posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:36 PM
I present for you today your WAKE UP CALL!
This video is 2 hours 29 minutes and 55 very valuable seconds of your lives. Think of what you could accomplish in that period of time were you to
ignore this video. You could take in a new movie at the Grand, maybe enjoy a coke and some popcorn. You could spend the evening curled up on the couch
watching some of the fine programming available while eating a hot pocket. Maybe read a good Harlequin romance and sip on a hot coffee. It could be
the refrigerator is empty and you need to grab some groceries. Or you could just take a nice nap all snug like a bug in a rug.
As you see a lot of "important" things could be done if you just ignore this video but you must choose instead to watch this video. You must take the
time to sit down in an uncomfortable chair in front of your computer and watch this film. Who am I to tell you what you "must" do? I am nobody. I am
just a guy, but I am a guy standing in front of your house and trying desperately to warn you that it is on fire. While others are walking by letting
it burn, I am banging relentlessly on your door trying to get your attention. I am running into your house grabbing up your children from their
slumber and bringing them safely from danger. I am banging on your chest trying to resuscitate your heart now stopped from smoke inhilation. I am
running back into the inferno and rounding up your pets while grabbing the family albums. I hope you understand now just how strongly I feel about
this. You don't have to see the fire to know that it is there. You don't have to feel the heat or smell the smoke for it to do its damage.
I am praying to My God in Heaven that you please accept this WAKE UP CALL and put on hold your busy lives to watch this very important information. I
pray that God open your hearts and minds to this information. I pray that God given discernment give you the ability to accept and understand what it
presents. It is in Jesus name that I ask this Amen.
I am simply your Brother. I am simply trying to help you, my Brothers and Sisters, as I must.
Watch it, Spread it far and wide - don't be just lukewarm, be on fire. Ba a shining light on the hill for all the World to see.
God Bless
[edit on 1-3-2010 by WWJFKD]
edit on 12/2/2011 by Mirthful Me because: All Caps Title.