posted on May, 31 2004 @ 02:42 PM
OK. In a nutshell, normal speech is composed and produced by the left brain hemisphere. The right brain was always assummed to be silent. Turns out
that the subconscious also speaks, and because it connects through the opposite (right) hemisphere, the sounds are reversed. Buried inside normal
speech, they can be found by listening to normal speech played backwards and slower. This requires discipline and a lot of patience. You can learn
about it at a site created by the original discoverer. This posting is NOT about RS, only to get help with current terms in
military use - perhaps only within the intelligence field.
With E.D.I., the word "data" is also used, so we are theorizing that it might refer to "electronic defense intelligence", referring to a resource.
The "D" is firm. Occassionally the very first consonent can disappear, so there is a slight chance that the "E" could be tee, pee, dee, bee,
P.B.O. is pretty firm, and appears in a statment, "there's my PBO". This is common in situations where a speaker sees other people entering a
room, while he is speaking. It occurs often enough in the Berg tape to imply that the room extends some distance to the rear, behind the cameras, or
may even have a glass wall as in photos from the prison, and people are visible to the speaker as they pass by.
Remember, these terms are going to be current terms, used now, and less likely to be found in historical contexts.
Regarding Berg's actual role, there is only the very short segment of him speaking in some sort of interrogation. There is only enough material
there to suggest that there is some question about his actual identity. He may have been adopted into the Berg family, for instance. I'm not the
one working on that, however, so that's the limit of what I know at this time.