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The Fae

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posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by stgeorge Well if you look for written works on the Fey,you will cute drawings of pixies.Remember that Leprechaun meant "ugly little person".

Actually, the word leprechaun derives from the old Irish word "luchorpan", meaning "little body".

- Was

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by GuerrillaFuunkstaahh
I believe in super natural powers and extra-terrestrials, but not pixies or gnomes and whatever other nonsense associating with midgets.
It's just not logical.

I believe in the Fay. I�ll wager that you have met several of their descendants. You might even be one.

Find the real story here

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 08:01 AM
2IC says "Not quite" to your interpretation of leprechaun.
Perhaps leprech meant "as a leper?" for in the Littles or any variety of Visitor you must look away.Hard to explain.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 10:20 PM
anyone know where i can find pictures of the fea and pixys and ferries and gnomes and dwarfs and goblins and gouls or watever you have....

[edit on 19-8-2004 by DanTodd]

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by DanTodd
anyone know where i can find pictures of the fea and pixys and ferries and gnomes and dwarfs and goblins and gouls or watever you have....

[edit on 19-8-2004 by DanTodd]

In Disney Movies.
You can find Gnomes in peoples' gardens.

[edit on 8/20/2004 by GuerrillaFuunkstaahh]

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Qraz A.K.A. MIlfort
I am sorry i have to tell this to you but age normally does it.

Magical creatures don't exist. There is no such thing as magic. Just advanced technology.

Oooh the banality of it all... you should smile more and chat to animals. ;p

Technology advanced enough is indestinguishable form magic.

Dunno who said that but i bet he was important.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 09:17 AM
Hmmm.Cute but not what I saw.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 01:40 PM
why would anyone believen something that nobody has proof of other than people just saying that they saw the fae. how can you believe people. the only way i will even consider believing in something is when i see videos or pictures or something of that nature.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 10:03 PM
Really? The vast majority of photos are fake,especially if they are digital.Look at some of the better nessie pics if you want to see a Nature Spirit in one of its forms.
And I cannot believe you know not one person you trust who did not have some kind of experience.
"A picture tells a thousand words.A witness,ten thousand." Me


posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Sinobyte

Grow up. Mythical creatures are just that, MYTHICAL. Cryptozoology is not the study of little winged beings flittering around the woods. Sometimes I wonder what goes through some of your minds?

Sure it's romantic and all to believe in that kind of thing but really...grow the hell up. I'm a believer in the possibility of nessie and bigfoot and hell even aliens but I draw the line at Faeries and Imps and Pixies and whatever the hell else some of you can dig up.

Why draw the line on those when really all we have on nessie,bigfoot,and ufo's/aliens is either fake photos or speculative ones including video's?
You make a contradicting statement there if you didnt notice.Yet you say you draw the line.I must say here,all of those things are just theory/mythical until we get proof other than fuzzy photo's and video and hear-say reports.

I dont want anyone to think of this as a bash but more of a think before you speak.To possibly believe in one thing and not the other when it falls in the same sort of catagory is somewhat dumb.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by stgeorge
Really? The vast majority of photos are fake,especially if they are digital.Look at some of the better nessie pics if you want to see a Nature Spirit in one of its forms.
And I cannot believe you know not one person you trust who did not have some kind of experience.
"A picture tells a thousand words.A witness,ten thousand." Me
bla bla bla thats all im hearing buddy, yes i have seen ghost myself and i have friends who have seen ghost and ufo's and i believe in ufos and ghost but i dont know anyone who has seen something fake like the fae or pixies or anything like that.

[edit on 23-8-2004 by DanTodd]


posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 07:15 PM
This seemed to fool alot of people for a long time.
The Cottingley Fairies
In 1917, two teenage girls in Yorkshire produced photographs they had taken of fairies in their garden. Elsie Wright (age 16) and her cousin Frances Griffiths (age 10) used a simple camera and were said to be lacking any knowledge of photography or photographic trickery.
Read more HERE and HERE

Though debunked,it was good trickery.
I post this just for fun since nobody posted them.I figured someone would have tried to be funny and post images.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 05:22 PM
i have once, one night i was in my room and i was in deep meditation, and when i finally broke meditation i stood up to get some water and as i opened the fridge i saw a small glowing ball-shaped thing hovering and as i tried to grab it, it flew behind a water container and it lit the water up and when i pulled the water out it was gone, and i am positive i saw in because i checked if the water was there the next day and it wasnt, it was in my room where i left it, thus i know it wasnt a dream but of course i really dont care

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 12:25 PM
Alittle ironic isnt it. People take blind leaps of faith and dedicate their lives to what some books say, and believe in all powerful, omnipotent beings that can create things by mearly willing it, yet the possibility of small beings are described as crazy, childish, or mythical. Why is there such hypocracy and contradiction on such comments from people like that? I'm not saying that there are small little gnomes running about, but in this world, nothing seems truely certain. For the longest time the idea that someone could go to the moon was something that was considered as a childish dream, and crazy....maybe some people just have to get a bit more aware of their own hypocracy before they start spouting about how absurd some ideas are

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Qraz A.K.A. MIlfort
I am sorry i have to tell this to you but age normally does it.

Magical creatures don't exist. There is no such thing as magic. Just advanced technology.

I beg to differ. You fail to see beyond what modern society has led you to see. You fail to consider that there are possibilities that your mind can not comprehend. And, you fail to consider that things can exist below or above your level of perception.

Chi, I will send you a u2u regarding your question.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 02:42 PM
Everyone knows that Gnomes steal underpants...

Cryptozoology is not the study of little winged beings flittering around the woods. Sometimes I wonder what goes through some of your minds?

Cryptozoology is the study of creatures that are mentioned by witnesses, but that haven't been acknowledged by science yet. Surely the "fey" or "sylvan" creatures fall into this category.

Numerous cultures have described small winged humanoids (be they pixies, faeries, etc.) Then you've got dryads, nixies, nymphs, sprites, brownies, elves, gnomes, dwarves, etc. I've often wondered about what has spawned such sightings in a relatively small area (mostly the English Isles, Ireland, and Scotland)

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 03:00 PM
Y'know folks, there ARE more things in heaven and earth.... Heck, just as in religion, I believe in them all- You can't have too many saviours. Faerie folk? Why not. There is certainly room for a little magic in my life.

posted on Aug, 28 2004 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by GuerrillaFuunkstaahh
I believe in super natural powers and extra-terrestrials, but not pixies or gnomes and whatever other nonsense associating with midgets.
It's just not logical.
Little men in little wingies flittering about dancing under mushrooms and playing in certain trees... why?
Why the hell would they do that?
If they were real I think they would be doing better things than dancing around mushrooms during midnight.
Or maybe they are just there to get high.
Maybe that's what pixies are, little tiny beings high on shrooms.
Or it's the other way around, you're high on shrooms.

[edit on 8/8/2004 by GuerrillaFuunkstaahh]

For this I pose a similar question.

Why do humans go into dark buildings that have bright flashing lights and dance to what is questionably called music?

Just because something is irrational doesn't make it nonexistant. Just outside your field of understanding.

posted on Aug, 28 2004 @ 01:16 PM
Gazrok,where do you get wings from? Show me where there is an eye witnesses account of a sighting with wings,not some fanciful artist's rendition.
Nothing I have seen had wings on it,although I hear the chupas have a bat-like membrane on their arms.

[edit on 28-8-2004 by stgeorge]

posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by GuerrillaFuunkstaahh
I believe in super natural powers and extra-terrestrials, but not pixies or gnomes and whatever other nonsense associating with midgets.
It's just not logical.
Little men in little wingies flittering about dancing under mushrooms and playing in certain trees... why?
Why the hell would they do that?
If they were real I think they would be doing better things than dancing around mushrooms during midnight.
Or maybe they are just there to get high.
Maybe that's what pixies are, little tiny beings high on shrooms.
Or it's the other way around, you're high on shrooms.

hmmm, you beleive in supernatural powers and e.t's, both of which have no acute scientific backing just speculation, but you do not beleive in pixies or nomes? But yet your more logical because you beleive in aliens and supernatural powers?

Jesus can you be any more of a hypocrite? Oh yes can you explain why its soo not logical but aliens are? As for them dancing under full moons go look up dancing and its involvment in human history. Every cultural for as long as history has been recorded (and probaly before that) engaged in dance for a number of reasons.

I would not be surprised if there are fairies and pixies and gnomes along with aliens and super natural powers. Its a mighty big planet we live on and an even bigger universe.

[edit on 29-8-2004 by KILLCREEK]

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