posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by illece
Yes, colic can be "inherited". While it's not really a genetic thing, if one of the parents was a colicky baby, there is a good chance that the
baby will be too.
One thing to do to alleviate the problem is to hold the baby differently. The best way is to hold the baby on your forearm, like a football, with his
head in your hand and his stomach on your forearm. This puts pressure on the baby's stomach, and calms them down. (My ten month old loved it when
he was a newborn!)
I don't know where you're at, but here in Germany, they have these little things, they're called "sepchen", that you put into a baby's butt when
they're having some sort of pain. Normally, it makes it go away for a little bit. I'm sure that they have something similar wherever you're
There are other things that we did when our baby had colic. I don't remember what they are though! I'll ask my wife when she wakes up from her nap
and get back to you!