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Amazing Sky Anomaly in Thailand

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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 12:49 AM
Last night at approx 2 am what appezred to be an aura in space transversed the entire sky across the Gulf of Thailand, for about half an hour. It was one day after full moon however this band was very visable. It appeared to arcacross the earth. It was a crysta clear night with a sky full of stars. It was quite a visual phenominan.
Unfortantely in all the excitement I was unable to take any photos,. By the time I got home to get a decent camera it had dissappeared.
Now I have awoken today and I am searching the web for refrences to the event. It was a serious anomaly. As an avid sky watcher I have never seen anything like it. The moon was at it's apex and the band of what appeared to be a phenominan in space, not within our athmosphere, was very clear, passing a few degrees off the moon. It vanished in both horizon points, although this appeared to be only because of out field of vision. It was arced with the curvature of the earth, although also seemed to be bent slightly.
I have no explaination, and hpe to find one here.
This was a remarkable event to say the least and was visable and clear for almost half an hour.
Any ideas.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 12:53 AM
Sounds like aurora borealis - but all the way down in Thailand?!? Did the bands of light move around the sky and change shape? That's really weird.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:06 AM
Sorry mods can you move this to the appropriate place, I don't know why it has landed in cryptoland.
It was like an aura, although it did not move or look like the borealis. It looked like the dark rift, although way to visable and it transversed the entire sky 180 degrees. One odd thing was it appeared to follow the curve of space, although at a different circumference to the earth, and it had a slight kink in it.
It was very clear, like a trail of phospherent light.
Again I watch all the space weather sites and I have not seen anything like it. I am really hoping a photo will appear.
I did have a phone camera with me althouh in the excitement I didn't think it would make any kind of legible photo.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:15 AM
What direction did it come from, NE - SW etc etc? Was it moving as such accross the sky or did it appear then fade. Just curious - I'll take a look tonight, I'm in Phuket btw, quite a ways west of the Gulf of Thailand but you never know right? I'll have a camera ready.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:16 AM
Hello Serpentine,

I live in the north of Thailand and I agree the night sky was spectacular. I often watch the sky at night because Thailand has almost no light pollution. But last night around the time of dusk the whole sky was a blanket of orange/red haze. Now it isn't common to get red sky at night in the north of Thailand (I have seen it a few times but this was more eerie than normal). I also remember looking at the moon after the haze turned to the beautiful dark night but it was bright orange/red. I was also up really early this morning local time about 4.30am and when I looked outside the moon was its normal colour, reflecting bright white again.

Certainly interesting.
Best regards,

reply to post by serpentine

[edit on 3-3-2010 by eclectic.thoughts]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:18 AM
It was a huge event, I'm sure it was visable from everywhere. Photos from the beach resort areas like Haadrin will appear, just have to find them.
It ran north south approx.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by who-me?

I don't know if it faded or moved as I was inside for about 20 mins looking on the net for explanations and when I went outside again it was gone.
I am meeting up with a friend who witnessed the phenominan from another place shortly. I am hoping he got a photo or has another explanation.
I will post later.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by serpentine

Do you speak Thai? I'm sure there has got to be something about it in the local news. There's got to be a Thai version of ATS, right?!?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by serpentine

uh oh...could be earthquake lights; be on the alert and watch for news of temblors in your areas and adjacent locations

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by reject

Having been here and witnessed the 2004 Tsunami I sure hope your wrong about that.

I will certainly be keeping tabs on things more closely than usual.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by harrytuttle

Dear harrytuttle

Sorry so far as I know there is no comparison to ATS as a Thai version.

However I fear that even if there where it would not be worth looking into.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by MAC269

Having lived here for over a decade I think your fears are well founded. Any Thai site with this sort of thing wouldn't be worth a look.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by serpentine
It was a huge event, I'm sure it was visable from everywhere. Photos from the beach resort areas like Haadrin will appear, just have to find them.
It ran north south approx.

this is a little snipet from Blossom Goodchild...
Ok … I would like to ask about something if I may. It is concerning what we term ‘Google earth’. Many times very strange shapes appear ... of sometimes vast proportion, sometimes very small. It is has been deduced by folk who study this that these shapes are covering up something. Back before Oct 14th 2008, if my memory serves me, you said it was you. Can you talk to us about this? I certainly get excited when I see the shapes about. Other times there is nothing there at all.

We would endeavour to explain that which might proof to be a little complex. For like many things , we could give you once again the simple answer ‘yes it is us’ and yet we feel this would not satisfy your needs.

Correct! The thing is, sometimes the shape goes almost half way around the world.

And your point is?

Well, I imagine your vessel (s) to be huge but that seems a bit ridiculous.

Why? Have we not said in past days that our ships are of enormous proportions and that one needs ships within the ship for means of transport.

Yes. And I will accept your word then on the size. But how is it that sometimes there are a few much smaller shapes? And also the shapes vary in the way they are presented.

There is no complex reason for this. It is simply that smaller ships are ‘breaking through the barrier’.

What barrier?.

The time warp.

Excuse me while I just take a jump to the left, and then a step to the right!!! .... Now would be a good time to elaborate!!

What is presented to you on your google earth is far from what is actually there. Indeed the TRUE image is purposefully being blocked by certain equipment that tracks us. It certainly would not suit those who wish to keep us hidden away to allow these TRUE images to be present. In certain senses this accommodates our needs also. For it is not yet time to reveal that which we Truly are. Although we would say, it is drawing ever closer.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:29 AM
Quite a few of us living in Thailand eh?

Sadly I was in Central Shopping Mall yesterday at sundown and when I came out it was dark already.

As for an ATS in Thailand, have you tried


posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by harrytuttle

LOL. I speak some but can't read a word. Most thais who have an interest in these anomalies would read english sites. Thais are superttitious so there will be discussion somewhere though.
I have lived here a ong time and have many thai friends who know my passion for topics covered on ATS, and they tell me there is o such a site in thai. Although there are some decent astro sites. I will look.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 06:31 AM
Ok, one friend with knowledge on space things has suggested "gravitational lensing".
Does this mean anything to anyone?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by serpentine

Don't think it will be gravitational lensing - that requires a huge body like a galaxy or massive sun to actually pull light going past it from it's usually parallel straight line course and deviates it to a new one.

It's part of the proof that gravity is faster than light.

Although it happens all the time, for it to be bright enough to observe with the human eye it's be a very noticeable event the world over.

Nice theory though.


posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 12:52 PM
Could have been the aurora australis, the southern version of borealis.

did it look like any of these?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 12:57 PM
There has been several posts on ATS and the internet over the last few days regarding Thailand sky anomalies in the past few days. Keep us posted if you find any pictures.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by serpentine

I'm having trouble locating any news articles or photos of this event. But it seems that Thailand is no stranger to aerial phenomena...

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena at Nong Kai, Thailand--Anomaly Zone

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