Noone has mentioned this, so I will. There is new tech that has allowed people to find old shipwrecks, with satellites, and new tech that allows one
to find gold that was 'almost' found, but missed in gold mines, and tech with the satellites again, to find new veins. This has artificially spiked
the amount of gold in circulation. However, the main, numero uno industrial use, real use not vaulting, of gold is for jewelry. On the other hand,
silver has many uses electronically, in health, and in other products. When some kind of rocket or missile goes up, that thing is full of silver. When
it detonates, that silver is GONE. When Tutkanhamen has a gold ring, it is found by grave robbers, and becomes a necklace, it is later sold, and
eventually it ends up in your wedding. It is not consumed like silver. The history of gold is that our owners can steal it all. There is a lot more
silver, and that would be difficult to do. Has never been done, at least by our tyrants. Plus, it makes great bullets! Anyways, I am trying to hold as
much non-collectible old silver coins as I can. They are in a set amount, and will be easy to barter for the other posters' whiskey. You will take
silver, right? I am also trying to stock up on basics like tp. But enough about that, that is survival stuff and on other threads. But silver is now
at historically way lower exchange rates to gold.
There is a report I heard, so may be rumor, that like the other poster said, no gold in Ft. Knox. Just slips of paper, that someone else
'leased' it for a zillion years. So they can feel good about their thefts, and prevaricate about it. Because, see? Here are the papers for
ownership of that gold. Possession is 9/10ths of the law?
Should also be mentioned that much of the stock being 'sold' on the NY Stock Scam MAY be only 'naked shorting', in other words, you could own
stock that is not 'real', only worthless elecronic bleeps that SAY you own it. It is a little easier to prove with actual delivery of the stock
certificate. Not the way they do business, but, hey, this scam has never been exposed so far. This all started with banksters loaning out money that
never existed until they 'created' it on paper thru accounting. Their accomplices in Washinton helped to cover it up on the basis of whether or not
the banksters paid them the bribes thru PACs. So now, they are just trying the scam that worked in banking, on the gold market now. Hey, they got away
with it for hundreds of years. So why not? No consequences. I guess they feel they can live with the guilt.