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The U.K. and Argentina Falkland Islands Crisis and the use of HAARP in the Chilean Quake

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:05 PM
When I heard about the Chilean earthquake, the first thing I thought of were the events happening right now, this week, concerning the very escalated and dangerous dispute between Argentina and the U.K. over the Falkland Islands. I wondered if they were related.

This could have been the reason for the Chilean earthquake or, on the other hand, it could have just been a natural disaster and a huge coincidence. I can assure you, we will never know. Nevertheless, interesting to think about. You decide.

What if HAARP (or similar technology) was used to trigger the Chilean earthquake in an attempt to distract Latin America from the Falkland Islands? The first question is WHY the Falklands and the second is WHY NOW? The answer to the first question is OIL (of course,
). The answer to the second, is the fact that there is a tremendous amount of turmoil and talk of WAR going on right now related to the U.K.’s claim to the islands and (of course) the OIL.

Argentina claims the islands too. “The waters surrounding the disputed islands are considered by the UK as part of the British Overseas Territories but Buenos Aires believes the UK is illegally occupying the Falklands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.” The British continue to be limited by Argentina over this issue claiming it a "continuing irritation for us”.

But, this week it became much more serious than it had been. The Argentine government imposed a decree requiring all vessels travelling between Argentina and the islands, or those that want to cross Argentine territorial waters en route to the Falklands, to seek prior permission. And, of course, Argentina has a different definition of Argentine “territorial waters” than the U.K. does. A British oil rig arrived this week to begin drilling.

The whole of Latin America is now up in arms over British claims to the Falklands. The U.S., on Thursday, was keeping publicly neutral in the situation but yesterday’s news (February 26, 2010) that Latin America had formed the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELC) that specifically excluded the U.S. and Canada putting it into “direct competition with the Organization of American States (OAS), established in 1948, over which the US holds decisive authority.”, has surely illustrated the private stance of the U.S. on this issue, and the U.S. government has to be infuriated by this. Britian has substantially increased security on the islands and appears to be bracing for war.

All the while, the previously lacking popularity of Argentina’s President Kirschner has jumped as the Argentine population understands that discovering oil in the Falklands would mean an answer to their problems and they don’t want the British finding it.

A very large earthquake in the very near vicinity of Argentina, actually next door, would definitely distract the population of Argentina and the whole of Latin America from this issue just long enough to de-escalate the situation, don’t you think?

Let’s look at where the Falklands are in relation to Chile and Argentina. Notice, that the islands are perfectly protected from any tsunami that may be triggered by an EQ in Chile.


News articles in chronological order. I snipped portions and put them into paragraphs to limit the space they took, but tried not to alter the intent of the articles.

Monday, 18 January 2010
Minister rejects Argentina's latest Falklands claim

Mr Bryant said the Foreign Office had delivered a "note verbale" to the Argentine charge d'affaires in London to outline UK rejection of the claim. It insisted that the Falklands, along with South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands and the British Antarctic Territory, all remained firmly under UK sovereignty. Shadow foreign minister David Lidington added that the Conservatives would "condemn attempts by any foreign governments to assert otherwise". In March 2009, Gordon Brown rejected calls from Argentina for talks over the future sovereignty of the Falklands. He turned down the request for discussions at a meeting with the country's president, Cristina Fernandez.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Argentina toughens shipping rules in Falklands oil row

Argentina has announced new controls on ships passing through its waters to the Falkland Islands in a growing dispute over British oil drilling plans. Buenos Aires claims sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, which it calls Islas Malvinas. It has previously threatened that any company exploring for oil and gas in the waters around the territory will not be allowed to operate in Argentina. On Tuesday, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez signed a decree requiring all vessels travelling between Argentina and the islands, or those that want to cross Argentine territorial waters en route to the Falklands, to seek prior permission.

Last week, a ship carrying drilling equipment was detained by Argentine officials. But a drilling rig from the Scottish highlands, the Ocean Guardian, is nearing the islands and due to start drilling next week, the UK-based company Desire Petroleum has said.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Oil drilling off Falkland Islands 'next week'

A rig being towed to the Falkland Islands from Scotland should start drilling for oil and gas from next week, a company involved has said. AGR Petroleum Services, another company involved in the project, will use the rig during a £2m oil and gas exploration project in the North Falklands Basin. Argentina has said a permit will be needed by ships using Argentine waters en route to the Falklands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - which are all UK controlled. The UK Foreign Office said the Falkland Islands' waters were controlled by its authorities and would not be affected. Argentina has protested to the UK about oil exploration.

Buenos Aires claims sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, which it calls Islas Malvinas.

Remember, that the Argentine President, Cristing Kirchrner is not very popular in Argentina and has found the means to propel her popularity. The issue of the Falkland Islands Argentinean sovereignty is very, very important to Argentineans.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Falklands diplomatic offensive puts UK on back foot

The higher profile the Argentine government has recently managed to give the Falklands/Malvinas dispute reflects the greater support Buenos Aires has over the issue these days. Following backing for Argentina's claim by the Rio Group of Latin American countries, the matter is being raised by Argentina's foreign minister with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Despite dismissing it as another round of grandstanding that will lead nowhere, the British government is having to work harder than usual diplomatically to justify its refusal to discuss sovereignty.

President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner told the Rio Group meeting in Mexico that the British Foreign Office had "stirred up the spectre of a threat of war from the Argentine Republic". So, one can rule out an armed conflict, despite the warning of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez that if it came to one, Argentina would not be alone this time.

February 25, 2010
US refuses to endorse British sovereignty in Falklands oil dispute

“We are aware not only of the current situation but also of the history, but our position remains one of neutrality,” a State Department spokesman told The Times. “The US recognises de facto UK administration of the islands but takes no position on the sovereignty claims of either party.” The Obama Administration “is trying to split the difference as much as it can because it knows that coming round to the British position would again create a lot of ill will in the region”, he said.

Britain has boosted the islands’ defences since the conflict, Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope, the First Sea Lord, said last night. “We have built a massive runway. We have emplaced forces on the ground, we have sophisticated early warning systems. It is a different package. To compare the way we dealt with the issues in 1982 with today is nonsense,” he said.

[edit on 27/2/2010 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:08 PM
FEBRUARY 26, 2010
Falklands Oil Hunt Riles Argentines

For many Argentines, word this week that British exploration companies had begun oil-drilling operations in South Atlantic waters off the Falkland Islands was like rubbing salt in an old wound. Argentina's leftist President Cristina Kirchner has denounced Britain before the U.N. and other international forums, and diplomatic tensions between the two countries have risen to perhaps the highest level in the three decades since the war.

An October 2009 poll by Ibarometro consultancy found that about 80% of respondents thought Argentina's claim on the islands was important. "This is one of very few issues upon which Argentines are united," said Doris Capurro, Ibarometro's president, citing the national soccer team as another symbol of unity.

But only 3% of respondents thought the islands, known here as the Malvinas, would be worth going to war over again. Moreover, the islands don't rank anywhere near the most pressing national issues, such as unemployment, poverty and crime, Ms. Capurro says.

That's why, despite some small protests by leftist groups over the Falklands drilling, it hasn't been a burning issue for most Argentines.

Of course, if British exploration companies discover large oil deposits, that would surely increase resentment among Argentines. There is also the chance that the dispute could escalate, prompted by some unanticipated encounter between Argentine and British forces on the high seas.

"There aren't many topics where a majority of Argentines agree with her, and this is one of them,"
said Mark P. Jones, a political scientist at Rice University.

Then, this past Wednesday, it became much harder for the U.K. to ignore. And, as expected, Chavez is now running his mouth about it. But, it seems the whole of Latin America is behind President Kirchner now. It is no longer Argentina vs. the U.K. but Latin America vs. the U.K.

February 26, 2010
South America to create new EU-type bloc to defy US

Going under the provisional name the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELC), the newly announced body specifically excluded the United States and Canada from membership, and intends to consolidate the sometimes tenuous solidarity among the Central and South American states. The exclusion of the two North American powerhouses puts the nascent organization in direct competition with the Organization of American States (OAS), established in 1948, over which the US holds decisive authority.

The declaration is clearly a statement of South America's new self-assertion, and comes in the wake of provocative times, as fellow Rio Group states rallied around Argentina in its current dispute with Britain over oil-drilling rights off the Falkland Islands.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:12 PM

And perhaps the tectonic plates that have been shifting since the world was formed are simply shifting again?

I realise this is a conspiracy site but sometimes I wonder how desparate people really are not to live a positive life.


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:14 PM
You forgot to mention that the Argentine Gov has appointed Barclays (a British Bank) to sort out $63bn in debts...

They appoint a Bank that has a share of the Falklands oil..

So why appoint a Bank of a touted enemy nation?
Are there not enough banks in the world to chose from?...

Hmmmm, does that not smell funny to you...

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by The Wave

I'm sorry you couldn't at least find it interesting to think about. That's why I posted it in the first place. Did you even read it?

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
This could have been the reason for the Chilean earthquake or, on the other hand, it could have just been a natural disaster and a huge coincidence. I can assure you, we will never know. Nevertheless, interesting to think about. You decide.

And, was it your intent to disparage me personally? Because this comment could be taken to imply that you think I am a desperate person without a positive life.

Originally posted by The Wave
I realise this is a conspiracy site but sometimes I wonder how desparate people really are not to live a positive life.

I'm hoping not...

[edit on 27/2/2010 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
You forgot to mention that the Argentine Gov has appointed Barclays (a British Bank) to sort out $63bn in debts...

They appoint a Bank that has a share of the Falklands oil..

So why appoint a Bank of a touted enemy nation?
Are there not enough banks in the world to chose from?...

Hmmmm, does that not smell funny to you...

Ah, I didn't know that. Yes, it does smell funny... I'll have to investigate that one.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:27 PM
Chile is in a Heavy EQ zone, thats why they build their structures to handle

a little "shake" now and then.

HAARP couldn't pop a bag of Popcorn, so relax freind.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
You forgot to mention that the Argentine Gov has appointed Barclays (a British Bank) to sort out $63bn in debts...

They appoint a Bank that has a share of the Falklands oil..

So why appoint a Bank of a touted enemy nation?
Are there not enough banks in the world to chose from?...

Hmmmm, does that not smell funny to you...

Ah, I didn't know that. Yes, it does smell funny... I'll have to investigate that one.

To be honest I see the whole things as a bit of collusion between to unpopular leaders..

Tho banking wise, the one nation in the world Argentine has any leavage over getting financial help to sort out their debt issues is Britain with the issue of the Falklands..

anyway here is a link that defines the situation a little more, including criminal proceedings against the Ministry of Economy over the issue..

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman


I read it. Along with the other 15 or so threads all conjecturing on something that is quite natural with people acting like jackals at an accident scene.

And as for HAARP? For sure - apaprently it creates anything and evrything. Pretty innaccurate if it hits the wrong ocean and country????


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Chile is in a Heavy EQ zone, thats why they build their structures to handle

a little "shake" now and then.

HAARP couldn't pop a bag of Popcorn, so relax freind.

Pure disinfo or lies.

The ammount of electricity used by haarp is enough to make a serious dent in the Ionisphere.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Firstly even if you subscribe to the HARRP being able to cause earthquakes theory, the UK does not have harp technology.

Econdly even if they did it is remote that we would use it against chilie, who is classed as an ally now and was during the war with argentina. Chilie provided the UK with crucial supply lines and access to their military airfields during the conflict

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by The Wave
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman


I read it. Along with the other 15 or so threads all conjecturing on something that is quite natural with people acting like jackals at an accident scene.

And as for HAARP? For sure - apaprently it creates anything and evrything. Pretty innaccurate if it hits the wrong ocean and country????


What? I honestly don't get why you're so upset with this thread. Why is postulating alternative theories "acting like jackals at an accident scene"? Seriously, you need to lighten up a bit.

As for you comment about hitting the wrong country and ocean, apparently you DIDN'T read as you claim - because if you had you would have realized that the fact it hit next door to Argentina and not in Argentina and the fact that the Falklands are completely shielded was part my theory. If you're going to hate on me for posting a different possibility then at least try to comprehend what the thread is about.

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
Let’s look at where the Falklands are in relation to Chile and Argentina. Notice, that the islands are perfectly protected from any tsunami that may be triggered by an EQ in Chile.

And, as a matter of fact, I did say "HAARP or similar technology". The whole point of the thread was that there is certainly motive for doing so. You can't see the motive? You can't even consider the possibility?

In giving you the benefit of the doubt as to your intelligence, I have to default to the conclusion that you DID NOT read the thread.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by blackrabbit1
Firstly even if you subscribe to the HARRP being able to cause earthquakes theory, the UK does not have harp technology.

Econdly even if they did it is remote that we would use it against chilie, who is classed as an ally now and was during the war with argentina. Chilie provided the UK with crucial supply lines and access to their military airfields during the conflict

Yes, the UK doesn't have a HAARP facility but that was the reason I brought the U.S. into it. Because the U.S. DOES have HAARP technology.

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
The whole of Latin America is now up in arms over British claims to the Falklands. The U.S., on Thursday, was keeping publicly neutral in the situation but yesterday’s news (February 26, 2010) that Latin America had formed the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELC) that specifically excluded the U.S. and Canada putting it into “direct competition with the Organization of American States (OAS), established in 1948, over which the US holds decisive authority.”, has surely illustrated the private stance of the U.S. on this issue, and the U.S. government has to be infuriated by this. Britian has substantially increased security on the islands and appears to be bracing for war.

As far as Chile / U.K. relations, you are correct that, in the 1982 war, Chile was an ally to Britain but that was when Margaret Thatcher was PM. In fact, the former Chilean President, Pinochet was arrested and indicted on several counts in 1998 in Britain and was only allowed to go home in 2000 because of a public relations battle instituted by a former Thatcherite (can't remember his name). After his arrest, Chile wouldn't allow the U.K. to use their infrastructure (airports, etc).

My whole point is that relations between Chile and the U.K. have been on the chilly side since the war and since Thatcher's time as PM.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:45 PM
I find the information very interesting, as soon as the EQ happened it reverted straight away to the situation with argentine. Although Chile is a hot spot, it's interesting to think about and therefore do not believe this should be de bunked when his only giving some interest sights star & flag

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:03 PM
I live in chile

This is a seismic country from ages.

almost exactly 25 years ago we had an earthquake
and 50 years ago we had one of the biggest

Chile , since pinochet dictatorship has become a non threat nation to TPTB.
Our relation with USA cant be better.

Sorry guys but i think HAARP here is too far fetched

In chile quakes ain't rare

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