posted on May, 31 2004 @ 12:55 AM
Yes, it is scary how much hatred is being propagated by the mainstream religions these days, and how much a foothold religion has taken in the
political arena. Here in the U.S. we have a President who believes God tells him what to do and who meets with fundamentalists to determine world
policy. In the Middle East clerics hold positions of political power and impose their particular interpretations of their holy books upon everyone
else in the country. The Catholic Church is repeating the errors of the Middle Ages by commanding its priests to withhold communion from those who
hold certain political views.
What really upset me is when Falwell & Co. used the tragedy of 9/11 to spread more hatred and division by condemning everyone except fundamentalist
Christians for what happened. At a time when the nation -- and the world -- was expressing unity and consolation, the Religious Right chose to fan
the flames. (Oh, and in case anyone missed it, he never did apologize to the pagans, though his nominal apology was so insincere it didn't really
count anyway.)
Are we starting to relive the worst parts of the Middle Ages, or is it backlash from all the Millennial fever? It's like people WANTED the world to
end, and are determined to make it happen anyway. I saw on the news that Israel had caught American Christians who were plotting to blow up the
Mosque around New Year's 2000, and now they're all salivating because the Temple wall is crumbling. There's another guy drilling for oil in the
Dead Sea because it's supposed to be another sign of the End Times. I've personally heard a fundamentalist preacher saying that it's ok the Earth,
oceans and skies are filling with poison, as Jesus is coming to give them a new world!
I remember reading in my Bible that it's actually forbidden to try and make prophecy come to pass. This would certainly include Revelations, IMHO.
So, by their own canon, those Christians trying to bring about Armageddon are damned in the eyes of their God.
It's sad, really. I'm pagan too, and while I abandoned mainstream religion after considerable research and soul-searching, I acknowledge it's not
my place to judge the validity of another's faith. However, it's impossible to overlook the expressions of hatred, intolerance and hostility
carried out every day by those who call themselves "saved" or "chosen". Islamic, Christian or otherwise, those who call for genocide, mass murder
or torture (as well as suppression of women's rights and the teaching/exchange of social & scientific information) are nothing but sociopathic
fanatics. They do more damage to their chosen faith than any unbeliever.