Last week we grabbed your attention with the unapologetic thread,
I'm pissed!! (political
trolls and hacks), that received a large number of flags, stars, and an overwhelming majority of members who agreed with the sentiment. Also,
there were more than a few members who took offense at the harsh emotive wording... my only comment would be something along the lines of, "if the
shoe fits" or something similar. It's unfortunate we have a seemingly large number of members either purposefully or unwittingly perpetuating the
malicious us-versus-them distraction of contemporary US and international politics. But it's encouraging to see the majority of our members not
playing that game for "them."
Since some seemed to have perceived last week's announcement as a dislike of political discussion, I want to emphasis nothing could be further from
the truth. We re-integrated back into ATS precisely because it's vitally important that we discuss the ever-evolving
increasingly-damaging political landscape.
However... it
is exceptionally disappointing to have seen how many ATS members avoid politics completely. And that must change... here's
We are obligated to be political...
As people who claim to be concerned about conspiracy theories, we cannot and should not avoid politics.
While it might be reaching to say every conspiracy discussed on ATS has its roots in politics in one way or another, it's safe to say more than 98%
We (conspiracy-minded people) cannot research or discuss conspiracy theories effectively without a solid knowledge of the political influences
involved. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that the conspiracists who shy away from politics will end up presenting incomplete theories, errant
analysis, and short-sighted speculation.
The contemporary malevolent political war gridlocking the US (and spilling over into international politics) is one of the largest broadest-reaching
conspiracies of our time. The war of ideologies is distracting an entire nation while some of the largest issues ever encountered are disregarded, and
some of the most nefarious new policies slip in unnoticed. We are witnessing a bitter apex to a long war of political doctrines, and who better to
help others understand the situation than us?
Turn the tide... at least on ATS
We (the staff of ATS) call upon every member who ever spoke the words, "Deny Ignorance," with pride and admiration to turn your attention, your
reason, your level-headed demeanor, and your ability to focus on issues to contemporary politics.
Expose the corruption inherent in both "sides" of the artificial two-party system.
Look past the political rhetoric and highly-paid media firebrands to examine the essence of the real issues.
Hold all politicians accountable for their words, their actions, and their financial influences.
Apply the unique and collaborative critical thinking of conspiracy speculation on ATS to the malfeasance that has held sway in Washington, DC for
decades -- and seems to have been peaking over the past twelve years.
You will be noticed...
With four-million visits a month and eight-million posts, the ATS platform is a powerful one. Your efforts may not make a difference nationally and/or
internationally, but you will be noticed.
If not us, then who?
Now is the time to prove we mean, "Deny Ignorance," and apply that lofty goal to the problem of what feels like this nation's "suicide by
Deny Ignorance.
This motto has life. It has purpose. It demands ATS members to think.
It is a state of mind.
It is a sense of purpose.
It is a statement agaisnt the paradigm.
It is a rage against the mindless status-quo.
The idea of "deny ignorance" isn't a goal that ATS hopes to accomplish. Instead, it's a challenge. A call to all those who come here to aspire to
a higher state of awareness through informed discussion and debate.
Deny ignorance is what we do.
It's how we think. It's how we talk. It's how we listen.
Ignorance is the creeping crud of history that has clouded our minds and dulled our brains. Is the evil that men do, the reason history repeats, and
the cause of intolerance.
We deny it. It's not welcome here. Within these boundaries, it has no strength.
Here, ignorance is denied.