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Cops & Judges Caught Using Secret Codes On Tickets

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 12:58 AM
edit, because I don't want to be blacklisted.

[edit on 2-3-2010 by wiredamerican]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:17 AM
So I was just doing a google search on "notation on traffic tickets" out of curiosity caused by this thread. An interesting hit turned up concerning a judge who was removed from the bench for going easy on relatives who'd gotten tickets.

What's interesting, is that in almost all the cases, the notation on the ticket indicated they were going much faster than the officer charged them with... In other words, the cop could have gone to the higher category (greater than 10 MPH over the speed limit) but didn't. Of course, in this case, the corrupt judge threw out the cases anyway, but it seems like more often than not in the 14+ tickets described in that document, the cops generally offered the lesser offense, but made a note of the actual speed as well.

Also, since I'm not a cop and don't know how these things work beyond what I've seen on TV, isn't the ticket book essentially the cop's notes? Wouldn't an AH on a ticket be as much a reminder to the cop when he has to show up in court a month later?

[edit on 3/2/2010 by JoshNorton]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:11 AM
Revolutionary concept to avoid law enforcement professionals writing secret codes about you being a whiny d-bag on the back of your traffic citation:

Stop breaking the law.

Think about it this way- when you get a ticket, the LEO has to do a whole bunch of work, not only on the scene but afterwords. Are these people going to give you a ticket that incurs more work on their part just for the heck of it? Would you go out of your way to piss off a perfect stranger when you knew it was going to mean you had to do a bunch of paperwork to follow up on it?

Cops are (for the most part) normal people out doing a job to pay the bills, just like everyone else. They don't wake up eager to make traffic stops at random and issue meaningless tickets.

And maybe if one of them pulls you over and you're a complete jack@$$ to somebody who is just trying to do a job, you deserve a little extra note.

I know when I obey traffic laws I don't get tickets. And when I do break the law and get a ticket, I own up to it and I am treated with courtesy and respect by the issuing officer. Try it sometime, it just might work for you too.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:40 AM
If you ever see "AH" or "adam henry" scribbled on your california veh registration.. some cop though you were an A hole.

Other codes include COC = contempt of cop, 415 = disturber, 5150 for 'crazy', 148.9 = liar.. or a combo like "415 AH", or '5150 AH", 148.9 adam henry etc.. known about these for 20+ years.

Alpha Hotel works too.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975
Sorry, I have had numerous experiences with your criminal gang, and I KNOW that it is the norm, not NEARLY the exception. I absolutely agree with law and order, and despise our current crop of gangsters pretending to be LEOs. Your feining innocence and saying that there are 'some' bad apples, absolutely PROVES you are one of the bad apples. The good cops are the rare exception. All, ALL the innocent and good cops are either driven out, or quit. Much like actual Christians are driven out or flee the church now that the church age has ended, and the HS left. If you remain and have no problem with church now, you are in the church of Lucifer and serving him, and if you remain in law enforcement, you are one of the rogue cops. YOU, yes YOU. Thanx for the warning, I'll be sure to never meet you, and I will be sure to discount anything you have to say here.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by WhiteOneActual
Revolutionary concept to avoid law enforcement professionals writing secret codes about you being a whiny d-bag on the back of your traffic citation:

Stop breaking the law.

And what I am about to relate absolutely proves that the cops I have encountered are bad cops. I was living in Beverly Hills for a few years, and driving a Porsche. I always try not to drive over the posted speed or even slower if warranted. But driving a Porsche, they always ASSumed I was always speeding, any chance I got. I was on the busiest street in LA during rush hour traffic, and in front of a private elementary school, in a red zone, the parents were stopping and picking up their kids. I had the audacity to honk, and when the parent in front of me had their kid and left, I followed. The light turned yellow. And a faux LEO promptly pulled me over for running a red. I went to court in BH and tried to show the judge a photo of the red curb where the cop falsely accused me. He refused to even look or accept the evidence, and automatically found the cop right, and me wrong. Then later I moved to Bellflower. My belt broke on my engine, and I walked to a local auto parts store. While walking back, some gangbangers, hispanic, were parked in the middle of our street, and I walked thru like they were not. They figured I was dissing them, and assaulted me. I called the local sheriffs. After an hour, they got there, or he got there, hispanic, and he told me that they told him I was drinking and threatening them with the new wrench I had just bought. If I did not immediately leave, he would arrest ME. I called the station and asked the super to come out. He had the audacity to tell me he knew that officer was properly trained, and knew what he was doing. My reply is that if he is so well trained, why was he not using any of that knowledge? Instead of defending the innocent after they had been attacked, they defended the gang, and joined in their attack. On my dollar, pretending to be there for my 'welfare'.
I posted a long story on here about my being assaulted by the sheriffs deps in San Diego after my house burned down. I'm not going to retell that now. And the jerk who was preventing me from going to a friends house after the house burned, for my 'safety'. And their preventing the neighbors from caring for their surviving animals after the fire. And now the city preventing people from rebuilding by imposing huge made up fees. I want out.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by WhiteOneActual
Revolutionary concept to avoid law enforcement professionals writing secret codes about you being a whiny d-bag on the back of your traffic citation:

Stop breaking the law.

Did it ever occur to you that some people are a little less than friendly because they have been pulled over when they were not committing a crime? I happen to live in an area where a police officer goes to jail for corruption about every other month. Cops are not all inherently good. Bad cops that do bad things often get bad reactions. If officer douche bag wants to waste my time because I was driving in the wrong neighborhood and he was bored, chances are I will not be happy to see him. I have a clean license. No tickets, no accidents in over 30 years of driving. Yes, I am not always real happy to have my time wasted by bored and corrupt police.

That is the point. If all cops just stick to reporting the alleged crime as per their actual job, it would not matter. This is why we have court and a judge - so they can determine if you are guilty and how badly to punish you.

If you do not like the way our legal system works, subverting it is tantamount to treason. Go be a cop in a muslim country where no one will care if you are corrupt.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
Wow. Just wow. I have not posted in a good three months but had to jump in here. After three pages of this rcwj1975 still has absolutely no idea that it is NOT HIS JOB to write ANYTHING other than the info in the ticket as required. ANYTHING ELSE leads to bias and YES, as every human being on the face of the earth can attest, we have all had BAD days.

We sure a bad day means you can act anyway you want to others and shouldn't be held accountable? I have had people say "this is BS", signed the ticket and drove off. Did I note their behavior? NO...thats a bad day, BUT they still took responsibility for THEIR violation. I am talking about the extreme cases where I had people rip up the ticket, refuse to sign the ticket, or basically lose their mind and take a normal 10 minute traffic stop and turn it into a 30 minute traffic stop because of THEIR behavior. Does it make them anymore guilty? Of course not, but I am going to notate their behavior...

Stop trying to influence anything when you are NOT TRAINED to do so (have you had any psychiatric classes lately?)

Its not rocket science when someone flips out. NO ONE needs a degree to determine if someone is acting like a fool....

and furthermore, you insult me and any decent person by making YOUR OWN CALL.

Again, ripping up a ticket or acting out isn't hard to spot. If I insult you because you might flip out and I can EASILY see your flipping out...I don't get your argument. Also, making my own have to be confused about something as its not making my own call to find guilt, a simple note documenting your is that my own call?

Honestly, I have read many of your comments previously and thought you to be a pretty smart person, but this simply shows the light that yes, indeed, you feel above the law.

Well thanks, but again how does YOU violating the law, ME citing you for it (even with a note), put ME above the law? I don't get it...YOUR the one in violation, YOUR the one that has to see the judge and explain why you violated the law?

Too bad as many others will use your obvious ignorance of law to torment you here...really pathetic this is being defended by a cop.

How is it ignorant of the law? Where do you people come up with your conclusions? The LAW is still the LAW, I still need PC to give you a citation, so where is this confusing or showing ignorance? Please clarify.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Montana
I am assuming that you are human. I suppose I could be wrong but I don't think so. It is a fact that humans interpret everything around them differently according to the emotional state they are in.

I agree 100%. but lets be honest, it would take a complete moron to interprit a driver ripping up a citation in front of you as anything BUT stupid. Anyone with a lick of common sense can determine that someone is NOT acting in a reasonable manner in situations. Being pissed about getting a ticket and mumbling under your breath is one thing...Screaming at the top of your lungs calling me a MF'r and saying that your going to "have my job by the end of the day" is another. Stevie Wonder could see this.

I have the utmost respect for those among us who willing place themselves between the population and harm. I back those of them who are trustworthy to the hilt. I have never raised my voice to an officer of the law, and never will. I HAVE taken others to task for treating LEO's badly, and have offered to be a witness for the officer in a couple of cases where he was being unjustly accused by a citizen. You seem to think that I am against LEO's in general, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Well that is appreciated...but remember, I am not out to get you...or anyone, I am out to cite you for that violation YOU did and move on. A note on my ticket doesn't mean I am out to ask for more punishment, I am simply documenting that you caused a scene, BUT still believe you violated law. If for some reason the judge throws out the ticket, so be it...not like I will be

The problem is that you seem to think that because you are an LEO (voluntarily, I assume), we, the citizens, should be punished for making you mad. Up to the point of breaking the law in some way, I disagree.[/quote

I don't get this. I am not asking you be punished for acting out...I am asking you be punished for violating law. Thats it..I am not going in the courtroom asking that you get extra fines, asking you be locked up, asking they execute you....its HEY, he ran the stop sign at so and so...he flipped out and refused to sign the citation. I wrote refused for him judge. Either he says guilty of the violation or not...thats it.

I can see that you have hard feelings about this subject and I'm sorry to have caused you distress by disagreeing with you, but it is my strong opinion that you are very wrong on this issue. Judgment and interpretation belong in the courts, not on the street.

No hard feelings at all....why would I be mad about writing someone a ticket for violating state law? And they remain in the courts...YOU GUYS are hell bent on thinking our codes or a code makes things more harsh, makes things somehow untrue...when in reality the violation still occured. Hence why we are in the agin your beef is that you think the codes are what is on trial, when its simply YOUR violating the law.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

Hey I got a question or two for ya. I'm the son of a cop..then private dick. My dad died and I never asked him this stuff. I don't think anymore of you because of your job than anyone else, yet I will treat you with more respect as the law requires.

1)Do you ever feel bad for pulling someone over, knowing they were not hurting anyone or themselves and where likely not to hurt themselves or anyone, only that they had commited a minor infraction.

2)We all know you did not write the law, and are tasked to uphold it.
Does it bother you that you must enforce laws that you don't agree with?

3)What is your ratio of help to hurt? I mean at the end of the year how much money have you taken from people, and how much have you given. By given, I don't mean money...cause we all know that you are not handing out hundreds for good driving. I mean what do you to keep inner balance when you have to take and take?

I could not do the job. I think I would have to self terminate first.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

You are the exception, and not the rule. I was pulled over for supposedly not stopping at a stop sign. When I pointed out that the officer could not have observed the stop because of an illegally parked semi with a trailer on the corner, and that his position at the time of the top was on the other side of a small hill (he topped the hill as I proceeded from the full stop), he got a severe attitude. He literally got what would be refered to as 'pissy', asked me how I dare question him, and stated that the truck belonged to a friend of his, and wasn't illegally parked even though it clearly was. Unfortunately here in this part of New Mexico signing the ticket is clearly labeled as an admission of guilt, not signing the ticket results in arrest. It's complete and total BS.

Just face it, there are a lot more bad cops than good. Just because you operate as a good cop doesn't mean that all cops operate that way. If you believe they do then you are in a state of denial.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

I think it comes down to how you were brought up. I couldn't imagine being anything else but pleasant to a cop. Even if he is an AH. Especially if he is. He has the ability to make your day even worse if he wants to. Why go that route? It proves nothing but ignorance. And it's caught on the dash cam. So is the crime if I am not mistaken. I have a few cop friends and they tell funny stories about how they were just going to give a warning and the person started flipping out about the deputy sheriff had no jurisdiction in town, or on the highway. One friend said a guy told him he couldn't write him a ticket. He smiled and said "watch this".

Complain about how bad cops are when they write you a ticket, but when they are protecting you from the crackhead trying to rob you, things seem to change a bit.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:34 AM


posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:39 AM
My take on this is that the "Secret" code is just additional information on the incident at hand and doesn't necessarily mean that it will add to a guilty/not guilty verdict. Law Enforcement in some areas my stop hundreds of people in between traffic court sessions so the added code is just a crib note of sorts. I'm sure many of us can not remember every experience we have with someone else...for instance do you remember the attitude of the person making your coffee at Starbucks everyday for the last month?
The code is just additional information....if the judge makes a decision simply on an angry face or flaming hole symbol then yes that is wrong and should be held accountable. IMO.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

I cannot believe you have the gaul to sit here admitting to prejudice. You sir, are scum and you are the reason why an increasing number of normal law abiding citizens loath law enforcement. Since when were you made the judge? What authority was granted upon you to judge others? If you cannot do your job without remaining completely impartial, you shouldn't be a damn cop. You are a disgrace to the profession.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:51 AM
I got a ticket once for doing 65 in a 65 because the officer thought it was a 55 mph zone. I asked him if we could go back down the road and show him the 65 mph sign and he refused saying i was lying and trying to get out of a ticket. I drive the hwy every day to and from work so i new what i was talking about. After i got my ticket i drove back and sure enough it was still 65.. still pissed about that one..

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

I'm not a cop lover or hater but I agree with that assessment 100%. Traffic laws are some of the few I believe actually help. Blowing lights and speeding have always been a hot button issue with me and when someone gets caught doing either, the last thing they should be is indignant.


posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:56 AM
My main concern here is, why are you giving a cop an attitude to begin with? Do you honestly think you're going to intimidate someone by telling them "i'll have your job by the end of the day" or cursing him out? Do you think the officer will respond with "oh, i'm sorry, you're totally right, this ticket is unnecessary/wrong."?

I just don't get it. The officer stopped you for something, the more pleasant and cooperative you are, the less balls to break. Plus, get rowdy enough on him and a ticket could turn into an arrest for being a prick.

I got stopped the other day by an officer who pulled me over for a past inspection sticker. I did everything the proper way, had my info ready, addressed him as "sir" and he ended up writing me a break light ticket and cutting me a break. I just don't understand people who lose it with cops on traffic stops, it's not going to do anything to help the situation.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by poker player

Well that's something you can quite obviously argue in court with the correct proof. In that instance, the officer was being a dick and or lazy, but you can still get out of that ticket extremely easily.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:06 AM
How are you going to go and call this guy scum? The rest of us law abiding citizens do not loathe LEO's for the most part. You're calling it prejudice, but it's actually not. If you're being a jerk, that's how you deserve to be treated. If you wanna waste the officers time, cursing and yelling and making a scene and prohibiting from him doing his duty because you want to be "that guy" then he should have the right to make a note of your attitude or your driving for that matter. There is no judgement taking place when blatant insubordination is occurring, those are simply the facts. And no, I don't believe this guy is a disgrace to his profession.

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