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California footage, i'm a little baffled..

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:42 PM

I hate seeing titles like the "California USA 100% PROOF" title from the video above, i would LOVE to see this in better quality.

It's 5 minutes of night time footage filmed from somebodys porch zooming onto an area of sky. It appears to show a number of lights sort of..well..dancing. I thought at first it could be birds, but then that doesn't really fit due to the brightness of he lights and how dark it is.

CGI? it's entirely possible as is almost anything you want to believe is almost always too good to be true, however genuine it looks. If this has been posted before (I'm sure it possibly has and been lost down the thread line somewhere) i apologise, just thought it was worth a lookey.


posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:05 PM
Most UFO videos are pretty bad quality. If they were better, more defined, etc, people would be even more inclined to say they were CGI. Without lots of other people coming forward to corroborate the story, it's not significant.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:13 PM
nice find there , but still you will never know from this quality .

i guess i will never see a good quality video of a UFO in my life time, that's if they do exist of course.

lets wait for the experts.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Well, this seems to be the same old/same old-type footage. Dots dancing around in the night sky in what appears to be in the shape of a triangle.

Perhaps to the videographer it's considered 100% proof.
But to the average's 100% inconclusive.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:47 PM
I am no video expert, but it appears to be authentic footage to me. I don't think its faked.

What the objects are is up for debate as long as nobody says its helicopters or Chinese lanterns.

Very Interesting

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:37 PM
You know just doing my usual bit of ufo research and posting yet another blurry video on ATS to relieve the itch i have about this subject i can't scratch something has occured to me.

It just amazes me that the stuff we see, the Youtubes, documentaries, Larry King, the publics interest in Ufology and all the information we can access easily through the internet is kids stuff compared to what is actually happening.

We don't get a look in. it's like being a kid, fascinated when we can ride a bike with stabilizers, not knowing that the big guys are driving the high powered bikes on the roads, or discovering something we think is truly significant that could produce answers to the subject not realising that we are tapping with a small hammer onto the very large tip of an iceberg.

There are people that have seen these things with there own eyes. They know of the existence of ufo's but we can only speculate. I don't know what it's going to take to get the truth out. How can you put your trust in people that are invisible to us and won't talk about it. No amount of National Press Clubs, Greer intervention, high ranking retired officials stepping up to the podium to tell their side of things, it's interesting to watch but we are not going to break the shell of what is really happening.

The only way i can see anything coming out in my lifetime is some kind of intervention from the visitors themselves, they circumvent the people keeping us in the dark and come to us directly, and i can't honestly see that happening.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by October

While I'm not one of the "visitors", I have seen these type UFO's in person and online.
They are slower moving than what I saw, and this particular video may even be birds, they move so slow.
I saw these, actually multiples of these types, outside of Atlantic City, NJ on or around November, 1998.
I had walked out to my deck to smoke a cigarette, and looking towards the south, I noticed the lights. There were two or three dozen smaller lights, which seemed to be "fighting". Occasionally, they (some of them) would regroup into a 'mothership' kind of seemingly larger type of craft, and then branch back out again to 'attack' the others. There were two or three groups, and they all seemed to be going kind of crazy. I say 'fighting' because of the way they flew at each other, I didn't see anything shooting from any ship to any others, it just seemed an aggressive display.
I wasn't alone out there, as my next door neighbor had dragged his wife out to see them, as I had done with my girl friend.

The online place I have seen them is watching the Mexico City UFOs,
and around the time of the solar eclipse in '91. They weren't as animated as my sighting either, but are a good example.
Kind of like this, but at night, and moving much faster:

[edit on 28-2-2010 by Dogdish]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by October
I hate seeing titles like the "California USA 100% PROOF" title from the video above, i would LOVE to see this in better quality.

as far as I can tell, the video showed proof positive, 100%, for sure, Unidentified Flying Objects....just lights in the sky so they'll always be this video that is.....

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:30 AM
I'm still looking for someone, a whole lot of someones, preferably, to prove to me (or even offer a reasonable hypothesis) that among all the unexplained phenomena, UFO sightings and even hallucinations are not experiments in HAARP technology?


Probably they distract us with aliens and then kill us off when we run out to meet them...get us all hopeful and optimistic and then mow us down like grass.

Pessimistic, I know. But folks are evil sometimes. One must consider things from a cold-blooded view sometimes. Lots of times, to get intelligence on the other side and what their angle is. It's very useful to put oneself in one's enemy's shoes for a moment, so to speak. Kind of reverse-engineer their strategy and see how one can thwart it in any way to gain an advantage.

For nearly a century, there has been an increasing flood of images and powerful stories about abductions, demonic encounters, positive and negative alien encounters, sightings, and now videos from all over the world. Propaganda for the eyes, suspicion of eye-witnesses. Confusion.

Ugh. Something is happening. No evidence really turns up. I think it's a pre-engineered production of "War of the Worlds" - original broadcast, I mean.

Want to ditch a lot of bodies quickly? Like one-third? I've got it...get 'em to come to an alien or Jesus show! Mow em down, clean it up, and start the NWO in the aftermath. No one will really know what happens to those people so...everyone comes up with his or her own explanation or understanding. Please someone debunk this comment, because I think a lot of people will be "seduced" into following some type of hologram, and be led to their doom.

Is this crazy? Why else all the dramatic light shows but no offical landings, contact, pamphlets, you know what I mean, communication on a real level?
Because some of them may be holograms, no sound, quick movement.
Know what I mean? A lot of people have had dreams like this, and I put some stock into some of them, which is something.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:35 AM
Sorry so pessimistic, but I just have an uneasy feeling. I hope people will say a prayer for us all. What could it hurt?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by October

G'day October

Thanks for posting that video.

Unfortunately I can't draw any conclusions due to the poor quality of the vid.

An accompanying report would be of interest.

Have you been able to find an accompanying report?

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Copperflower
I'm still looking for someone, a whole lot of someones, preferably, to prove to me (or even offer a reasonable hypothesis) that among all the unexplained phenomena, UFO sightings and even hallucinations are not experiments in HAARP technology?

You've probably heard this before, but you can't prove a negative. The causes of UFO sightings seem to ba as varied as the people that report them. Though I never considered HAARP as a cause, I guess I wouldn't rule it out for a few but there are plenty of other possible, and in my opinion much more likely, causes, like natural phenomena and manmade craft, which, according to MUFON, are the main sources for most UFO sightings.

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
An accompanying report would be of interest.

Have you been able to find an accompanying report?

Well said. I'm almost of the opinion that without an accompanying report of the date, time, location, direction, etc a video by itself is nearly useless. Why? Well for starters, one of the first things an investigator might want to know is if anyone else saw the same thing, which you can't investigate without some basic details.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:32 PM
Unfortunately it seems to be one of those videos that just appears from nowhere without any background report. I'm sure there is probably some kind of background to it but the only link is to this Ufohunter channel on Youtube

Which is a run of the mill UFO channel showing all kinds of stuff, mostly unconvincing to be honest, and quite a few documentaries but we have an excellent thread on here that pretty much covers all the documentaries we need.

The dancing lights from the original video somehow reminds me of the Nevada footage from 1990

As far as experiments with HAARP are concerned i really don't know enough on the subject to make even an educated guess!

[edit on 1/3/10 by October]

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