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A&E for 911 Truth Admit Press Conference Failure

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by ImAPepper

Heheheh! Mind control. Well, hey, the crackpot is consistent with his craziness, eh?

Whats next? HAARP caused taco bell to bomb the WTC's with double Decker's? geez. And one wonders WHY no respectable media bothered with such inane ramblings... "OHHHHHH! Wait! Remember Building 7! Godzilla KICKED that one down... lol.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:24 PM
"I have never made my position hidden- the reason for all these conspiracies floating around isn't becuase of any real evidence of any conspiracy. It's entirely due to these damned fool conspiracy web sites putting out rubbish in order to get people all paranoid over shadows, and I have shown and will continue to show as many examples of this as you'd like."

You don't need conspiracy websites for this. The Government and the media, which have massive reach compared to conspiracy sites, have the market cornered on fermenting paranoia (phony war on terror anyone?).

"How then are we to tell the difference between you (according to you) rationally thinking researchers and the Alex Jones whackos preaching that the gov't boogeyman is constantly plotting to murder us all?"

This may be difficult, but you may want to start by analyzing each person's viewpoints on an individual basis instead of lumping everyone who does not agree with you into the same group.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by ImAPepper

Originally posted by jprophet420

That's cute spin, however inaccurate.

If the failure was so bad, why do you have to try to make it look worse?

Hombre Verde much?

I'm telling it the way the AE website told it:

Feb 27, 2010
1,000 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth signatures press conference ignored by world media

In that article:

The silence, no doubt, had a lot to do with the breaking news on the same day that Andrew Stack III flew a plane into the Echelon 1 building in Austin. But zero coverage? Given that Stack may have been a mind control victim used as a stooge to paint patriots as whack jobs, the fact that no one in the world covered the AE911 press conference goes to show just how potent the ridicule element is as a deterrent.

You're not actually. You imply Gage said that or supports the statement in the OP. In fact it was a line from an article written by Sterling Allan for "The Examiner".

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:07 PM
Im sure most of you had a gander at Jessy ventura's episode which showed some of the steel girders from the 2 towers locked away in a hanger! and nobody's aloud in. no independent researcher has been able to gain access to look at the evidence more keenly! now why do you surpose that is?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 04:48 AM
It's obvious why the mainstream media are afraid to cover the press conference. If the American public knew the truth about 9/11 and the mainstream media admitted it, total chaos and anarchy would erupt. Ten million people would march on Washington demanding that the conspirators be turned over. It'd be anarchy. All hell would break loose. That's what they are afraid of.

You all gotta see the recent AE911Truth Press Conference in San Francisco. Man it is riveting and spellbinding! The energy in the room is incredible and you can feel it even through the video! It definitely looks like things are snowballing in their favor. You can sense in the conference that History is about to be made!

Here is the link to watch it on YouTube: (part 1 of 6)

And the Q&A session with reporters afterward:

In part 6 there is an incredible presentation and speech by a Firefighter. His resolve and passion for truth is so contagious that anyone who watches it will feel the same way as him!

Another milestone is that the MEDIA in the rest of the world is now starting to be supportive of the 9/11 Truth Movement and giving it positive coverage. But not the US mainstream media is still afraid to touch this issue, for obvious reasons. Only the media in the rest of the world, like Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia, are not afraid to cover it.

Unbiased serious coverage of AE911Truth on TV news in Canada:

Here is an article about the global media's change of attitude toward 9/11 Truth:

Now think about it. Would the global media give something positive coverage if it was BS and not backed by credible valid evidence? I don't think so. And would 1000+ architects and engineers with a combined professional experience of 25,000 years sign their name to something that was BS? I don't think so...

We all need to take this seriously now, since the movement is moving toward the right direction and about to lift barriers. Eventually the US mainstream media will have to take notice too. So send the links to the press conference to everyone you know!


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by ImAPepper

We don't need a press conference either. I think we as humans need to stop pretending that we wear suits and other expensive valuables, and just point fingers and scream and yell and say "Hey, a$$h@le, what you did was wrong and we are gonna burn you for it." For real though. We need the medias attention, we need press conferences. no we need a good old fashion street fight. absolute bogus. all the bs i've been hearing and sometimes saying the last 9 years. I'm not saying shoot people. I'm saying, we have a problem with an individual. You get a lot of people, you call the local police, and you tell them your going to that person and you want justice. that'll get your media.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by ImAPepper

Nice stuff Richard! You admit failure on your website... and blame in on mind control.

So your saying Richard personally wrote/said 'failure' and blamed 'it' on 'mind control'?

The medias avoidance is easy to explain, as many have done already. My favorite posts here were from CT slayer.

Doesn't matter anymore whether there were explosives or not, probably not going to be a new investigation.

But the truth will emerge slowly and the resistance to the truth will mirror it's rise.

The question now is what kind of revolution will me and my countrymen see?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:11 PM
You may be interested to know that whilst AE911T may have failed to get the attention of the MSM, when that Pastor was on the news earlier about burning the Koran, a billboard saying the WTC was a controlled demolition managed to clearly be viewed for a total of 90 seconds on national TV.

In subsequent bulletins however, they managed to avoid showing the clip with the billboard.

It did get a bit of coverage at least.

edit on 9-9-2010 by mirageofdeceit because: typos

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by mirageofdeceit

first LOL at the OP for getting banned.

second from what you stated this also shows that MSM is totally controlled and don't want people to know the truth. The world is full of lies and deceit.

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