posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by zlastonetoknow
The answer to your question is very simple. The USGS only automaticaly posts quakes greater than 2.5, which are then reviewed by a seismologist since
the computer generated ones are usually wrong to some degree.
Anything less than that is only listed after it is reviewed by a human, which happens mon-fri during normal business hours. There are literally
hundreds, often over a thousand quakes a day in this range around the world, so you could easily understand why it might take awhile before it is
(Edited to add clarification on whom I am addressing.) To the OP:
Do I think that the world governments might try to hold back some info if they thought there was a planet killer erruption coming to avoid mass panic?
Perhaps....but it would be very hard to do. Do I think that the USGS is currently keeping info intentionally from the public? No...there are many
of us on this board following quakes daily. Not just by looking at the USGS lists, but by monitoring live-feed seismographs of various regions. It
would be impossible to keep this from the public unless there was a world-wide black-out of all monitoring systems, and that would be fairly obvious
that something was up. Not to mention eye-witness reports on the ground.
Please try not to spread fear-mongering about Yellowstone. It is a beautiful work of nature that needs close monitoring and a whole lotta respect,
but to say it's going to blow at any minute....well, there is simply no indication of that.
[edit on 1-3-2010 by westcoast]