posted on May, 30 2004 @ 10:33 PM
Whether you agree or disagree, the connection between the government and the media is closer then we think. Ever think about how the media really
works. How we find stuff out from them, and then later, we are manipulated to think the opposite. Is this a release and take back way of the
government in control. In otherwords, what we get, is not what they want us to hear. You all talk of how we are given information, and then later we
find out it is false, so we are taught to disregard all of it to begin with. Is the Media, a part of the government, that makes you believe we are
being told something, yet really it is just a cover-up?
Key Example:
During this War in Iraq, we are told about "Live" attacks on certain locations on certain groups'leaders. Can you really tell me that the
Government wants us to know this. What, Sadaam, didn't have CNN. WHy is it we hear some incriminating evidence, and not stuff like "who really shot
[Edited on 31-5-2004 by MKugs]