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So the current thinking now being accepted by mainstream science (and its thought police, academia) is that, for some reason not quite clear at the moment, every 11,000 (more or less) years, the sun chooses to send out an energetic burst that creates a veritable flood of carbon 14 around the planet. That this pulse of new Carbon 14 is discernable to earth sciences, and space sciences has renewed the ability of the C14 to C12 ratio to be used for reasonably accurate timing.
Obviously, the 11,000 year timing of the carbon isotope ratio is a cycle of some interest to us here at HPH (and on planet Terra/Earth as well). There are so many other physical signs on earth of a cataclysmic past, indeed, a past of cycles of cataclysms, all revolving around or near the 11,000 year cycle that whole books are devoted to the subject....see Hapgood, Hancock, Velikovsky and others for details of all of the evidence that earth is an unstable planet. But it is the carbon 14 cycle, and its intimate association with solar activity that provides yet again, more and definitive evidence that a large solar cycle is responsible for the cataclysms that visit earth with such regularity. Just about every 11,000 years, more or less.
Against the understanding of the mega solar sun spot cycle, and its importance to ancient history, and modern secret societies, the variations of the carbon 14 ratio point to a need for very careful attention to the current rates of discharge of the sun. There are some earth sciences evidence for a period of quiescence within solar activity *just* prior to the *energetic burst*. As may be noted, the sun is currently in such a period of quiescence. The levels of solar activity in terms of energetic output have never, in human history of measurement, been lower. Hmmmmm....probably NOT a good sign.
Unfortunately for all of the humans who would prefer to ignore the potential for a near term yet-another-cataclysm-here-on-earth, the Carbon 14 ratio is not a human created message that can be interpreted this way or that. Unlike reading a series of Mayan glyphs and deciding that what they really meant was 'ascension into the next density' rather than 'worlds in upheaval', the carbon (and other isotopic elemental dispersion/decay patterns) ratios are either accepted or denied.
The recent earth changes continue with the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The location of this earthquake is within 1.47 degrees of a significant hyper dimensional point at 19.47 degrees of latitude. Like many of the other recent changes to planet earth, the earthquake in Haiti *is* related to the solar cycle. There is a direct correlation between undersea's volcanoes and earthquakes here on earth, and the energetic output both in type and quantity of the sun. Thus the current solar activity levels do NOT offer a prognosis for stability here on earth.
An opinion that our solar system is in the 'quiet before the storm' period is seemingly justified by the increased rates of earth changes, let alone all the other evidence within the solar system. A conclusion that when the quietude of the sun 'breaks', it will do so catastrophically and probably produce a pole and crustal shift here on earth is also likely justified.
The following processes are taking place on the distant planets of our Solar System. But they are, essentially speaking, operationally driving the whole System.
Here are examples of these events:
1.1.1 A growth of dark spots on Pluto [7].
1.1.2 Reporting of auroras on Saturn [8].
1.1.3 Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts (They are magnetically conjugate planets), and the abrupt large-scale growth of Uranus' magnetosphere intensity.
1.1.4 A change in light intensity and light spot dynamics on Neptune [9,10].
1.1.5 The doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupiter (based upon 1992 data), and a series of new states and processes observed on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosions in July 1994 [caused by "Comet" SL-9] [12]. That is, a relaxation of a plasmoid train [13,14] which excited the Jovian magnetosphere, thus inducing excessive plasma generation [12] and it's release in the same manner as Solar coronal holes [15] inducing an appearance of radiation belt brightening in decimeter band (13.2 and 36 cm), and the appearance of large auroral anomalies and a change of the Jupiter - Io system of currents [12, 14].
A Recently Observed Explosive Event in the Galaxy Center is Predicted to Affect Conditions Here on Earth
Critical Depletion of Planetary Oxygen Levels
Animal Extinction --- The Greatest Threat to Mankind
By Dr. Alexey N. Dmitriev Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, and Chief Scientific Member, United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Expert on Global Ecology, and Fast -Processing Earth Events.
Russian to English Translation and Editing by A. N. Dmitriev, Andrew Tetenov, and Earl L. Crockett
Summary Paragraph
Current PlanetoPhysical alterations of the Earth are becoming irreversible. Strong evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly charged material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space which have broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System. This "donation" of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited energy states in all planets, as well as the Sun. Effects here on Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the magnetic pole shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone content distribution, and in the increased frequency and magnitude of significant catastrophic climatic events. There is growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago. The adaptive responses of the biosphere, and humanity, to these new conditions may lead to a total global revision of the range of species and life on Earth. It is only through a deep understanding of the fundamental changes taking place in the natural environment surrounding us that politicians, and citizens a like, will be able to achieve balance with the renewing flow of PlanetoPhysical states and processes.
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8. Science News, 1955. vol. 148, N 21.
9. Dolginov Sh.Sh. Magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune : a look from the Earth. // Geomagnetism and aeronomy.33, N 2, 1993. 1-22.
10. New Scientist, 1994. 144. 18.
11. Space flight. - 1992, v. 34, N 3, p. 75.
12. Fortov V.E., Gnedin Yu.I.,Ivanov A.V., Ivlev A.V., Klumov B.A. The collision of Shoemaker-Levy comet with Jupiter / Sov.Phys.Uspehi, v. 166, N 4, - 1996. - p. 391-422.
13. Churyumov K.I.. Once more about comet's collision with Jupiter.- Zemlya i Vselennaya ( Earth and Universe) - 1994, No.1. - p. 83-85.
14. Dmitriev A.N. Earth responses to high-energy processes in Jovian system // Novosibirsk, IICA Transactions, vol. 1, 1994. - p. 16-21.
15. Haynes P.L., Balogh A., Douoherty H.K., et. Null fields in the outer Jovian magnetosphere: Ulysses observations // Geophys. Res. Zett. - 1994, - 21, N 6. - p. 405-408.
16. Wireless File, 24,3. - 1995.
17. "Popular Science", N 4, 1995.
18. Shestopalov I.P., Bengin V.V., Kolesov G.Ya. et al.. SCR Flashes and large-scale structures in interplanetary environment. A forecast of proton Solar events. / Space Research. v. 30. - Moscow: Nauka publishers., publ#6, 1992. p.816-825.
19. Ishkov V.N. Solar activity in 1991-1992 . (22-th cycle) Astronomy calendar for 1994 . - Moscow:1993, p. 190-197.
20. Ishkov V.N. 22-th cycle of Solar Activity : main characteristics and evolution / Astronomy calendar for 1993 . - Moscow:1992, p.215-229.
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23. Ivanov K.G. The Earth magnetosphere/Electromagnetic and plasma processes from Sun to Earth core . - Moscow: Nauka publishers,1989. - p. 62-75.
24. Kovalevskii I.V. Some aspects of Solar-Terrestrial interactions energetics/ Interplanetary Environment and Earth Magnetosphere - Moscow: Nauka publishers, 1982. - p. 25-63.
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6. Drobzhev V.I., Kazakov V.V. , Chepurchenko L.V. Foundations of external helio- and geo- physical control of seismicity./ Vestnik of Kazakh SSR Acad. of Sci. , No. 3, - 1988. - p. 12-18.
27. Sytinsky A.D. On geoeffectivity of Solar wind streams.USSR Acad.Sci. Doklady, 1988, v. 298, N 6. - p. 1355-1357.
28. Solar cycles and Solar output: Abstr. AGU Fol Meet. San Francisco Calif. Dec. 7-11, 1992 / Mclntosh P.S. // EOS. - 1992 - 73, N 43. Suppl. - p. 436.
29. "Geophysical Research Letters". vol. 21, 1994.
30. Mogilevsky E.I. Sun coronal holes energy and recurrent geomagnetic distributions . // Geomagnetism and aeronomy. 1995,. 35, N 6. - 11-19.
31. Kazimirovsky E.S., Kokourov V.D. Meteorology effects in ionosphere(a survey) // Geomagnetism and aeronomy. 1995,.35, N 3. - . 3-23.
32. New Scientist. 1995.- 147. 11.
33. Dmitriev A.N. Technogeneous impact upon Geospace (the problems of global ecology). - Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk State University, 1993. - p. 68.
34. Zanetti J., Potoma A., Anderson B. J. et set. Correlation's of satellite observed auroral currents induced in a power generating system: Abstr. AGU West. Pacif. Geophys. Meet., Hong-Kong, July 25-29, 1994.
35. Space Rays physics: the research continues in SNG. Russian Acad.Sci. Vestnik, v. 63, N 7, 1993. - p. 650-654.
36. Nesmenovich E.I. Resonance's in Solar System // Space physics problems. Kiev, 1984, N 19. - p. 84-93.
37. Rodionov B.U. Possible geophysics manifestations of magnetic monopoles. Preprint of Moscow Eng.Phys.Institute - 1995 - N 021 - 95. - p.1-24.
38. Sumaruk Yu.P., Sumaruk P.V. Secular variations of geomagnetic field in middle latitudes and their relation to geomagnetic and solar activity. / Geophysics Journal N 6, 1995, - v. 17. - p. 59-62.
39. Zhidkov M.P., Lihacheva N.A. Anomalous field influence upon placement and growth of cities. / Russian Acad. Sci. Izvestiya, geography series. N 1, 1996. - p. 71-84.
40. Fedorova N.V.The research of long-wave large-scale anomalies above northern Eurasia / Doklady RAN, 1996, vol 347, N 5, p. 681-684.
41. Kopytenko A.Yu., Pochtarev V.I. On dynamics of Earth magnetic poles./Geomagnetism and aeronomy.. v. 32, 1992, N 5 - p. 201-202.
42. Kuznetsov V.V. The position of North magnetic pole in 1994 (forecast and detection) /Doklady RAN, 1996, vol 348, No.3, p.397-399.
43. Milanovsky E.E.On phase correlation of geomagnetic field inversions frequencing, World ocean level decrease and Earth crust folding deformations strengthening phases in Mesozoic and Cainozoic. / Geotectonics, 1996, N 1. - p. 3-11.
44. Ryskunov A.L. The comparison of large scale characteristics of gephysic fields./ USSR Acad.Sci. Doklady, v. 267, N 6, 1982. - p. 1336-1340.
45. Kondratyev K.Ya. Modern stage of research of global change: US program //Investigation of Earth from space N 2, 1995. - p. 98-105
46. Wilson N. Global temperatures approach record values // J. Meteorol. - 1995. - 20, N 200. - p. 194-196.
47. "Science News", 1994.146.13.
48. New Scientist, 1995. 146. 18.
49. "Geophysical Research Letters", 1994, v. 21.
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52. Netreba S.N. On relation of short-periodic thermodynamic pulsation's of atmosphere boundary layer with Solar X-Ray emission.// Meteorology and hydrology, N 4, - 1996. - p. 95-101.
53. New Scientist, 1995, vol. 147, N 1993.
54. Dmitriev A.N. Belyaev G.K.Technogeneous causes of total ozone content decrease. ( USSR Ac.Sci. Siberian Branch Institute of Geology and Geophysics preprint No. 15) Novosibirsk, 1991.
55. Claude H., Schnenborn F., Stethbrecht W. New evidence for ozone depletion in the upper stratosphere // Geophys. Res. Lett. - 1994. - 21, N 22. - p. 2409-2412.
56. Wemberg P.O., Hanisco T.F., Stimphl R.M., Japson L.B., Anderson J.G. In situ measurements of andin the upper troposphere and stratosphere // J. Athmos. Sci. - 1995, - 52, N 19. - p. 1413-1420.
57. Karol' M.L. , Klyatina L.P. , Romashkina K.I., Shalaminskii A.M. Extremely low ozone content above Russia in 1995 winter . // Meteorology and hydrology, N 6, - 1995. - p. 115-116.
58. Vozhkov R.D., Fioletov V.E., Kadygrova T.V. et al. Ozone decrease estimate for Eurasia in 1973-1993 on a base of filter ozonometer registrations correlated data. // Meteorology and hydrology, N 9, - 1995. - p.30-40.
59. "Global Change Newsletter", 1994, N 19.
60. Science News. vol. 148. N 25, 1995.
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62. Tsirs G.P.,Loginov G.A. The characteristics of weekly moves of geomagnetic oscillations 1985, v. 25, N 2. - p. 153-154.
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65. Non-periodic transient phenomena in environment: II interdisciplinary workshop transactions-Tomsk, Tomsk Polytech.Inst.,1990.
66. Dmitriev A.N. Correcting dfunction of heliocentered unusual atmospheric phenomena./ Izvestiya Vis'shih Uch.Zaved.,Physics,Tomsk, v.35, 1992, N 3, p. 105-110.
67. Dmitriev A.N., Dyatlov V.L. A model of non-homogeneous physical vacuum and natural self-luminous formations. /IICA Transactions Novosibirsk, 1996, v.3 - p. 65-76.
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71. Dmitriev A.N.. Tecnogeneous challenge to the planet Earth. / Vestnik Vys'shei Shkoly, 1989, N 7. - p. 38-44.
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[1] Pidwirny, M. (2006). "Earth's Climatic History". Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Terah U. DeJong, Clues to End of the Last Ice Age. USC News: September 27, 2007:
[4] Nicolas Caillon, et al., Timing of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature Changes Across Termination III. Science Magazine: Vol 299, March 14, 2003: Page 1728:
[5] Moran, Joseph M., Weather. World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc.
[6] Peter N. Spotts, World's vegetation is cleaning more carbon from skies. Christian Science Monitor: June 6, 2003:
[7] John Roach, Climate Change Upped Earth's Vegetation, Study Finds. National Geographic: June 5, 2003:
[8] Jeffrey Hicke, New satellite study shows vegetation increases in North America. Bio-Medicine:
[9] Goddard Space Flight Center, Large Volcanic Eruptions Help Plants Absorb More Carbon Dioxide From the Atmosphere. NASA: December 10, 2001:
[10] Rhett A. Butler, Does tropical biodiversity increase during global warming? Mongabay: March 30, 2006:
[11] K.L. Smith, Jr., et al. (2007). "Free-Drifting Icebergs: Hotspots of Chemical and Biological Enrichment in the Weddell Sea," Science 22 June 2007
[12] Fred Pearce, Africa's deserts are in "spectacular" retreat. New Scientist: September 18, 2002:
[13] David Adam, Global warming could end Sahara droughts, says study. The Guardian: September 16, 2005:
[14] Robert Roy Britt, Global Warming on Pluto Puzzles Scientists. October 9, 2002:
[15] Sara Goudarzi, New Storm on Jupiter Hints at Climate Change. May 4, 2006:
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[17] NYT, Sun Is Getting Hotter, Satellite Data Indicate. The New York Times: September 30, 1997:
[18] Michael Leidig and Roya Nikkhah, The truth about global warming - it's the Sun that's to blame. The Telegraph: July 18, 2004:
[19] Kate Ravilious, Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says. National Geographic News: February 28, 2007:
[20] Sunday Times, Climate Change Hits Mars. Times Online: April 27, 2007:
[21] H.B. Hammel and G.W. Lockwood, Suggestive correlations between the brightness of Neptune, solar variability, and Earth's temperature. Geophysical Research Letters: Vol. 34, April 19, 2007:
[22] Robin McKie, Venus: the hot spot. The Guardian: April 9, 2006:
[23] MaONT>
[25] AP, Buenos Aires gets first snow since 1918. USA Today: July 9, 2007:
[26] Mike Nizza, In Johannesburg, First Snowfall Since ’81. The New York Times: June 27, 2007:
[27] BBC, Baghdad Wakes Up to Rare Snowfall. BBC News: January 11, 2008:
[28] RIA, Saudi Arabia covered with snow in coldest winter for 20 years. RIA Novosti: January 11, 2008:
[29] Roger Harrabin, Global temperatures 'to decrease'. BBC News: April 4, 2008:
[30] Andrew C. Revkin, Hurricane Expert Reassesses Link to Warming. New York Times Blog: April 12, 2008:
[31] Richard Harris, The Mystery of Global Warming's Missing Heat. NPR: March 19, 2008:
[32] Robert Ferguson, Proved: There is No Climate Crisis. Science and Public Policy Institute: July 15, 2008:
[33] Lawrence Soloman, 32,000 Deniers. National Post: May 16, 2008:
[34] OISM, Global Warming Petition. Petition Project:
[35] Nigel Calder, An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change. Times Online: February 11, 2007:
Originally posted by DarkspARCS
I am under the impression that this thread - of any other thread that I've discovered on ATS at the moment - has a high probability necessitating the attention of ALL ATS MEMBERS - and even more - needs to be broudcast by the ATS Networks!..
I plan on sending an appropriate U2U and validating this information.
Sun's Magnetic Activity Varies In 100,000-Year Cycles
Thanks to new calculations by a Dartmouth geochemist, scientists are now looking at the earth's climate history in a new light.
Mukul Sharma, Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth, examined existing sets of geophysical data and noticed something remarkable: the sun's magnetic activity is varying in 100,000-year cycles, a much longer time span than previously thought, and this solar activity, in turn, may likely cause the 100,000-year climate cycles on earth.
This research helps scientists understand past climate trends and prepare for future ones.
Published in the June 10 issue of Earth and Planetary Science Letters (Elsevier, volume 199, issues 3-4), Sharma's study combined data on the varying production rates of beryllium 10, an isotope found on earth produced when high-energy galactic cosmic rays bombard our atmosphere, and data on the past variations in the earth's magnetic field intensity.
With this information, Sharma calculated variations in solar magnetic activity going back 200,000 years, and he noticed a pattern.
Over the last 1 million years, the earth's climate record has revealed a 100,000-year cycle oscillating between relatively cold and warm conditions, and Sharma's data on the sun's magnetic activity corresponded to the earth's ice age history.
"Surprisingly, it looks like solar activity is varying in longer time spans than we realized," says Sharma. "We knew about the shorter cycles of solar activity, so maybe these are just little cycles within a larger cycle. Even more surprising is the fact that the glacial and interglacial periods on earth during the last 200,000 years appear to be strongly linked to solar activity."
Originally posted by DarkspARCS
And this article, which pretty much conclusively gives the reader a clear cut warning on what's happening, and what it is going to take to survive.
By Dr. Alexey N. Dmitriev Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, and Chief Scientific Member, United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Expert on Global Ecology, and Fast -Processing Earth Events.
Russian to English Translation and Editing by A. N. Dmitriev, Andrew Tetenov, and Earl L. Crockett
Summary Paragraph
Current PlanetoPhysical alterations of the Earth are becoming irreversible. Strong evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly charged material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space which have broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System. This "donation" of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited energy states in all planets, as well as the Sun. Effects here on Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the magnetic pole shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone content distribution, and in the increased frequency and magnitude of significant catastrophic climatic events. There is growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago. The adaptive responses of the biosphere, and humanity, to these new conditions may lead to a total global revision of the range of species and life on Earth. It is only through a deep understanding of the fundamental changes taking place in the natural environment surrounding us that politicians, and citizens a like, will be able to achieve balance with the renewing flow of PlanetoPhysical states and processes.
the rest of the article is a real eye opener, I highly suggest you read it.
[edit on 3-3-2010 by DarkspARCS]
Originally posted by soficrow
Originally posted by DarkspARCS
And this article, which pretty much conclusively gives the reader a clear cut warning on what's happening, and what it is going to take to survive.
By Dr. Alexey N. Dmitriev Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, and Chief Scientific Member, United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Expert on Global Ecology, and Fast -Processing Earth Events.
Russian to English Translation and Editing by A. N. Dmitriev, Andrew Tetenov, and Earl L. Crockett
Summary Paragraph
Current PlanetoPhysical alterations of the Earth are becoming irreversible. Strong evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly charged material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space which have broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System. This "donation" of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited energy states in all planets, as well as the Sun. Effects here on Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the magnetic pole shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone content distribution, and in the increased frequency and magnitude of significant catastrophic climatic events. There is growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago. The adaptive responses of the biosphere, and humanity, to these new conditions may lead to a total global revision of the range of species and life on Earth. It is only through a deep understanding of the fundamental changes taking place in the natural environment surrounding us that politicians, and citizens a like, will be able to achieve balance with the renewing flow of PlanetoPhysical states and processes.
the rest of the article is a real eye opener, I highly suggest you read it.
[edit on 3-3-2010 by DarkspARCS]
I'd like to - but need a link...
Originally posted by DarkspARCS
read up Phage - I got more where that came from brother!
I am convinced that you - and I - are correct in our understanding of this matter, and it answers all these posts that I've referrenced in this thread about all the things the government and others are doing in the way of taking things underground...
Originally posted by watcher73
There we go, I googled "11000".
Read up its bound to be there somewhere.
I got plenty more also.
I might google "eleven thousand" next.
[edit on 4-3-2010 by watcher73]