the dream they just started coming at me trying to kill me? and I just kept stabbing them but it never seemed to do alot of damage, infact there was no blood in the dream at all?
So after this it just completely switched to everybody laying down, in my house, i'd put blankets on them and was going around each of them making sure they were ok and dabbing there foreheads, kinda nursing them back to health!

Then there was a girl who I didn't know, she was laying on a sofa and I went over taking care of her and then I kissed her head then she put her hand across my face and she said she loved me and I should go and check on my sister? So I went to check on my sister and she was stood up but lent on the sink dead! then I just woke up.

I do have crazy dreams alot but this is just all over the place, doesn't make any sense to me at all!

Anyone who is good with dreams make any sense of it?

EDIT: Actually the more I think about it, the more it just seems like one of those stupid random dreams you have! nevermind.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by valiant]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by valiant

I had a dream where I was living in my old house with 3 random people I've never seen before.
We were all getting on, then one person went mental and started trying to kill us. So I locked myself in the kitchen (from what I remember, the kitchen was sort of an outhouse bit, and if you looked out of the window you could sort of see through the dining room window) but in the dream you COULD see through the window, and the person who went mental was standing with one of the other women, holding her hair, then slit her throat and I was just stuck there watching this womans throat pulsing out blood.
That was disturbing.

I also had a dream which started with me walking down a street to see someone beating up an old lady, and I went to tell them to stop but they were old ladies as well and ended up with these mafia grannies trying to stab me while I was locked in a bathroom nailing the door shut. Then another door appeared and I woke up.

And the rest of the time I dream, it's usually about me trying to survive through a zombie apocalypse with various people I know. I think everyone I know has been in a zombie dream with me, either as a zombie, or being bitten or fighting. It isn't good like. LOL! Apart from those mental ones, I don't dream much. If I do, it's usually a nightmare which involves zombies or mental things.

I think it might be my social awkwardness and general fear of people creeping out from where I buried it in my subconsious LOL! We all have mental dreams from time to time. I just thought I'd share my weird ones I remember with you, so you don't feel alone!

[edit on 4/3/2010 by Ayana]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:22 PM
Maybe your sister was dead in the dream because you were told to go check on her. This made you worry the worst, her being your sister. You were taking care of everyone, nursing them back to health, but realize it has been a long time since you checked on her.

It's a very strong theme in your dream but I don't know particularly what it is. Your dream characters can be very realistic and resemble the people they represent in amazing ways, but they will always have a part of you in them as well.

But anyway, apparently the idea that you had to take care of everyone or they would die became a fact within the dream.

I'll share one: there was one I thought was funny recently. We had a big trash bag full of poop, me and a few guys. It was really full and it was fresh too, so we couldn't just leave it at the side of the road. How did we get it? I made a mess and had to clean it up. Going down the highway we are looking for somewhere or some way to dispose of it, lots of traffic and it's snowing. So we keep it all in not wanting to get in trouble, and it seems like we had the windows rolled up to as if the smell alone would get us in trouble. Well the smell overcame us, and here I am with this guy (might have been my dad) and we are trying to force this full trash bag of dump out the small window. Finally we get it out and the cars are all bumping ridges in the road from the snow. The bag lands with dead weight and stops dead in the road, then this one car goes bump,, bump,, then BUMP as it hits the huge trash bag of steamy poop as it continues to snow flakes. I imagine how nasty the tires must look. I don't know why that's funny, but it made me laugh really hard during the dream and then again when I woke up.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:19 AM
Hi guys

I am new here, so I cant start a thread of my own.

Please explain this dream to me.A week ago I had a dream that I was driving home when the skies opened up (it was at night by the way) and I saw the galaxy and all the planets that are close earth were very vissible.Then God spoke to me and said

"Earth is our God, every planet has their own God, governed by the almighty, the God of Gods.He said the human race does not know how to differentiate between the two.He then said if we hurt our earth we hurt our God, and we should look after earth"

I posted this on FB and someone asked me if I had watched Avatar before, and at that time I had not.Actually this inspired me to go finally see the movie.

Can someone tell me what this means?Please

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by valiant
Last night I had a dream where I was in an empty house but there was a group of us eating around a table, which included my sisters, friend and alot of people from the past. Anyway one by one in the dream they just started coming at me trying to kill me? and I just kept stabbing them but it never seemed to do alot of damage, infact there was no blood in the dream at all?
So after this it just completely switched to everybody laying down, in my house, i'd put blankets on them and was going around each of them making sure they were ok and dabbing there foreheads, kinda nursing them back to health!

Then there was a girl who I didn't know, she was laying on a sofa and I went over taking care of her and then I kissed her head then she put her hand across my face and she said she loved me and I should go and check on my sister? So I went to check on my sister and she was stood up but lent on the sink dead! then I just woke up.

I do have crazy dreams alot but this is just all over the place, doesn't make any sense to me at all!

Anyone who is good with dreams make any sense of it?

EDIT: Actually the more I think about it, the more it just seems like one of those stupid random dreams you have! nevermind.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by valiant]

Very insightful dream, death in a dream usually represents birth and birth in a dream usually means death in real life. These births and deaths i refer too are metaphors, however, i have on 2 occasions witnessed this to be correct. I have had 2 dreams recently where someone i knew died and i have since had 2 family members tell me they are pregnant. so you never know!

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:18 AM
Don't really wanna derail Valiant's thread so we'll be quick...

Originally posted by swazi

"Earth is our God, every planet has their own God, governed by the almighty, the God of Gods.He said the human race does not know how to differentiate between the two.He then said if we hurt our earth we hurt our God, and we should look after earth"

I haven't seen Avatar, so I dunno the relevance. But are you particularly religious? or had you been watching/looking at anything to do with religion/the state of the planet previously?
Sometimes things we're subconsciously thinking about leak into our dreams. It's probably nothing to worry about. Even though we probably should look after Earth better than we do.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by swazi

How did you know it was God speaking? Ayana raises some really good questions. Let us know, this is a pretty rare thing, don't know if you knew that or not. To piggyback on Ayana's questions: How do you view God?

Also how long have you been dreaming regularly, and have you ever had a lucid dream?

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:15 PM
Thanks for the replies everybody
I completely forgot I made the thread!

Anyway i've been thinking about this and my sister recently moved out of the house to live with her partner.
I'm very close to my two sisters and this particular sister is only a year older than me but i've always looked at her as kinda my baby sister if that makes sense? i've looked out for her since we were kids and I think i've been worrying about her as you do, so maybe this has something to do with it?

I was just a little freaked that she died in my dream anyway!

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by valiant

I too have crazy dreams but most of them are rediculous as hell and half the time I end up not remembering them. Im trying to figure out what causes them but if I do find out ill let you know.

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