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Taking it to the next level… A&E is doing it, so will I!

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 10:46 AM

Taking it to the next level… A&E is doing it, so will I!

I am not the greatest researcher, or have the brightest mind out there, but there is a fine line between saying something, and doing it. I have taken a personal pledge to help local organizations for 9/11 truth meet their goals. (even if I am just tagging along most of the time) but its better than sitting behind a computer and doing nothing.

Basically, here I am, thinking ‘What can I do?’ but since I have been moderately active as of late I still feel that I am not doing enough. I am dissatisfied with the progress of the truth movement (EARLY ON). Took them a LONG while to get their things together; They had a LARGE boost VIA Architects & Engineers for 9/11. Without them however, the truth movement would be in a stall. So take note that without A&E right now, we wouldn’t be going anywhere.

To my point, what I am doing to get things done, or assist in any way I can is to start becoming a lot more politically active. 10x more than I am right now. I am taking up a non-profit volunteer job as a journalist for New Jersey We are change’s organization. (I get my press badge soon, yay!) and you know what those can get you… INTERVIEWS!!! (I flippin hope!)

I got my feet wet last week by tagging along with A&E when they went to visit the NJ senator’s. (they were not there, so they spoke with their staff) Thread Here But as I said in my opening line. I want to take things to the next level, become more politically active! Soon I will be trying to contact governor Christie, other local politicians, confront them on this 9/11 cover-up until they fold, and finally listen to the people. We just have to keep pushing, and let them know…

… Were not going to go away… Not for a long long long long time!

at least... that's my first step anyway.

*MODS* Move/delete/sanction/nuke this thread... if i posted this on the wrong section/district/planet.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:41 AM
So if all these people in power won't fold, and I can tell you right now that they won't becuase...

a) IF I'M RIGHT, your conspiracy stories are completely wrong and they're not going to waste time on your daydreams


b) IF YOU'RE RIGHT, your conspiracy claims are correct and the people in power are either domesticated puppets in the coverup, or will be immediately replaced with domesticated puppets if they show even an remote interest in exposing these conspiracies

...what are you going to do then?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by ugie1028

As you may well be aware, I am not exactly in your corner with regard to your beliefs about 9/11. However, that being said, good luck and try and be fair.

Another point - why not run for office? You would appear to have some time on your hands (the volunteer thing, I am not implying anything else) and that would get you media attention and force the media to cover the issue.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Good for you! I've been trying to find ways of my own to help spread the truth about many different subjects! (Most of them are on ATS
) Every person that helps out is one more person in the fight for good! I can't wait until the revolution takes place, where everyone is in the know!

Keep spreading the truth! Every person makes a difference. Soon we'll be the majority, then nothing can stop us!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by ugie1028

As you may well be aware, I am not exactly in your corner with regard to your beliefs about 9/11. However, that being said, good luck and try and be fair.

Another point - why not run for office? You would appear to have some time on your hands (the volunteer thing, I am not implying anything else) and that would get you media attention and force the media to cover the issue.

thanks for the vote of support! That is an idea that crossed my mind a few times. I am only 25, and I want to work from where i am at right now. If anything, i was eying the Jersey City mayor spot that's open in 2012/2013 and that's far off right now. If i would run, it would be for the green party, or as an independent.

As i said, right now, i am just focusing on being an activist, and an armature journalist. Hopefully I can do my part, and just assist in anyway i can in getting the family members unanswered questions answered; To find out what really happened on 9/11.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by ugie1028

As you may well be aware, I am not exactly in your corner with regard to your beliefs about 9/11. However, that being said, good luck and try and be fair.

Another point - why not run for office? You would appear to have some time on your hands (the volunteer thing, I am not implying anything else) and that would get you media attention and force the media to cover the issue.

thanks for the vote of support! That is an idea that crossed my mind a few times. I am only 25, and I want to work from where i am at right now. If anything, i was eying the Jersey City mayor spot that's open in 2012/2013 and that's far off right now. If i would run, it would be for the green party, or as an independent.

As i said, right now, i am just focusing on being an activist, and an armature journalist. Hopefully I can do my part, and just assist in anyway i can in getting the family members unanswered questions answered; To find out what really happened on 9/11.

Now, I didn't say I supported you, just like that you think doing something outside of internet forums is requried. And like I said, be fair and be ready to accept answers which may be counter to your established point of view.

Instead of trying to start at the top (govenor) which I don't think your going to be successful with, start on the ground - interview the firefighters and others that were there. Start with the "explosions" and the molten whatever it was. Get some people on record.

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