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Okay ATS, it's almost time!

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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:48 AM
I think it's safe to say, that change is past due. Please take the time to read this, as I put as much passion into this as 4000 characters will allow.
This is my first post, so play nice! ^^

I read an interesting thread last summer about trying to get as many people on ATS as possible to try and focus on First Contact/Mass UFO sightings at the same time, to see if we could have some cool experiences. On that day, I saw my first official UFO. I knew in my heart, beyond a doubt that it was a UFO. The flashing multicoloured lights, zipping in all sorts of directions, standing still at some points.. Definitely not anything I've seen in the sky before. And I was with friends who also believed it to be a UFO. I've had other experiences, but none as clear as this one.

Whether you're a believer of UFO's or not, I still fully believe in our abilities to create with our thoughts. I'm conducting an experiment much like the one I wrote about above and I hope we can all get on board!

So many things in our world need fixing. We can't keep going on like this, and it's really sad that we're letting it happen still. It's people like us who are open minded, the hopeful ones who want change. We know more than most generations have ever fathomed. Personally, I can feel my soul crying out asking for change. I feel myself wanting to change. It's not fair that we've been tied down for so long. We're capable of so much! I want to use my mind, and not just a percentage of it. Let's try and focus on a change--and I mean really focus, don't take two minutes out of your day to think of how much better it could be. Visualize the future, ask for change, ask for love and light to pour through the Earth, ask and you shall receive.

If there were 7 billion people asking for it, I bet it would happen in an instant. Let's try and manifest our reality into what it was meant to be. We should have the Freedom we deserve. We can make a difference, we're just not trying hard enough. Or not enough of us are trying. Change can be a thing of fear, but don't let it be this time. This time we /need/ the change, this time we're going to win. It'll be a change for the better, a change that will make our world a whole new place.

I can't wait much longer, the anticipation is just growing inside me day by day. And each day is speeding by. I feel like we're so close, on the verge of change. I can feel it throughout the world, whether people are conscious of it or not. Everyone wants things to be different, everyone knows things aren't right.

No more secrets, no more lies, no more rich and poor. Let's all decide TODAY. This is the day for change, this is the time, and place.

ATS, we are a revolution of sorts. Let's take it to the next level. Let's be PROACTIVE. This website is an amazing way to get us together. We've done the first step by joining, chatting, researching, and knowing. Now we have to be the light workers of the world. We're going to fix this place! Let it be our home, not a prison cell. Let mother nature prosper, let our minds prosper, let us connect with nature, like we were meant to do!

I love you all, I love this world, I love everyone and everything in this world, I am thankful for this world, and these experiences. I am thankful to be a part of such a big event. I'm thrilled to be here to witness such changes. Let's make it happen -- NOW!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 12:05 PM
I'd like to put this experiment/idea to practice. Let's try and prove something incredible. It would seriously be a life-changing thing if this actually worked! If we told other people of how we created something without even being in touch we'd look crazy, right? But if we actually do this, it could set a path for a whole new idea about the mind.

We can't expect the world to change by thinking quietly for a few minutes, but hopefully we can manifest something that will start the changes! Some small ideas I had to start us off;

1. UFO sightings/First Contact. It seemed to work for me last time, but now we're even MORE aware than we were a few months ago. Maybe it'll work even better this time!
2. Disclosure. This is a pretty big one, and I think we might have a bit of growing up to do before the whole planet will be capable of understanding all that. Disclosure is going to be a BIG shocker for some who have been out of the know. So things have to be just right for that to happen.
3. Telepathy. Maybe we can get some type of connections or feelings flowing between each other. We might not be able to communicate as we aren't fully conscious, but maybe we'll feel one another embracing the thought..?

I'd like to know what other people are focused on! Let's do this ATS, let's change the world! (wouldn't that be an amazing thing to be a part of?)

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by tru_blu_dude

I S&F as is your first post and a noble effort. I am all about changing myself and therefore changing the world around me. I am not interested however in a mass ufo sighting or looking for a savior.

If the experiment involves us changing our hearts and minds to radiate outward. I am all in.

Specify and clarify your objective.

Peace & Stuff,

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 12:29 PM
First post? nice lurking

I'm in, I was in last time round, but we need a plan. We got to do it more than once or twice. This has to be a regular thing for it to envoke any LOA type wizadry.

we could put the meditation in that thread to good use.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:24 PM
Thank you for giving credit to my efforts! It's good to know that I'm not alone in this.

The ultimate goal is to achieve just that -- changing our heart and mind patterns to a positive outpouring of energy. But I know that's not an overnight project. It takes discipline and time. I know not everyone on ATS has practiced aligning their energies, and becoming in touch with their soul and mind. I personally still haven't mastered this, but that's what I'm trying to do!

I was thinking and hoping that we could start out small, and try to achieve a goal as ONE race, and One Humanity. I think it would be amazing for us all to share such an experience, and know that we did it together. I think in doing so, it will pave the way for full consciousness and 'wake' people up in a sense. Once we become aware of what we can do, we can focus on doing it. I want us to come together knowing that we're all powerful beings of LOVE, and if we work together we can achieve things unimaginable.

I think it's time we manifested our new reality. If we're on the same wavelength, it seems logical that we could have psychic connections between one another. Almost like when you and a friend say the exact same thing at the exact same time. If we could achieve a similar idea, but more prolonged, we could accomplish so much!

I definitely agree this should be a lot more often, once we start doing it as part of our daily lives, it'll become routine and easy. Then the real power sets in. It just takes one to get the wheel rolling--and I'm hoping to be that person.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:30 PM
Not to be a downer, please understand. But, speaking as a devil's advocate, I would say that perhaps you went into the event expecting to see something, and did. Does that make it reality? It would be interesting if there was some way to collect data and measure it.

With regards to the UFO incident (and I don't want to derail your thread, which was nicely written by the way) is there a link to a thread about it? I tried the search function but couldn't find it.

It would seem that if you are serious about conducting this experiment, you need to first decide what change you want to manifest, and what date/time you and everyone else will make the attempt. As the OP, I'd imagine that's your call.

Anyway, I'm in. S&F from me, congrats on a great first post, and I'll be checking back to find out the plan.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:38 PM
I'm really hoping this will take off! I've always been interested in psychic interactions When I was about 7 years old, a friend and I had the exact same dream and it was almost like we were in each others heads! I saw it from my perspective and she saw it from hers, but it was the exact same dream. If we knew what we were doing, I bet we could have communicated in that dream.

I'm basically trying to get the same end result. We'll all connect on a spiritual level, letting our minds take us to the same place. Then who knows what happens, we might be in a giant conscious-created chat room by the end of it all!

If we can start doing this on a daily basis, I think it would be pretty beneficial. Let's say we've decided that every day at 12:00, we're going to do it. Soon enough we'll all be in the routine, and I think some pretty cool stuff could happen! (and we can share it on the thread here.)

For example:

Day 1) two people on board, tried to connect with no success
Day 2) ten people on board, limited success, one person had an experience
Day 3) fifty people on board, people starting to have some crazy experiences.

We'll document all our progress and hopefully each day will bring new experiences!

When would be a good time for you to sit in a quiet place, and just relax and try and connect with others? We need a fairly convenient time where people are available to take a moment from their day. We'll set up a daily 'meditation' time where we try and achieve our goal of Oneness. Where we're all on the same wavelength!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by tru_blu_dude

Yes it is almost time. The only thing I see holding us back at present is the holding onto the old system. Many, many are awake but still confused but old systems that have tied us into a world with conflict. It's time to give up, let go, and dream how we would have it different. All ideas are encouraged, but they must balance with a higher level of functioning. Controlling others by your own beliefs has locked us into this world of conflict and it is TIME! Time to release those beliefs. They have served to bring us to this point.

Change the rules, and we change our reality.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I'm very happy with the way you wrote that post, not bashing me, not completely kicking me under the bus, but asking me. (I hope more people follow this way of communicating and debating)

I will be completely honest in saying, maybe I did want it to happen so bad, that I made it happen in my own head. It very well could have been a plane, but this does not deter my beliefs.

I didn't write about my UFO experience, as I wasn't a member of ATS, just a lurker.
Nor can I find the thread I was referring to. -go me!-

I'm hoping that people will throw in some ideas as to what they want to manifest. There are a million things that need changing, so I'm asking the opinions of my fellow ATS'ers in deciding what to manifest! This is OUR world after all, so I'd like everyone to be a part of the decision!

My ideas as stated above, but if you're too lazy to read through were:
UFO contact, telepathic connections, disclosure, maybe we can try to have a mass conscious uplifting if we're all working on a positive manifestation.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by tru_blu_dude
I'd like to put this experiment/idea to practice. Let's try and prove something incredible. It would seriously be a life-changing thing if this actually worked! If we told other people of how we created something without even being in touch we'd look crazy, right? But if we actually do this, it could set a path for a whole new idea about the mind.

We can't expect the world to change by thinking quietly for a few minutes, but hopefully we can manifest something that will start the changes! Some small ideas I had to start us off;

1. UFO sightings/First Contact. It seemed to work for me last time, but now we're even MORE aware than we were a few months ago. Maybe it'll work even better this time!
2. Disclosure. This is a pretty big one, and I think we might have a bit of growing up to do before the whole planet will be capable of understanding all that. Disclosure is going to be a BIG shocker for some who have been out of the know. So things have to be just right for that to happen.
3. Telepathy. Maybe we can get some type of connections or feelings flowing between each other. We might not be able to communicate as we aren't fully conscious, but maybe we'll feel one another embracing the thought..?

I'd like to know what other people are focused on! Let's do this ATS, let's change the world! (wouldn't that be an amazing thing to be a part of?)

You hit some of the main points. I have a thread on this subject of manifesting eden, based on Morningmayan's frequency course for this:

Its something we need to get going, groups everwhere, and joined up as well. We can make a huge difference.

Anyone who practices this for a short time comparatively, a few weeks, and takes notes, will be surprised at one changes they can bring in, how many syncronicities. We can prove this to ourselves.

Thank you so much for this thread.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by tru_blu_dude

If I am to participate with energy and focus, noon is not going to work as I am at work. For me PST California, anywhere from 10 to 11PM in the evening.
One it's less noisy with actual sound and with interference, a clear time.

Plus for me it is when I am in a meditative, quieter state.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

I totally agree with you! It's about time we let go of everything we know. We really don't know anything! There's so much to learn, and it's things that are beyond our wildest dreams. But I'm so excited to learn about everything, and finally just be free from the Matrix!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Wow! I just read your post and it definitely looks like we're on the same track! I'd love to have groups all over the world practicing this meditation and manifestation. I know we could prove ourselves to be powerful and loving beings if we only knew what we could do! We may be more aware than others, but your most complete far-out thought is probably not even close to what we could accomplish!

Strength in numbers! The more thoughts sent to the universe, the more the universe will respond!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by cindymars

I agree with a later time. A great time to meditate is right before bed when you're drifting into REM state. But sometimes that's hard to do without falling asleep!
I think that sounds like an appropriate time though, when people are done their day, ready to just kick back and relax. I'd agree with 10-11pm(EST)!

If everyone agrees with that, I'd be happy to convert it to your time zone!

So, what's our first big task going to be, team?! I like thinking of us as a team, almost like we're superheroes, trying to fight for the greater good, and hopefully we'll make a big difference! xD I guess I've watched too many cartoons..

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by tru_blu_dude

The first step, is raising ones frequency, and consciounsess. Practicing psi in nature, telepathy, and with each, and also, practicing manifesting/visualizing in high frequency states. So first morningmayan suggests things to raise frequency, such as nature, laughter, humor, and I add others to this that I know will cause peoples frequencies to soar, music (such as eRa, gregorian, vangelis, constance demby, enigma, and enya, starseed music!), binaurals, isotones, dolphin and whale songs (and these pretty much blow the others out of the water, but I do all), and ho'onoponopono (forgive me, I'm sorry, thank you, I love you) to Creator, to everyone and every thing, even chairs carry vibrational energy and data, to undo duality, to cleanse. Its a very simple, very wonderful technique.

Then morningmayan wants us to do 2 things, choose 3 low vibrational habits or situations to rid ourselves of, and commit to 3 higher vibrational things (art, excercise, walks, meditation in nature, etc) AND practice manifesting: a hug from someone, a date from someone, a phone call from someone you havnt heard from in a months, the perfect parking spot downtown in rush hour, when you usually have to walk for blocks, and I also suggest cloud work, make a cloud disappear.

I did 3 things, a letter, something special I was hoping for, and cloudwork. Pink hearts were a very amibitous first project, but I was determined. The cloud was really odd, a stormy pink with a fast moving black thin sheet. I thought, now won't do at all!

I started picturing pink hearts for a bit, over 10 minutes, maybe 15 intently, didnt see any hearts, (have never seen heart before then and afterwards and I do a lot of skywatching), went inside, made some coffee. About 20 minutes later I went to the door and there were hearts everywhere, big ones, small ones, abstracted ones, pink ones, white ones, not even one black one.

We have the power to manifest eden.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:13 PM

Might I direct you and others on your thread to my own thread on a topic similar to this one?

We have been collaborating experiences that we have had in the past week or so (and some for months), and we think it might be connected somehow. Many of us have found a level of synchronicity with each other that can only be described as amazing. If you have time, please read it all the way though, because if you are right about what you are saying, there may be hope to stop what I think is going to happen. Like I said, please read it, and when you get to my theory on what has been going on in the world, tell me what you think we can do as a collective to fix or even stop it.

Welcome to the threads, great post, and S&F for you.


posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:47 AM
I liked it last time and i do welcome this once again.
BUT, i suggest we have a time plan to coordinate things. It needs to be done in at least two different occasions (so its night) and we need a list with updated local country-time information.
Last time i remember we had a link to world times so one could figure out when it was time but i got many others. So, a list with LOCAL TIME is very very important i think.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:04 AM
I was there in last year's experiment we did and I mentioned that the moon turned red for a few seconds as if something stood in between us and the moon.

I'm ready for the experiment of this year too, especially that lately I have been studying a lot the power of thoughts over matter and some other cool stuff.

Let's set a date and let's go for it.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:41 AM
I've been doing this for the past year, so I'm in, even when yall stop and when you start again, expect me there helping.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by tru_blu_dude

I'm all for this, and if you believe in Synchronicity, a coulple of days ago, I joined this thread -

Everyone who posted (myself included) have been experiencing this feeling of change. There is a huge energy within the thread and all who post are of the same mind/intention - I believe this (again- synchronicity), is linked to this thread!!
Change really is so close, and collectively, we can push it over the edge.

Much love...

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